chapter 35

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Before, he was simply frequent in their intimate relations, but now he had even gone to consult Doctor Liu.
Continuing like this, he would only become more disappointed.
But why exactly?
They already had a son and a daughter; it wasn't a matter of lacking children. Even if he truly liked having children, such eagerness seemed excessive.
Chu Yin was very puzzled.
She decided to probe a bit tonight.
"Alright, I won't go this afternoon."
Seeing her agree, Lu Jingzhao thought to himself that Chu Yin really wanted another child. Hopefully, Doctor Liu's method would work; he had done all he could.
After Lu Jingzhao left, Chu Yin instructed a palace maid to inform the Wardrobe Department and Yu Sizhang that she wouldn't be practicing horse riding today and sent an attendant to the Imperial Stables to say that the horse Chi Xia needn't be taken to the racecourse.
Lian Qiao and Ren Dong, who had overheard, with the latter chuckling, said, "If the Crown Prince and Princess could add another child, it would indeed be a joyous occasion."
But the problem is they can't.
Chu Yin replied indifferently, "One mustn't force such matters."
"How could it be forcing? Your Highness, you're in great health now; you might conceive soon."
Chu Yin's mind stirred.
Indeed, her condition had improved. Could it actually be possible?
No, she thought, no expectations meant no disappointments. She had already accepted the fact that she hadn't conceived in these two years, and now she needed Lu Jingzhao to accept it too. As for the future, it was beyond her prediction, but she was content with her son and daughter.
At this moment, Empress Jiang sent a palace maid to invite Chu Yin to Kun Ning Palace.
The Empress rarely did this, prompting Chu Yin to inquire, "May I know the reason?"
"It's about the Double Ninth Festival," the maid replied.
Normally, He Zhong arranged festival celebrations in the palace. Why would the Empress invite her?
With questions in mind, Chu Yin got into her carriage.
Empress Jiang greeted her with a smile, "Ah Yin, I have something to discuss with you... For the Double Ninth Festival, the Emperor plans to climb Tushan Mountain and wants to take Jingzhao and the others. That leaves you, me, Zuan, and Zhen here in the palace."
This was another event that hadn't occurred in her previous life.
"Why would Father Emperor think of climbing the mountain?"
"Shanhui persuaded him to climb and pray for blessings."
This lifetime, due to Princess Baocheng, truly saw significant changes.
Nonetheless, climbing for prayers wasn't a bad thing. Dayue frequently suffered from floods, droughts, and locust plagues. People were displaced. The Emperor climbing to pray for disaster relief reflected his care for the people.
It was just unfortunate that she couldn't go.
Chu Yin said, "My sister-in-law should be visiting the Empress on that day."
"Ah, my memory isn't what it used to be. We'll include her too... Ah Yin, how do you plan to spend the festival?"
"I will follow the Empress's arrangements."
Empress Jiang waved her hand, "I don't want to arrange it. You can decide."
Given this, Chu Yin candidly responded, "I wish to keep it simple, just holding a banquet at Yinghua Tower, drinking chrysanthemum wine, and eating Double Ninth cakes."
"Climbing Yinghua Tower counts as ascending heights too," Empress Jiang was pleased, "Alright, let's do it your way."
Before leaving, Chu Yin asked, "Mother, are you sure Father Emperor will take my third brother to Tushan this time?"
"Yes, he told me himself today."
Presumably, it was because he would be accompanied by the officials. Leaving his young son alone in the palace would be too conspicuous, and he might fear divine retribution for a fruitless trip to Tushan, so he decided to have everyone together.
Chu Yin wasn't concerned about Lu Jingrui; she was just looking for an opportunity to deal with him.
"Speaking of my third brother, I just remembered something amusing. He's seventeen and still dares not ride a horse."
Empress Jiang paused, not laughing, "He has always been timid."
"Didn't he learn horse riding and archery with my husband from a young age?"
