chapter 70

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But even that wasn't enough for Chu Yin, who said, "Your Majesty needs to stand further away."
It wasn't just about not seeing; it was also about not hearing, not smelling.
Lu Jingzhao: "..."
He wanted to turn around and say something to her but held back.
Chu Yin's insistence was something he couldn't comprehend.
Unlike him, who wouldn't hide anything, but Chu Yin probably wouldn't want to see.
He called her maidservant for her and then left himself.
After a short while, Chu Yin returned to bed.
Seeing her move quietly, he said, "I'm not asleep."
She then relaxed a bit more.
After she lay down, he asked her to turn around.
Face-to-face, they could no longer embrace each other.
She needed to sleep facing away, so he could hold her from behind.
His chest pressed against her back, his cheek against her neck.
There was no space left between their bodies.
Chu Yin closed her eyes, and suddenly the term "Ah Yin" popped into her mind.
He had called out anxiously and in a fluster just now.
Unsure of what he dreamt.
He didn't say, and she inexplicably didn't dare to ask.
Next year, the empress dowager's daughter-in-law was due to give birth, and she was concerned, commanding He Zhong to find suitable wet nurses and experienced midwives and healers.
He Zhong, who was overseeing the construction of the mausoleum, harbored worries. As each emperor favors his own courtiers, he, having served the former emperor, feared being dismissed by Lu Jingzhe, yet diligently and carefully completed the task without slackening.
Upon his return to the capital, his position remained unchanged.
He Zhong, grateful to Lu Jingzhe, became even more meticulous in his work. The wet nurse he selected pleased the Empress Dowager greatly. The midwives and healers were honest, competent, and capable. However, the final choice of the wet nurse would ultimately be up to the child.
It depended on whose milk the child preferred, something that couldn't be forced.
As their mother's belly grew, Lu Zhu and Lu Zhen became increasingly excited each day, eager to meet the little one and curious about how he would look.
Chu Yin was quite curious herself.
She didn't ask Judge Liu whether it was a boy or a girl, letting the child retain some mystery in her heart.
"Once he's born, I want dad to take us riding," Lu Zhu said, glancing discontentedly at Lu Zhen, "Sister doesn't like riding, so she can't join me."
Lu Zhen replied, "He might not like riding either. Maybe he'll be like me, enjoying shuttlecock kicking."
She could now kick the shuttlecock over a dozen times.
"Shuttlecock kicking is for girls," Lu Zhu, with a vague understanding of gender differences, retorted.
Lu Zhen, hands on her hips, challenged, "How do you know he's not a girl?"
Lu Zhu, scratching his head, struggled and finally said, "A big belly means a boy. Boys are always big, like dad!"
Chu Yin: "......"
Lu Zhen frowned, sensing something off in her brother's logic but unable to articulate a rebuttal.
Chu Yin pointed to the embroidered stool, "Sit down, both of you. I'll read 'Thousand Character Classic' to you. Next year, your father plans to hire a tutor to start your education."
The two children obediently listened.
Outside the window, snowflakes danced wildly, soon covering every tree in the courtyard, transforming them into branches of crystal.
Princess Baocheng, sitting by the window, remembered her brother once promising to build a snow lion for her. A pang of regret hit her – if only she hadn't stopped him, she could have had one more memory with him.
"Princess, why not go out and enjoy the snow to ease your mind?" her maid suggested, seeing her engulfed in sorrow. "The late emperor wouldn't bear to see you like this."
Princess Baocheng asked softly, "But where to go in such cold weather?"
"Jiyun Tower, to admire the plum blossoms."
There were plum trees in her own estate, but the maid was right; she couldn't continue like this.
Her brother was gone, and she needed to live well, to give him peace of mind.
Princess Baocheng had her maids dress and adorn her.
The plum grove to the west of the city, half-hidden in the snow, was a vision of subtle pinks and reds. Approaching it, the faint fragrance of plums was refreshing and invigorating.
Besides being perfect for plum viewing, Jiyun Tower's plum wine was also renowned.
Princess Baocheng spent over an hour in the elegant room, drinking and enjoying songs performed by two entertainers.
Slightly tipsy, she went outside with an umbrella to pick plum blossoms.
The snow had lessened, falling softly like willow fluff. She reached out to catch it.
Laughter and conversation from men echoed behind her.
Turning around, she recognized one of them. Just as she was about to speak, they approached and greeted her respectfully.
