chapter 63

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A gentle breeze outside the window fluttered the blossoming orchids under the eaves, their butterfly-like petals trembling slightly, releasing an enchanting fragrance.
Suddenly, the room fell quiet, much quicker than usual.
It used to feel like an endless rain.
Lonicera and Forsythia exchanged glances, then hurried to prepare water.
While Chu Yin was still lying down, Lu Jingzhao had already dressed in his dark dragon-embroidered robe, fastening his jade belt, ready to head to Chunhui Pavilion.
His haste was inexplicable.
Oh, he mentioned wanting to have another child.
But what does having a child have to do with frequency?
Sitting up, she asked, "Did Judge Liu mention anything about frequency to Your Highness?"
"Then it's Your Highness's own idea?" Trying those positions was one thing, assuming they were effective, but was pursuing frequency really necessary? Chu Yin said, "You were supposed to be teaching me archery now."
"Archery can be learned later, I don't want to delay the matter of having a child," Lu Jingzhao glanced at her, "More time or more frequency, choose one."
Chu Yin: "..."
He turned and left.
Lonicera and Forsythia entered to tidy up the disarray on the couch.
Chu Yin, wrapped in her robe, had slightly flushed cheeks.
Choose one, did she really have a choice? She couldn't withstand his relentless pursuit.
"More frequency would give me some respite," Chu Yin muttered under her breath, standing up to prepare for a bath.
Suddenly, she felt a discomfort in her lower abdomen, followed by the onset of her menstrual flow.
She frowned slightly, feeling disappointed.
Perhaps influenced by his desire for a child, she too had hoped to conceive, sparing him future consultations with Judge Liu and his bizarre ideas.
Yet, while other things had changed, would this issue remain the same after all?
Chu Yin sighed softly.
Her period would end by March.
Chu Ge successfully passed the imperial examination, advancing to the palace examination, and was ultimately appointed as the second highest scholar.
In her previous life, he was third; now, he climbed even higher. Chu Yin was naturally delighted and, upon receiving her mother-in-law's permission, sent a generous congratulatory gift to her family.
The court usually hosted the "Qionglin Banquet" to honor new scholars, showcasing the emperor's grace and his value for talent. However, Emperor Jianxing was in a poor mood recently and had no desire to host the banquet. He reluctantly agreed after persuasion from several senior officials and instructed the Imperial Household Department to make preparations.
Before the banquet, he added two guests: Lu Jingchen and Princess Baocheng.
He had previously broken his promise of arranging a marriage for his sister, and inviting her now was a gesture of compensation.
All the scholars at the banquet were exceptional individuals. If his sister took a liking to any, he would grant a marriage.
He believed most would not refuse, considering their families and futures.
Of course, there were rare exceptions, those who might vehemently oppose the imperial decree. In such cases, he would advise his sister to let go, for a coerced match is never sweet. If he forced a marriage, the scholar might hang himself the next day at home, and he certainly did not wish to bear such infamy.
Princess Baocheng understood her brother's intentions, but the image of the Duke of Song's son lingered in her mind, hard to dispel.
Sitting in the carriage, she rested her chin in her hand, wondering if she could ever fancy another man.
They are all scholars...
If they are in their early twenties, they would be as young as her son, but likely many are in their thirties or even forties. After all, prodigious talents are rare; most scholars spend decades before embarking on an official career.
But wouldn't they already be married?
Does her brother truly wish for her to marry such a young scholar?
Setting aside what others might think, she herself felt embarrassed at the thought.
As the carriage reached the city gate and halted due to the crowd, Princess Baocheng, while waiting, idly looked outside and suddenly recognized a familiar figure standing in front of a tea shop.
As she pondered who it might be, a woman in green emerged from the shop.
The figure turned slightly to speak to her.
With jet-black arched eyebrows, a high nose, and well-proportioned lips, it was Duke Fu Yunqing of Song.
