chapter 31

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Dongling was also somewhat stunned.
Dongling hadn't expected that his mere question about the ointment would lead to Master Tao lecturing about focus and attention.
As the Crown Prince, if Lu Jingzhuo were really injured, would Master Tao be able to bear the responsibility for delaying his treatment?
However, despite his thoughts, Dongling dared not confront Master Tao.
Master Tao, the Minister of Personnel and also appointed as the Crown Prince's Tutor by Emperor Jianxing, had been given authority by the emperor to discipline the Crown Prince if he was inattentive during lessons.
The term "at his discretion" had multiple interpretations. Regardless of how others understood it, Master Tao certainly took it literally, hence his boldness in speaking up.
Dongling said in a low voice, "It's all my fault, Your Highness is not to blame."
Seeing him taking the blame, Lu Jingzhuo inwardly felt ashamed.
He had always been focused and diligent in his studies, often praised by the instructors at Chunhui Pavilion. He never expected to be reprimanded because of a momentary distraction over Chu Yin.
Of course, he didn't think he had made a grave mistake. Chu Yin was his wife, and his concern for her was natural. However, he regretted getting distracted and impulsively sending Dongling for the ointment.
Lu Jingzhuo sincerely admitted, "I was distracted. I apologize to Master Tao."
Admitting his mistake without pride, the Crown Prince's attitude was commendable. Master Tao, satisfied internally, said mildly, "Do not let it happen again." However, as a lecturer, he was well aware of the Crown Prince's character, finding the situation somewhat unusual.
If it were matters of state, a slight distraction from the Crown Prince might be understandable. But the fact that he passed a note to a servant, causing a fuss, indicated it wasn't a serious matter.
Master Tao genuinely couldn't fathom the reason behind it.
Listening to Master Tao resume his lecture, Dongling didn't dare speak further, repeatedly examining the xuan paper and surreptitiously glancing at Lu Jingzhuo, trying to discern any signs of injury.
Lu Jingzhuo, however, was fully concentrated, no longer thinking about Chu Yin.
It wasn't until the end of the class, around the hour of you, that he instructed Dongling to go to the Imperial Medical Bureau for the ointment.
Dongling, having been concerned for over an hour, hurriedly asked, "Are you sure you're not injured? If not, why do you need the ointment?"
Was there a need to hide his injury? But as the ointment was for Chu Yin, Lu Jingzhuo didn't want to disclose it, giving Dongling a cold glance.
Sensing his impatience, Dongling quickly shut up and headed to the Imperial Medical Bureau.
Just as Lu Jingzhuo left Chunhui Pavilion, he saw a eunuch from Qianqing Palace running towards him, sweating profusely.
"Your Highness, the Emperor summons you."
Being summoned at this hour surely meant an important matter.
Could it be related to the shipbuilding affairs he had inquired about earlier, perhaps an order to oversee the construction of transport ships? Or maybe it pertained to the restoration of the trade posts...
As the Crown Prince, he must stay abreast of significant national matters, even if the Emperor didn't inquire, he needed to be thoroughly informed.
Lu Jingzhuo took a carriage to Qianqing Palace.
The aroma of dishes wafted from the palace, indicating the Emperor was having his evening meal.
As expected, upon entering, he heard a commanding voice instruct He Zhong, "Add another pair of chopsticks and a bowl."
The attendants bustled about.
Emperor Jianxing pointed to a chair, "Sit down."
"Yes," Lu Jingzhuo responded.
Surprisingly, the second thing the Emperor mentioned was about Chu Yin, "Ah Yin asked me for an imperial horse yesterday... I remember her being physically weak. Can she really learn horse riding?" He had previously heard she was practicing some form of qigong.
He doubted she could learn it; it was Chu Yin's insistence, even hiring a court lady to teach her after his refusal.
Lu Jingzhuo replied, "She seems quite curious about horse riding."
Emperor Jianxing laughed heartily, "Is that so? Curiosity alone won't suffice for learning horse riding," he picked up a piece of braised lamb, "but if she can master even a fraction of your skills, that's enough. She can join us on future hunts." His other daughter-in-law, from a military family, could ride but had been causing some trouble lately, deserving a lesson.
Unsure whether Chu Yin would enjoy such hunting scenes, Lu Jingzhuo remained non-committal.
For a moment, only the Emperor's chewing was audible.
The conversation halted there, leaving silence.
Emperor Jianxing lifted his cup of wine.
His relationship with his eldest son had always been atypical, and he knew precisely the root of this unusualness.
Jiang Zhi.
His wife did love him, but her affection made her a failed wife and mother. He vividly remembered the day Jiang Zhi attempted suicide, his eldest son tearfully searching for him, only to find him indulging in pleasures with another woman.
After that incident, he thought his eldest son would hate him.
But strangely, there was no hatred, nor was there love.
The child gradually grew into an extremely calm individual, increasingly suitable as a Crown Prince.
Emperor Jianxing slowly finished his wine, "I am thinking of assigning you to oversee the locust plague control... Although Minister Yi is capable, he's new to the capital and managing the agricultural affairs of six large counties. I fear it might be too much for him, and with his nature, he might offend others unknowingly," he stood and paced the hall, "In my three years on the throne, the locust crisis has only worsened. I feel I have failed the people. I cannot allow this effort to fail. Do you understand?"
Meeting his father's resolute gaze, Lu Jingzhuo also stood, "I understand, father. I will do my utmost to assist Minister Yi in this matter."
