chapter 50

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The wife sitting on his lap suddenly shifted, fluttering her eyelashes twice, "We don't need to talk about this, do we?"
It was she who brought up Judge Liu, and now he was curious why they hadn't conceived.
"Aren't you questioning Judge Liu?" he asked.
Chu Yin replied, "It's not exactly doubt, I just..."
Noticing her blushing, Lu Jingzhuo suddenly realized she was shy and hence reluctant to discuss further.
But he had only mentioned the position, nothing more.
"We might need to consider it in the future," he explained.
Even if that were true, she wished he wouldn't be so blunt about it. Chu Yin wondered how he managed to remain so composed.
"I believe it's best to let nature take its course, rather than relying on Judge Liu's methods."
"But you have not conceived," his grip tightened around her waist, Lu Jingzhuo said, "You know well how much effort I put in during that time. If we truly want a child, leaving it to nature might not suffice."
The vivid memory of both sweating in bed during the hot summer days flashed before them.
Chu Yin fell silent for a moment.
In her previous life, such a situation might have been unchangeable, so all his efforts were in vain.
"This doesn't prove that Judge Liu's methods are effective."
"We can prove it by trying more."
"..." Chu Yin felt a bit apprehensive upon hearing this. She really didn't want to exhaust herself in extreme hot or cold weather, hastily adding, "Has Your Highness forgotten about that previous misunderstanding?"
She didn't want children, and neither did he, so there was no need to try now.
Lu Jingzhuo: "..."
After a pause, he said, "Let's wait for the future. When you want children, tell me."
The carriage stopped at the Eastern Palace, and he carried her out.
Fortunately, her thicker dress of the season didn't soil Lu Jingzhuo's robe. Chu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, "Please go to Chunhui Pavilion, Your Highness."
Her cheeks remained flushed, pink and lively, unlike her usual paleness during her menstrual period.
Lu Jingzhuo glanced at her and then turned to leave.
Empress Dowager Jiang, hearing that her son had carried his wife, thought something was amiss, but after inquiring, she learned it was due to Chu Yin's menstruation and smiled, instructing Xiaodou and Qiniang to take the children back in another carriage.
Princess Baocheng clicked her tongue twice, "Jingzhuo was really discreet before. I never realized he was such a considerate man..." She turned to Madame Yao, "He's almost as attentive as my cousin's husband."
Her cousin's husband was extremely kind to her cousin, and they lived sweet, honeyed days together.
Madame Yao didn't deny it, as she came here for her own husband.
After bidding farewell to Empress Dowager Jiang, just as they settled into the carriage, Madame Yao clasped her hands and said solemnly with a hint of apology, "Cousin, I actually came to the capital for a favor."
"Asking for help" might sound serious. Princess Baocheng, surprised, asked, "What could you possibly need from me?"
Madame Yao fell silent again, her eyes brimming with tears.
Princess Baocheng, being impatient, shook her arm vigorously, "Why keep me in suspense? What's so difficult to say?"
Madame Yao sighed and revealed the reason.
"I know it's too much to ask, but please forgive me, cousin," she pleaded.
Understanding the depth of their marital bond, Princess Baocheng was not unsympathetic. "I'll speak on your behalf, but don't get your hopes too high. My brother can be quite inflexible..."
"Thank you so much, cousin. Your willingness to speak for me is already a great favor!" Madame Yao grasped her hand, her eyes moist, "If only everyone had your kindness, this situation would never have happened."
Concerning others, Princess Baocheng was more cautious, "Everyone has their duties... I'll go now."
Madame Yao held her back, "We just met with our cousin; perhaps we should wait a few days before bringing this up?"
"It's fine, my brother won't mind. Wait here for me," she said, stepping out of the carriage.
Emperor Jianxing found it odd that his sister had returned so soon.
"I forgot to mention something earlier," Princess Baocheng didn't lie; she had initially intended to invite Lu Jingzhuo and his wife to their residence.
Emperor Jianxing had no objections, "It's just a meal. How could I refuse?"
"That's great, brother. I'll invite them next spring."
It could have been tomorrow, but unexpectedly, Chu Yin had started her menstrual period.
With vivid memories of their last visit to the Eastern Palace, Princess Baocheng was certain that Lu Jingzhuo would not agree to Chu Yin leaving the palace to visit during this time.
"It's bound to snow soon, so it will have to wait until next year," Princess Baocheng gazed out the window, "But snowfall is quite beautiful. I remember the time brother took me out to see the snow and built a snow lion for me."
Emperor Jianxing raised his eyebrows, "You were only five or six years old then, do you really remember?"
"It's not about age. It's because brother was so kind to me, and we have a strong bond, that's why I remember!"
Emperor Jianxing laughed, "This year, I'll have someone build a big snow lion in the palace for you to see."
"I'm not a little girl anymore. If you're inviting someone, it should be for Xiu'er and Zhen'er," Princess Baocheng's eyes twinkled, "And if it snows this year, maybe we could go hunting. You haven't been in a while, have you?"
In Qingzhou, when he was still Prince Cheng, he would take his eldest and second sons hunting two or three times a year, not just for physical fitness but also to channel the inherent warrior spirit in their blood, the urge to conquer prey.
Emperor Jianxing's interest was suddenly piqued, and he turned to instruct He Zhong, "Prepare in advance. I'll..." he pondered for a moment, "go hunting at the beginning of next month."
"How many people does Your Majesty plan to take?"
"Around twenty. I don't want a big entourage."
"Understood," He Zhong immediately left the hall to make arrangements.
Princess Baocheng coughed lightly, "Brother, there's actually another matter..."