"Master Shi," she recognized him with a slight smile, "Have you just left the office?"
"Yes, it's a coincidence to meet the Princess here. I often come to this place, but it's my first time seeing you."
The young Master Shi stood tall and handsome, standing out among the other men like a crane among chickens. Princess Baocheng recalled the Qionglin banquet where her brother had asked her to choose a husband from among the scholars; she hadn't found anyone to her liking.
Now, without her brother's support, perhaps fewer men would be interested in marrying her.
As for that Duke of Song, it was even more unlikely.
Princess Baocheng, gazing at the snowflake on her fingertip, said, "You may go about your business."
The group bowed and excused themselves.
In the second-floor private room, one young lord teased, "That Hu who wanted to learn the art of winning hearts must be regretting now. The current emperor won't indulge the Princess like before. She can divorce or choose a husband as she pleases."
"It's not that simple," another argued. "After all, she is still the emperor's aunt. Respect is due, and for those of us without power or influence, she's always been fair."
"Then why don't you try?" the others egged him on. "She's not old enough to be your mother and still has her charms. Today could be your chance!"
The man rolled his eyes. "The older they are, the harder to win over, don't you know? Many tried last year and failed. What makes you think I'd succeed?" He glanced at Shi Yu. "You're the expert here; among us, only you stand a chance."
Shi Yu just smiled, saying nothing.
Through the window, Princess Baocheng could still be seen standing amidst the plum trees.
Her blue dress fluttered, accentuating her slender waist and long legs.
Her allure was still evident.
Halfway through, he descended the stairs and approached Princess Baocheng again to pay his respects.
His return puzzled Princess Baocheng.
Shi Yu took a palm-sized jade bottle from his sleeve. "I noticed the Princess seemed a bit tipsy, and I wished to offer these sobering pills. I hope the Princess will forgive my boldness."
Under the gentle moonlight, his peach blossom eyes conveyed deep emotion.
Princess Baocheng's heart skipped a beat.
Could it be...
But Shi Yu had previously shown interest in marrying her niece. Logically, it was unlikely. Known for his empathy and elegance, perhaps he was simply concerned about her being drunk. Hesitating, Princess Baocheng said, "Bring it here."
Shi Yu stepped forward and presented the jade bottle with both hands.
In terms of appearance, he was on par with the Duke of Song. This thought crossed Princess Baocheng's mind as she picked up the jade bottle, but she quickly furrowed her brows.
What was she thinking?
How old was the gentleman before her? She remembered being twelve years older than him. Why was she comparing him to the Duke of Song, who was at least in his early thirties?
The sobering pills in the bottle, just like the plum wine she had consumed earlier, had a refreshing aroma. After swallowing one, a pleasant fragrance lingered on her lips and teeth.
"These sobering pills are quite rare, where did you purchase them?"
"Your Highness, I made these pills myself, as I have some knowledge of medicine."
Princess Baocheng's eyes widened slightly, "Really?" She recalled his proficiency in playing the zither.
"If Your Highness likes them, please feel free to keep them. It would be my honor."
Though his offer was respectful, his demeanor showed no fawning, maintaining an air of humility and confidence.
To avoid any suspicion, Princess Baocheng decided not to accept them and returned the bottle.
As he reached out to take it, his fingertips either intentionally or unintentionally brushed lightly across her palm.
It was like a brief, burning spark that vanished in an instant.
Princess Baocheng stiffened, rendered speechless, while he bowed and stepped back as if nothing had happened.
It must have been intentional, right?
Watching his retreating figure, Princess Baocheng clenched her fingers tightly.
How dare he...
Such audacity!
With a flick of her sleeve, she turned and left the plum grove.
The snow had stopped, and a few stars twinkled faintly on the horizon.
Lu Jingzhe looked at the auspicious dates calculated by the Imperial Astronomical Bureau and marked "March 26th."
Originally, Chu Yin was to be conferred her title after the new year, with a grand ceremony. However, her pregnancy made it difficult to endure such elaborate proceedings, so the ceremony had to be postponed until after childbirth and the completion of her postnatal recovery. This delay amounted to over three months.
Emperor Lu Jingzhe found this too long but had no alternative.
"Your Majesty's wisdom is profound. The date chosen is most auspicious, and there is no better day in the next three years," a perceptive eunuch hurriedly explained.