Princess Baocheng's hands clenched the window frame tightly, then she saw him smile at the woman.
Her heart plummeted.
She hardly remembered how she arrived at the Qionglin Garden or how she sat beside her brother.
Emperor Jianxing frowned, "Why do you look so dispirited? What happened?"
"Nothing." She didn't want to talk about it.
If her brother wouldn't arrange a marriage and the Duke of Song had his eye on another woman, what more could she say?
Glancing around, she suddenly asked, "Why isn't Jingzhao here?" Even Lu Jingchen was present, yet her nephew, the Crown Prince, was absent from the Qionglin Garden. "Brother, didn't you ask Jingzhao to attend?"
Emperor Jianxing had eventually stepped back from the concubine issue, abandoning the idea, but was he truly at peace with that decision?
"Why should he come so early? If he did, he'd just be sitting there with a scowl on his face!" The Duke of Song was a stone in a pit, but wasn't his eldest son the same? Probably even more stubborn and difficult!
He didn't want the two to arrive together, asking Lu Jingzhao to leave later.
Princess Baocheng was startled. Had her nephew offended her brother?
She quickly thought of the concubine issue.
"Brother, Jingzhao is naturally reserved; you know that. Why take it personally? As long as he performs his duties well and shares your burdens, that's what matters. In this aspect, Jingchen and Jingrui can't compare."
That's exactly why it's so infuriating!
Otherwise, he really would have considered deposing him.
Which Crown Prince doesn't curry favor with his father, watching for his father's approval? Only his son, never uttering a word of affection, never doing anything considerate, yet he, as a father, couldn't even complain.
Simply because he was the most suitable among his sons to be the Crown Prince.
"Jingchen," Emperor Jianxing called his second son.
Lu Jingchen immediately stood up, "What would you like, Father?"
"Sit with your aunt, and later, introduce her to some of the scholars."
Lu Jingchen: "..."
Princess Baocheng blushed, "Brother, what are you telling the younger ones?"
"Why make it sound improper? You are choosing a husband, and Jingchen is aware. What's there to be embarrassed about among family?" Emperor Jianxing designated a spot, "Jingchen, sit here. Shanhui, Jingchen is also your nephew, don't show favoritism."
Her brother had actually noticed her disfavor towards Lu Jingchen.
Princess Baocheng forced a smile, "How could I? Jingchen is so understanding. I couldn't be more fond of him," she patted her second nephew's arm, "Jingchen, once Feiyan has her baby, you both should visit my mansion."
She had previously invited her brother and sister-in-law, and Lu Jingchen knew that this invitation was extended in deference to their father.
Why was their father so favoring towards him today?
Lu Jingchen sat down beside Princess Baocheng, puzzled.
Lu Jingzhao arrived at the Qionglin Garden with the newly appointed scholars.
Among them was Chu Ge, the second highest scholar.
The Chu family breathed a sigh of relief as the Crown Prince ultimately did not take concubines. Chu Ge and Lu Jingzhao conversed as they entered the garden.
Seeing the close rapport between the two, the other scholars followed with envy.
Upon entering, Lu Jingzhao first paid his respects to his father and aunt before sitting to the left of his father.
Emperor Jianxing kept a cold face, not sparing him a glance.
Lu Jingzhao showed no reaction either.
Princess Baocheng, unaware of what had transpired between father and son, felt it was not her place to interject.
Once all the scholars had arrived, they collectively performed a grand kowtow to Emperor Jianxing.
The sound of silk and bamboo instruments rose, accompanied by song and dance.
The crowd quickly noticed Princess Baocheng sitting beside Emperor Jianxing, sparking curiosity.
Clearly, Emperor Jianxing had invited his sister to choose a husband among them.
The resistant young lords immediately averted their gazes to avoid contact with the princess, while those aspiring to connect maintained their best demeanor.
Lu Jingchen, tasked with a significant role, occasionally whispered to Princess Baocheng, briefly informing her of the scholars' ages and marital status.
