chapter 27

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|a look that flashes brilliance!|

both me and inosuke are freaking out at the side of this thing I know i'm supposed to be above this but still how can I zenitsu starts trying to explain it to us but me tanjiro and inosuke don'ty really get it

while I wanna stay far away from it inosuke wants to attack it and tanjiro is trying to get inosuke not to attack it"pig assault!"with that inosuke slams his head into the side of the thing and I cling to tanjiro this thing is definetly gonna eat us now!

soon we spot cops!"what are you guys doing ah they have swords police police call the police!"I stop clinging to tanjiro as we all start freaking out"crap crap crap crap!""run for it!"as we are running I stick my tounge out at the cops"you'll never take us alive coppers!"

after finally escaping zenitsu explains for us"we demon slayers are part of an organization that isn't officially recognized by the government we really can't walk around while having our swords out in the open even if you talk about demon and the like they won't believe you for the most part so walking around with swords would cause chaos...."I nod finally understanding it now

we all board the train to find flame guy when we suddenly here a bunch of loud shouts wait a second I know those shouts anywhere it's flame guy!"umai!" "umai!" "umai!" "umai!" I lead them all to where the shouts are coming from

there eating some bento's is the one and only flame guy! we all stop right next to him only for him to shout umai right into our faces as zenitsu whispers to tanjiro"that guy is the flame hashira?"tanjiro just replies with a curt"yup." "but isn't he just some glutton?" "yup...."

"uh excuse me rengoku-san-"I inturupt tanjiro mid-sentance as I smile"flame guy it's you!"he turns his head giving me one of his signature smiles"if it isn't y/n and the Kamado boy long time no see!"

soon enough the greetings where over as we all take our seats and the maids clean up flame guys now empty bentos while tanjiro asks about hinokami kagura i'm just focused on that new wind stlye rasenshuriken jutsu there is a wind hashira so maybe I should ask him some tips for my training once the mission is over!

soon flame guy agrees to train tanjiro once we get back from this mission as inosuke hangs from the window as he smiles at how fast the train is going zenitsu then starts freaking out once flame guy mentions there are demons on the train as I look out the window happily before the conducter comes out and as he walks by people seem to fall asleep

"I will....look at your tickets now..."I feel something bad looming over us as tanjiro seems to feel it too flame guy suddenly gets up as he walks past the conducter who I just give a nasty look I have a feeling this conducter guy is planning something

suddenly a demon appears out of nowhere as flame guy unsheathed his sword as he questions the demon before smiling"however if you barely your fangs at the innocent the flame of the rengoku family will burn you down to the bone breath of flames first form: sea of flames!"

with that he rushes towards the demon beheading it in an instant as I watch on in awe I knew flame guy was cool but not this cool! soon everybody starts begging him to be their mentor as he agrees I would be begging too but I already have gyomei-sensei we all suddenly start to feel drowsey as I slump in my seat as my eyes slowly close.

(nobody's p.o.v)

"being able to die while dreaming is a blessing..."


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