"...They are too far apart in age," Empress Jiang changed the subject, "How are you doing with your lessons? Though you don't want to bother Jingzhao, he isn't too busy to give you some pointers."
If he intended to teach her, he would have done so already; she wouldn't need to ask Yu Sizhang for lessons.
The Empress really didn't understand this son of hers.
Chu Yin acknowledged and took her leave.
The autumn wind blew, bringing red maple leaves that fell into the carriage.
Chu Yin glanced at them, curious if Tushan had maple trees.
She had never been there.
In fact, she hadn't explored the streets and alleys of the capital either.
Since arriving from Qingzhou, she had directly entered the palace to become the Crown Princess.
But she was soon to accompany Lu Jingzhao on an inspection trip, which made her happy.
That evening, she asked Lu Jingzhao if he knew about his father's plan to climb the mountain.
"I've heard about it, but I'm not sure," Lu Jingzhao set down his ebony and silver chopsticks, "How did you come to know?"
"The Empress told me. This afternoon, she asked me to arrange how to spend the Double Ninth Festival... When Your Highness accompanies Father Emperor to Tushan, the palace will be quite empty."
Her bright eyes seemed to be hiding something.
Could it be that she was reluctant to part with him?
No, that was absurd, it was only for half a day.
Lu Jingzhao replied indifferently, "It will be quiet, but also relaxing. The Empress will likely follow your wishes, so celebrate however you like."
He had guessed her thoughts.
Chu Yin smiled, "We'll dine at Yinghua Tower."
"Not bad," he rinsed his mouth and stood up, "I'll come by at the time of You (around 5 to 7 PM)."
That early?
What advice had Doctor Liu given him?
Chu Yin opened her mouth to ask, but then held back.
Better to discuss it privately in their bedroom later.
She read the book "Qi Min Yao Shu" by candlelight.
The palace maids remembered well, reminding her as the time of You approached.
The bath was prepared early, filled with colorful petals and fragrant.
Hearing about this, they too became as eager as Lu Jingzhao.
Chu Yin couldn't help but laugh and cry at their reactions.
Lying on the bed for a while, Lu Jingzhao appeared right on time.
She sat up straight, "Your Highness, did Doctor Liu really specify down to each hour?"
That seemed too far-fetched.
"Doctor Liu didn't state it as an absolute certainty, just said that there's no foolproof method for this matter; it partly depends on luck," Lu Jingzhao said, already catching her scent, more intense than in the daytime.
Had she done this intentionally?
"If it's a matter of luck, then there's a good chance it might not happen."
He took her slight pessimism as: "It's alright, we can try several times."
"What if many attempts still don't lead to success?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he said, leaning in to kiss her.
Before they could finish talking, he kissed her, Chu Yin mumbled unclearly, "What do you mean by 'we'll see'..."
Wasn't he eager for a child? Why so much talk now? Lu Jingzhao didn't want to continue the conversation, sealing her lips thoroughly.
She couldn't utter a word instantly.
Trying to speak, her tongue felt like it was caught in a whirlpool, completely uncontrollable.
Since the day she asked him to kiss her, his kisses had become flawless, and Chu Yin gave up resisting.
Their clothes gradually became disheveled, scattering over the bed.
Suddenly, he placed a pillow behind her waist, then added another, leaving Chu Yin confused until her knees were grasped and her waist lifted high, then she began to panic.
Remembering that one night, the depth of it forced tears from her eyes.
"Your Highness..."
Not allowing her to finish, he exerted himself and bent down to kiss her, suppressing any sounds.
The apricot-colored bed curtains seemed to flutter in the wind, slipping from their hooks, hanging beside the bed, slightly swaying.
Outside the window, a light rain began to fall, gently soaking the nearly fallen osmanthus flowers.
Chu Yin's fingers ached.
She had involuntarily clenched Lu Jingzhao's shoulders.
She wondered if he was in pain, but he clearly persisted until the end.
A drop of sweat fell from his forehead, mixing with the tear at the corner of her eye.