When Princess Baocheng heard the name Shi Yu, she interrupted her nephew, smiling, "Where is he? I haven't seen him," her attention had been on the father and son duo, not on the scholars.
"Second row on the east side."
The young lord, dressed in a jewel-blue robe with gold cloud and floral patterns, retained the dashing charm from her memory.
Princess Baocheng had previously held a favorable impression of him, hence she glanced a few more times. Feeling her gaze, Shi Yu returned a polite smile, his peach blossom eyes enchanting.
Lu Jingchen muttered to himself, "Well played."
When choosing a husband for his aunt, his wife had mentioned Shi Yu. He had thought Shi Yu too young but hadn't expected the man to be so unabashed.
On reflection, it wasn't surprising. Though born into a noble family, the Shi clan had long since declined, and despite being a scholar, Shi Yu hadn't entered the Hanlin Academy, leaving his official prospects uncertain. Opting for a shortcut seemed a reasonable choice.
Men understand men; Lu Jingchen instantly saw through Shi Yu's intentions, which Princess Baocheng failed to notice.
She thought Shi Yu's gesture was merely out of courtesy.
Of course, she had no intention of marrying Shi Yu, regarding him only as an acquainted young lord.
But with his exceptional looks, other scholars paled in comparison, except for Chu Ge. Princess Baocheng showed no interest in inquiring about the others.
Yet, Lu Jingchen continued to introduce them patiently.
Watching his second son, Emperor Jianxing nodded inwardly, appreciating his filial piety. Every task, big or small, assigned by him was taken seriously, showing immense respect for his father...
Unlike his eldest son, who wouldn't even take a concubine, holding grudges since childhood, devoid of any affection for him.
But wasn't his second son raised just like the eldest? Why was his attitude towards him as a father so different?
The more he observed Lu Jingchen, the more he liked him.
After the banquet, Emperor Jianxing first inquired if his sister had taken a liking to any of the young lords. Princess Baocheng shook her head.
"None of these scholars caught your fancy?" Emperor Jianxing was at a loss, waving his hand, "I can't help you anymore. You'll have to decide for yourself." He hoped she wouldn't keep fixating on the Duke of Song, as he truly wouldn't arrange that marriage.
"Jingchen, come with me in the carriage." He then called his second son.
This was an invitation to ride in the imperial carriage. Lu Jingchen was initially flattered but quickly declined, "I'd rather not disturb Father."
The father's unusual behavior today had confused him at first, but now he understood.
His father's warmth towards him and coldness towards his elder brother were likely due to the concubine issue, causing a rift, and his father was taking it out on his brother.
But the problem was, if he didn't eventually receive the position of Crown Prince, then his father's actions were harming him.
Lu Jingchen was clear about this.
Seeing his son refuse, Emperor Jianxing glared, "When I say come, you come. No backtalk."
Lu Jingchen had no choice but to agree, but he glanced apologetically at Lu Jingzhao before boarding, signaling that this wasn't his choice.
Lu Jingzhao understood but showed no reaction.
Watching the father and son leave in the imperial carriage, Princess Baocheng reminded her eldest nephew, "Jingzhao, I don't like flattery either, but your father is still your father. You should try to be more amiable around him. Always being so cold, you'll hurt his feelings."
Lu Jingzhao couldn't imagine how to be more obsequious to his father.
It wasn't in his nature.
"You need to think about the bigger picture," Princess Baocheng advised softly.
If his father really wanted to disrupt the status quo, he wouldn't have abandoned the concubine idea. Besides, replacing a Crown Prince isn't that simple. His ascent to the throne wasn't solely his effort, and even after four years on the throne, he still needed to consider his ministers' opinions.
Many important court officials were his lecturers.
Even if his father wanted to change the Crown Prince, those ministers wouldn't allow it.
As a wise emperor, his father wouldn't easily entertain such thoughts.