Changing "overseeing" to "assisting" indicated his respect for talent.
Emperor Jianxing nodded, "Prepare well in these days, study some agricultural texts. Depart after the Double Ninth Festival... And yes, take Ah Yin and Jingchen with you. As the elder brother, you should set an example for him."
Lu Jingzhuo, though surprised, didn't show it, "Yes, father. I will follow your command."
Apart from engaging well in political discussions, the father and son duo lacked interest in anything else when together. Emperor Jianxing waved him off, "Alright, you may go now."
"Yes, father. I shall not disturb your meal." Lu Jingzhuo took his leave.
Sitting in the carriage, Lu Jingzhuo contemplated in silence.
He understood taking his younger brother, as their father favored him, but taking Chu Yin...
It wasn't that it was impossible.
He just didn't quite grasp his father's thinking.
Was it all because Chu Yin recommended Minister Yi?
It could only mean that his father placed too much trust in Minister Yi, almost a risky bet, pinning all hopes on him. What if... He rubbed his temples, contemplating his father's insistence on success. But in this world, how could one be certain of success before even starting?
He could only do his best.
Dongling had already obtained the Li'an ointment from the Imperial Medical Bureau.
Upon seeing Lu Jingzhuo, he handed over the ointment.
Lu Jingzhuo tucked it into his sleeve.
Chu Yin, having ridden horses and worked up a sweat, had just finished bathing and was resting on the couch.
Truth be told, she felt half-dead.
It was her own stubbornness. Yesterday, she had requested a fine horse from her father-in-law, enthusiastically aspiring to learn horse riding from Yu Sizhang. After just one round, she felt exhausted, but stopping then would seem weak and damage her pride. Thus, Chu Yin pushed herself for two more rounds.
Yu Sizhang probably noticed her struggle and suggested they continue another day.
Now, Chu Yin's waist and legs ached terribly, and she was almost asleep.
Just then, Lu Jingzhuo returned.
She quickly stood up, maintaining her dignified demeanor as the Crown Princess.
Initially, before she could ask Lu Jingzhuo to teach her, he had declared it unsuitable for her, using it as a reason to refuse. If she showed discomfort now, it would only confirm his approach.
He would think his previous decision was entirely correct, that he shouldn't have taught her.
Enduring her discomfort, Chu Yin welcomed him into the palace.
Seeing she was not in her riding outfit, Lu Jingzhuo guessed she had bathed. His gaze lingered on her for a while.
Instead of washing his hands to prepare for dinner upon returning home, he just stood there, staring at her.
Chu Yin felt a bit self-conscious under his gaze and preemptively instructed the maids to serve the meal, "I heard you went to Qianqing Palace, Your Highness. You must be hungry, right?" If he had dined there, he wouldn't have returned at this hour.
Lu Jingzhuo, however, didn't let her off easily, "How did your horse riding lesson go?"
Chu Yin straightened her back slightly, "Very well. Yu Sizhang taught me personally and was very attentive. I can already ride a round without anyone's help."
Lu Jingzhuo's fingers brushed the ointment in his sleeve, then took another glance at her before turning away.
Once seated, Chu Yin asked, "What did the Emperor want with you at the palace?"
She was genuinely curious.
Lu Jingzhuo replied, "To oversee the locust plague control... The Emperor wants me to take you along."
Chu Yin's heart leaped with joy.
Besides contributing her part, the opportunity to travel with Lu Jingzhuo was a delightful prospect for her. Her lips curled slightly, "Actually, the Emperor mentioned it to me on the way to Wenshu Temple."
Lu Jingzhuo paused in his actions, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It wasn't confirmed yet, and I feared the Emperor might change his mind, so I didn't mention it... Did the Emperor say when we should leave?"
"After the Double Ninth Festival."
"That's appropriate. We need to worship ancestors on Double Ninth," Chu Yin scooped a spoonful of bass soup, "How long do you estimate the trip will take, Your Highness?"
"It's hard to say, perhaps a month if all goes well."
Unless they encounter any challenging issues.
Chu Yin mused, "With Your Highness leading the task, I believe officials won't dare to tamper. However, the common people... they might not trust Minister Yi. If his methods displease them, implementation will be challenging."
Lu Jingzhuo's eyes flickered; she had hit the nail on the head.
"I will prepare in advance."
Chu Yin set down her silver spoon, almost complimenting him with "There's nothing Your Highness can't handle," but swallowed the words before speaking.
That would be overdoing the flattery!
He wasn't a deity, capable of achieving everything. Her praise sounded like something a smitten young girl would say, hardly different from coquettish behavior.
"With Your Highness's foresight, I'm sure the effort will be doubly effective."
Lu Jingzhuo, having finished his meal, wiped his lips and glanced at her composed expression, "I appreciate your good wishes."
Chu Yin: "..."
Shortly after, the maids began to clear away the dishes.
As soon as Lu Jingzhuo left, Chu Yin lay back down on the couch, calling for Lianqiao and Rendong to massage her shoulders and legs.
But the more they massaged, the more it hurt.
She decided to rest early instead.
Chu Yin, having already bathed, headed to the bedroom.
Unexpectedly, not long after lying down, Lu Jingzhuo appeared.
What was happening?
He never came to sleep so early.
Chu Yin's heart skipped a beat.
Since she had denied him due to her horse riding practice yesterday, affecting his plan to conceive, could he be planning to consummate their marriage now?
That would be disastrous.
Her entire body was aching!

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