She reproached, "Is this the method Doctor Liu suggested?"
He glanced at her slightly damp, reddened cheeks, adjusted the soft pillow behind her waist, and cautioned, "Don't move."
"Just like this, don't move."
Chu Yin was momentarily stunned, then her face flushed.
This Doctor Liu...
Could a royal physician really teach such things?
Chu Yin closed her eyes, "Your Highness, I feel a bit cold."
Lu Jingzhao covered her with the brocade quilt.
"Your Highness..."
"Hmm?" He sat beside her.
"We already have Zuan and Zhen, right?"
"So, in fact, there's no rush about having another child... Moreover, even though my health has improved, it doesn't necessarily mean I can conceive. Your Highness, don't obsess over this. We should let nature take its course. It's possible that I might not conceive for several years."
What is she talking about?
Lu Jingzhao's brow furrowed slightly.
Who is the one being anxious?
"I don't want children."
"What?" Chu Yin's eyes widened in shock, "Your Highness, if you don't want children, then why..." She was utterly astounded, staring at Lu Jingzhao, "Your frequent intimacy, wasn't that to have children? And Doctor Liu's advice..."
Lu Jingzhao realized it was all a misunderstanding.
Chu Yin didn't want children, but had misinterpreted his intentions.
Yet it was she who had initially seduced him, curling into his embrace.
Lu Jingzhao gazed at Chu Yin with a heavy look, "Why were you so forward in the beginning?"
It turned out that her previous intimate gestures towards him had been misconstrued as a desire for children.
What a mess this all was!
Chu Yin turned her face away, wanting to laugh at the absurdity, but the embarrassment of the previous situation held her back.
Biting her lower lip, Chu Yin said after a moment, "Your Highness, I am your wife. Isn't it normal for me to be a bit more proactive?"
"You were never like that before." It was as if she had become a different person during that time.
"After being separated from Your Highness for more than two years, a momentary longing arose upon our reunion..." she fibbed, "As a man, Your Highness might find it hard to understand, but such actions are quite normal for a woman."
"So acting coquettish, asking me to kiss and hold you, is also very normal?"
"It is normal. Isn't this how ordinary couples behave? I just wanted to experience that feeling. Besides, just now, Your Highness also kissed me."
"And Your Highness held me last time."
Lu Jingzhao had no response; he had indeed done those things.
Yet, Chu Yin's way of thinking took him by surprise.
He had thought that Chu Yin married him only to be the Crown Princess, valuing power and status. Like him, she seemed a very rational person, yet unexpectedly, she too yearned for the kind of interaction normal couples have.
After all, being a woman, her heart must be softer, more easily swayed, right?
It was hard to blame her.
He called out for the palace maids to prepare water.
"Since we're not aiming for children, there's no need to keep this position." He removed the soft pillows from behind her waist.
Chu Yin lay down softly, yet her eyes followed him, "Your Highness..."
Her voice was gentle as well.
"I can't walk anymore."
"So?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Could Your Highness carry me? My legs are so sore... and my waist too..." Her face clearly conveyed the message "You did this."
Indeed, he had exerted himself a lot just now over that absurd misunderstanding.
Lu Jingzhao slowly put on his robe, then bent down to look at her, "If you only want to experience the feeling of an ordinary couple, I can oblige. But, Ah Yin... you need to understand the meaning of moderation."
He still wanted her to be a well-mannered Crown Princess. Coquettish behavior was fine, and so were other things, but they shouldn't be excessive.
In his past life, he would never have said he'd "oblige her." Known for his firmness, if he said he would comply, he meant it and wouldn't go back on his word. He clearly took a step back here but added "moderation" as a boundary for her.
But Chu Yin could understand it; he had previously forbidden her from acting coquettishly.
He was too rigid, disliking a wife who didn't know her limits.
It all had to be taken step by step.
Chu Yin agreed, "Okay."
She reached out to wrap her arms around his neck.
He picked her up in his arms, covered her with his robe, and walked to the side room.

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