And if he did, Lu Jingzhao thought, his father would first discreetly find a reason to accuse him, then look for an opportunity to depose him. So in any case, his father was merely venting his anger.
His actions even seemed a bit childish...
"I understand, Aunt."
Princess Baocheng took it as agreement and turned to board her palanquin.
Hearing that Lu Jingchen had been sent home by his father in the imperial carriage, Tang Feiyan was ecstatic, waiting at the door with the help of a maid, and eagerly asked upon seeing her husband, "Is it true that Father sent you home?"
"Yes," he looked at his visibly pregnant wife, "Did the baby move today?"
"No, probably sleeping all day." Tang Feiyan sat beside him after dismissing the maid, "I heard Father only invited you to ride in the imperial carriage, is that true?"
Knowing she was letting her imagination run wild, Lu Jingchen said, "That's not a big deal."
"How is it not? My elder brother was there too, and Father only invited you. Isn't that a snub to my brother?" Tang Feiyan gripped his arm, "Father must be dissatisfied with my brother, even annoyed with him!"
In the past, he might have been as hopeful as his wife, thinking he could replace his brother.
But after working with his brother, he clearly understood the gap between them.
And his father wasn't one to act on emotions; otherwise, he would have made him Crown Prince from the start. Why choose his brother then?
His father obviously favored him more!
"Father was just acting on a whim; he'll reconcile with my brother soon," he reminded her, "Don't overthink, just focus on your pregnancy."
Tang Feiyan's excitement instantly dampened, hitting him with frustration, "I had no hopes before, I understand, but today Father's actions were so evident, and you won't even let me think about it... Why can't I even dream about it?"
"You know your temperament, right? Once you start thinking, you overthink. You might even dream of being the Crown Princess tonight."
But what's wrong with that? Why can't she even dream?
Tang Feiyan cried out, "I want to think, I want to!"
Worried her agitation might affect the baby, Lu Jingchen patted her back to comfort her, "Let me be honest with you, Father was using me to anger my brother, nothing more... I can't compare to my brother, Father knows that well."
"Where are you inferior to my brother?" Tang Feiyan's eyes widened in disbelief, "You only lost to him because of your status as a concubine's son. Otherwise, you too could attend lectures at Chunhui Pavilion. With the guidance of those lecturers, you'd be even better than my brother. Besides, what's so great about my brother? If I were Father, I wouldn't want to deal with him either, always frowning like he's owed millions in silver! You're so much better, always smiling, considerate to Father and to me. And you, you haven't taken any concubines recently."
Lu Jingchen was taken aback by her words.
He never knew his wife held him in such high regard.
Wrapping her in his arms, he chuckled softly, "Alright, today you're allowed to indulge in your thoughts."
"Mhm," she nodded.
As they embraced, he suddenly thought of something from the Qionglin Banquet.
"That...," he almost mentioned Shi Yu's name but stopped himself at the last moment.
If she found out about Shi Yu's intention to become their uncle, she would surely start imagining even more.
Better to leave it unsaid.
He wondered if Shi Yu would actually manage to charm his aunt.
Birds in the spring courtyard were increasing by the day. In the afternoon, a warbler arrived, hidden in the trees, singing.
Lu Zhen, making sure the maids didn't scare it away, tiptoed to tell her mother.
"There's a bird singing so beautifully, Mother!"
Chu Yin followed her outside.
The bird's song was melodious and loud, indeed a delightful sound.
"Do you like birds, Zhen'er?" Chu Yin asked, "Shall we keep one?"
"No need to keep, it's better in the trees," Lu Zhen pointed to the sky, "It can fly freely up there. It wouldn't be comfortable in a cage."
Her daughter's kindness made Chu Yin smile, gently ruffling her hair, "Then let's plant more trees in our courtyard to attract more birds."
"Yes, let's plant loquat, apricot, and grape trees."
Such a little foodie!
As they were talking, Lu Jingzhao returned to the palace.
