chapter 41

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{air hole}

i sit within the cave the demon sucked me into obi belts wrapped around me like a cacoon sucking all my chakra out as i struggle while an obi belt that seems to be alive watches me struggle silently i suddenly hear the ground above us quake before inosuke pops out

"haha headlong rush no one can stop me!" i let out muffled sounds as the obi belts tighten around me more he looks around before the demon obi thing yells out"what are you doing here why have yopu come into my pantry un-clean ugly dirty...stinking..pig!"

eventually they both start fighting as i struggle to rewach and move for my sheathed sword inosuke soon notices me and finally cuts me free! i fall to the ground gasping for air and regathering chakra with my breathing i suddenly feel more rumblin...

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eventually they both start fighting as i struggle to rewach and move for my sheathed sword inosuke soon notices me and finally cuts me free! i fall to the ground gasping for air and regathering chakra with my breathing i suddenly feel more rumbling and the demon i sense the main demon!"inosuke you can handle the demon i gotta go!" he nods before going to save the girls in the obi's while i manage to squeeze myself into the small  hole he crawled through 

i breathe a little before crawling up as fast as possible and appearing within one of the houses i quickly burst through the ceiling no thanks to the kimono"ugh this is getting annoying stupid dumb kimono!"i unsheathe my sword before cutting the kimono slightly so my legs can stretch and then begin running i've gotta help tanjiro and i know just how.

(nobody p.o.v)

the sound of metal clanking and cloth lashing against that metal an obi belt comes flying through the air and stabs into the demons neck as her head snaps to the side 

the sound of metal clanking and cloth lashing against that metal an obi belt comes flying through the air and stabs into the demons neck as her head snaps to the side 

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tanjiro tries to hit the demoness but she dissapears and a voice comes from above on a building"i knew it a hashira has finally come!"

tanjiro tries to hit the demoness but she dissapears and a voice comes from above on a building"i knew it a hashira has finally come!"

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"his lord ship will be so pleased!"

then suddenly a man comes out of his shop yelling at everyone when the demon suddenly stands"how rude!" tanjiro yells as the demon gives the man a death glare obi belts rising to cut the entire place apart when an ear splitting sound is heard and ...

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then suddenly a man comes out of his shop yelling at everyone when the demon suddenly stands"how rude!" tanjiro yells as the demon gives the man a death glare obi belts rising to cut the entire place apart when an ear splitting sound is heard and it starts to get closer when a gaigantic shuriken with a glowing orb in the middle of it flying through the air as a bunch of clones run behind it

"y/n has arrived ya know!" the demon has no chance to dodge before her head is cut clean off followed by an ear splitting screech from her when the orb in the middle explodes the clones already begining to escort the civillians out of the blast radius some go willingly being carried on the clones backs as they jump house to house while others are taken with a little more force as the demon explodes the original lands next to tanjiro who looks extremely grateful having prevented all those lives from being lost.

(your p.o.v)

i stand next to tanjiro as the shuriken explodes having finally pulled off the wind stlye-rashen shuriken and managing to throw it"tanjiro i have clones all inside the district and evacuating the civillians and all we need to do is sever that demons head and-"


{new charater unlocked! daki}

author note: hello everyone i'm finally back updating sorry for just dissapearing for months but i was away for my aunt's wedding so i'll make sure to try and update daily and make up for the time i've lost

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author note: hello everyone i'm finally back updating sorry for just dissapearing for months but i was away for my aunt's wedding so i'll make sure to try and update daily and make up for the time i've lost.

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