Reassured by these words, Lu Jingzhe penned an imperial edict, instructing the Ministry of Rites to prepare for the empress's coronation ceremony, to be completed before March 26th, then ordered He Zhong, "Deliver this to the government office early tomorrow."
"As you command," He Zhong bowed and carefully took the edict.
Emperor Lu Jingzhe then returned to the Eastern Palace.
Chu Yin was trying to fold a paper pomegranate for her daughter. She had successfully made a horse and a tiger, but the pomegranate was proving tricky, always falling apart at the last step.
"Aren't your hands sore?" Lu Jingzhe asked as he sat down.
"No, they're not."
Lu Jingzhe, somewhat skeptical, took her hands and examined them.
Judge Liu had mentioned that joint pain was common in the last trimester.
"Don't lie to me," he said, not wanting her to endure pain for the sake of the children's paper toys.
"What benefit would I have in deceiving Your Majesty?" Chu Yin replied, puzzled. "If I don't lie, you might even help massage them."
Lu Jingzhe chuckled and leaned forward to tell her, "I've just selected the date for your coronation."
Chu Yin, unsurprised, asked, "Which day?"
Her expression was calm, as if she had anticipated it, showing no excitement.
Lu Jingzhe frowned slightly, hesitating to answer.
Chu Yin, puzzled, asked, "Why won't Your Majesty say?"
"It seems you're not very eager to know."
He had always thought Chu Yin valued power and status. Now, with the opportunity to become the empress, he expected her to be overjoyed. Yet her reaction to the news of her coronation was so indifferent.
Compared to her, he seemed more concerned about it.
He wished he could have conferred her title right after the new year.
But Chu Yin...
If she cared about the position, she should be excited; if she cared about him, she should be joyful.
What exactly was she thinking?
Had he been mistaken about her all this time?
The man's demeanor suddenly turned cold.
Chu Yin was puzzled, her fingers pinching the half-folded paper pomegranate.
Could it be that he was angry? But she had done nothing wrong, merely asking him "which day." Why was he reacting like this?
A thought struck her, and she grasped his sleeve, saying, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I was too overwhelmed just now and forgot to express my gratitude. Please forgive me!"
Was it too late to feign happiness now?
Lu Jingzhe remained silent.
She gently shook his arm, her voice soft and sweet, "Don't be angry, please. It was my fault."
He had specially informed her of the auspicious date early, perhaps seeking praise, but she had overlooked it.
Having been an empress before and experienced it all once, she indeed lacked the element of surprise this time.
Her coquetry softened his heart a bit, but he still didn't speak.
Chu Yin rarely saw him angry and, thinking it over, leaned in to kiss his lips.
Unexpectedly, he turned his face away.
Already struggling to reach him, this made it even harder. Chu Yin bit her lip and instead kissed his neck.
Her tongue brushed over his Adam's apple, causing a tingling sensation and making it bob up and down.
His breathing grew heavy, and in a deep voice he said, "Stop teasing me."
It was his own fault for getting angry.
Chu Yin didn't stop; she intensified her actions, playfully scratching the palm of his hand.
She was lighting fires everywhere.
His ears grew hot, and he turned, grasping both her hands: "Is this your way of apologizing?"
Closing the distance between them, she seized the opportunity to kiss his lips: "And this too..."
Surely this was enough?
Her fervor extinguished any lingering feelings of loss or doubt.
He shifted from defense to offense.
Their clothes quickly became disheveled.
Suddenly, he stopped.
He felt something unusual in his hand.
Looking down, he saw her pink garment crumpled, the area around her chest looking as if it had been wet by rain.
"Could this be..." he exclaimed in shock, "But haven't you not given birth yet?"
Where did this milk come from?
Chu Yin was embarrassed.
If he hadn't been kneading and squeezing her, would this have happened? Previously, she would only leak a little, not this much.
"Should we call for Physician Liu?" Lu Jingzhe asked.
"No need, this is normal," Chu Yin said, draping on her outer garment. "Your Majesty needn't be overly concerned."
So this was normal...
He composed his expression and said indifferently, "No one has ever taught me these things," while reaching for a handkerchief to clean up. "Did this also happen when you were in Qingzhou?"
He glanced at her, now fuller in certain areas, "It doesn't happen this much every day, does it?"
"Not if Your Majesty can restrain his hands."
Lu Jingzhe: "......"

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