Chu Yin approached him, asking, "Your Highness, did you see my brother?"
"Yes, Hua Jin is well, and he says Mother-in-law is in good health too. Also, Father-in-law has already left Jiangning." Next month, Chu Ge is getting married, so Father-in-law needs to return home in time.
It's a pity that his request was denied by the emperor; otherwise, he could have taken Chu Yin back to the Chu family home for the wedding.
Chu Yin smiled, "That's good," then turned to her daughter, "Your uncle is getting married soon, and you and Zhe will have a new aunt soon... An aunt and uncle's relationship is like mine and your father's."
Lu Zhen seemed to not fully understand yet.
She needed to grow a few more years.
"Was the Qionglin Banquet lively?" Chu Yin curiously asked Lu Jingzhao.
Of course, there had been one in her previous life, but she never asked Lu Jingzhao about it, nor did he ever bring it up.
"Just the usual wine tasting and music, nothing novel... However, Father invited Aunt." He thought Chu Yin might be interested.
Indeed, Chu Yin's eyes widened slightly, "Isn't that like the maidens in Wei State throwing embroidered balls?" Where a lady throws an embroidered ball to the gentleman she fancies from a tower, "Did Aunt choose anyone?"
"She didn't fancy anyone."
Chu Yin's heart skipped a beat, "Is Aunt still thinking about the Duke of Song?"
If she didn't choose any of the new scholars, was her affection deeply rooted?
Fortunately, Father-in-law did not force a marriage, or else the relationship between the Duke of Song and Yu Sizhang would have been ruined.
I wonder if those two have met by now?
"Just now, Zhen'er was delighted to hear an oriole singing. I suggested planting more trees... It's spring now, so it's the perfect time. Your Highness, do you have any favorite trees? Zhen'er suggested apricot, loquat, and grapevines."
All for eating.
Lu Jingzhao couldn't help but smile, "Wonder who she takes after," glancing at Chu Yin, "Were you like this as a child?"
"I wasn't greedy," she denied.
"Really?" He thought of the leek puff.
She even bought street food and claimed not to be greedy?
The image of a chubby little girl ordering her maids to buy puffs, then happily eating them, appeared in his mind. He found it adorable.
Their daughter must be like her.
"Your Highness, you haven't mentioned your tree preferences. I need to instruct the gardener."
"Let's plant all fruit trees." When they bear fruit, he would pick them for the two of them.
It seems he dotes on his daughter.
Chu Yin was naturally pleased and didn't object.
"It's a pity lychee trees don't grow well here. If they bore fruit, Zhen'er would love them," she said, pausing, "I wonder if Doctor Yi could help? He's so knowledgeable about agriculture, maybe..."
Before she could finish, Lu Jingzhao interrupted her.
"Lychee trees thrive in heat; even Yi Jian can't change their nature. Do you think he's a magician?"
It was just a suggestion, no need to be so harsh.
"It's not about changing their nature, but altering the environment. The 'Qi Min Yao Shu' says..."
He didn't give her a chance to continue, bending down to kiss her lips.
Chu Yin felt her legs weaken from the kiss, and when she finally caught her breath, she heard him say, "No need to go to Chunhui Pavilion today."
Previously, their noon encounters were always rushed due to his lectures, and he worried she might feel unsatisfied.
Chu Yin hadn't thought of it that way at all.
So, not at noon, but what about in the evening?
She wasn't lacking, okay?
After a moment of contemplation, Chu Yin glanced at her hand and bit her lip, "Maybe we could... try something different..."
It was difficult for her to say.
She never imagined there would come a day when she would suggest this.
But at least it could make things easier for her.
At first, Lu Jingzhao didn't understand, but after thinking for a moment, he realized, "Do you know how?"
"I don't..."
He didn't either, but it seemed not too difficult.
Just that...
His gaze lingered on her fingers, "But that won't result in a child, will it?"
Chu Yin: "..."

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