Seeing her hesitate, Emperor Jianxing guessed, "Is this about your cousin?"
That cousin had little interaction with him but was close to his sister.
"Not the cousin, but her husband," Princess Baocheng stepped closer, resting her hand on the table, "You must be aware, her husband has been an official for many years without fault. This time, swayed by friendship, he accepted a gift... My cousin is extremely worried and hopes you would be lenient."
Yao Zhou, was it?
He was unaware of this matter!
It must have occurred in Jiangning, with Madame Yao rushing here to seek her sister-in-law's help.
Emperor Jianxing said, "I will not rely solely on one side of the story, a thorough investigation in Jiangning is necessary."
"An investigation is prudent, but brother, our cousin is our mother's own niece. If mother were alive, she would certainly have helped."
His sister, being a woman, might be soft-hearted, but Emperor Jianxing wouldn't be swayed so easily, though he didn't refute, "You go back first, I'll consider the matter."
"Thank you, brother," Princess Baocheng took her leave.
Emperor Jianxing ordered Qin Xiao to go to Jiangning and inquire about the situation with Chu Fangheng.
If his guess was right, Yao Zhou's direct superior, Chu Fangheng, must have uncovered this and started an investigation. Fearing Chu Fangheng's thorough probe, Madame Yao hurried to the capital for help.
Emperor Jianxing commanded, "See what Chu Fangheng plans to do."
"Yes," Qin Xiao excused himself.
After staying for two more days at the Princess's estate, Madame Yao returned to Guangde.
The journey between the two places was a thousand miles. Was it really just a visit? Chu Yin, upon hearing this, was skeptical.
In her previous life, she hadn't paid much attention to this matter, or perhaps she had her doubts, but as it involved her father-in-law's cousin, a senior relative, she had no place to inquire. However, the death of Madame Yao now seemed somewhat suspicious.
Hearing footsteps, Chu Yin put down the small script written by Liu Xu and went to the door.
Lu Jingzhuo said, "Isn't your period not yet over? You should sit."
"It's been three days, it's fine." Nonetheless, Chu Yin sat down as suggested.
She deliberately chose a seat next to the table holding Liu Xu's calligraphy.
It was quite noticeable, and Lu Jingzhuo saw it right away.
He remembered Chu Yin mentioning her fondness for collecting Liu Xu's calligraphy.
As expected, she enjoyed admiring it regularly.
Lu Jingzhuo subtly shifted his gaze away without a word.
Chu Yin was curious whether he would take it to heart and actually seek out that calligraphy, but she certainly wouldn't say it aloud. Expressing such a wish would be like asking Lu Jingzhuo for it, and even if he didn't refuse, it would lose its charm.
Chu Yin quietly watched him wash his hands.
Once he was done, she asked, "What exactly did Cousin-in-law come to the capital for, Your Highness? Do you know?"
"I don't know."
His response was quick.
"...Won't Your Highness venture a guess?"
Lu Jingzhuo turned to look at her, "Do you know?"
"I don't either, but I can't think of any reason."
So she wanted him to guess?
Lu Jingzhuo said indifferently, "It's a matter unrelated to us; there's no need to meddle."
"If it's unrelated to us, could it be related to the Empress Dowager? We could help ease her worries."
Actually, he had been curious about Madame Yao's purpose, though not intensely. Surprised by Chu Yin's concern, he pondered, "I'll ask the Empress Dowager about it someday."
"Thank you, Your Highness," Chu Yin said with a light smile.
Her smile was faint, and combined with her words, it seemed somewhat distant. Lu Jingzhuo approached her, "It's not a trouble, you needn't say so."
"What should I say then?" Chu Yin asked, puzzled, "Regardless of the difficulty, it's still something that requires Your Highness's attention."
It wasn't really a matter of concern.
He slightly bent down, "If you truly feel I've put in effort, you could thank me."
Was he asking for a gift, or...
Chu Yin, uncertain, ventured, "I thank Your Highness."
Lu Jingzhuo: "..."
How was that different from her earlier 'thank you'? He had hoped for a more tangible gesture.
A slight frown formed between his brows as he lifted her chin and kissed her.
Completely disregarding the fact that they were in the outer room, or the time of day, this would have surprised her in the past, but now Chu Yin was somewhat accustomed to it and let him be.
As he continued to kiss her, he lifted her onto the nearby table.
Considering his previous actions, Chu Yin felt compelled to remind him, "Your Highness, my period hasn't ended yet..."
Lu Jingzhuo paused.
With his hands braced on either side of her, he said indifferently, "Do I seem like that kind of person?"
He definitely wasn't before, but now it was hard to say.
Chu Yin blinked, "Hopefully not."
His eyes, clear and beautiful as if washed by spring water, compelled him to touch them with his fingertip.
There was a time when he had a wild thought while she was asleep, but he would never really insist in such a situation; it was just... he enjoyed kissing her, increasingly so.
"Do you remember when you once asked me to kiss you?"
Chu Yin stiffened completely.
Why did he suddenly bring this up?
"I don't quite remember..." She turned her head towards the window, "It's time for dinner."
He turned her face back to him, insisting she look at him directly, "You weren't quite satisfied the first time, said it didn't count."
Because the first kiss was too light, like a dragonfly skimming water, hardly satisfying.
But she didn't want to show she remembered. Chu Yin lowered her eyelids, maintaining silence.
His finger lifted her chin, forcing her not to look away, he asked, "How about just now?"
He was already adept at it, whether gentle or assertive. Chu Yin honestly replied, "Of course, it was good."
"But your response wasn't good enough," he said seriously, "Now, you kiss me."

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