chapter 46

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He had initially wanted to accompany Chu Yin on an outing, as she had only bought shuttlecocks last time and still needed to buy a gift for their son. As her husband, it was his duty to pay. But unexpectedly, Lu Jingchen intervened.
He was puzzled by his younger brother's intentions.
After twenty-two years together, Lu Jingzhuo knew Lu Jingchen well. He wouldn't be foolish enough to harm their marriage, but why the insistence on accompanying them?
Was it simply because Hai County was too small?
Lu Jingzhuo responded calmly, "We are family, there's no need for such formalities."
Lu Jingchen bowed slightly, "Thank you, brother. Shall we go now?"
Chu Yin was unaware of how Lu Jingchen concluded that "if she goes, Lu Jingzhuo will too."
If it was because of yesterday, Lu Jingchen had misunderstood.
Lu Jingzhuo only accompanied her when she was upset. It was unlikely today. Chu Yin picked up a purse from the table and tied it around her waist.
Inside were about twenty to thirty copper coins and some small silver pieces, enough to buy several trinkets.
She turned to Lu Jingzhuo, "Are you going as well, Your Highness?"
"Surprised, Chu Yin wondered if Lu Jingzhuo was accompanying her just because Lu Jingchen had suggested it, not wanting to embarrass her."
"'If you're busy, Your Highness, you can return early.'"
"Lu Jingzhuo nodded in agreement."
"The trio headed towards the entrance of the county office."
"Walking beside Chu Yin, Lu Jingchen said, 'Sister-in-law, Feiyan isn't interested in chess, music, calligraphy, or painting, and she doesn't write often. I'm really at a loss for what to gift her, so I thought of asking for your help. Please forgive Feiyan's recent impulsiveness.'"
"So that was it."
"With just a few words, Lu Jingzhuo understood his brother's intentions."
"Chu Yin had mentioned that Tang Feiyan often upset her, so he had publicly embraced or held Chu Yin's hand to show support. It seemed his younger brother was aware of this and hoped to use the gift as an opportunity to improve their relationship."
"But Chu Yin never initiated conflict, and it was more important for his brother to guide his wife properly."
"Lu Jingzhuo commented, 'Ah Yin's interests are entirely different from your wife's. Since you've been skilled in archery and horsemanship from a young age, you should understand her better.'"
"Lu Jingchen awkwardly replied, 'Brother, you don't know. Whatever I gift her never seems to please her. Although Feiyan can ride, she is still a woman, which is why I sought advice from sister-in-law.'"
"From what he knew of his previous life, Lu Jingchen was cunning but never malevolent, often exerting his efforts in futile ways. Or perhaps not entirely futile, but they never seemed to achieve much."
"Chu Yin assured, 'It's no trouble, as we're going together, I can help you pick something.'"
"Lu Jingzhuo frowned slightly."
"Chu Yin gave him a reassuring look, signaling she knew what she was doing."
"Lu Jingzhuo remained silent."
"Seeing his elder brother's slightly stern face, Lu Jingchen felt apprehensive."
"During this period of learning from his brother, he realized the significant gap between them. Catching up seemed a distant goal. With Lu Jingzhuo's recent accomplishments, their father was even less likely to consider a change in heir, prompting Lu Jingchen to feel the need to strengthen their bond."
"However, his wife at home was a cause for concern. Although she had changed, it was more out of necessity. If Chu Yin helped him choose a gift, it would be easier to convince his wife."
"Unexpectedly, Lu Jingzhuo seemed displeased."
"Lu Jingchen couldn't fathom what he had done to upset him."
"It was just a small favor for sister-in-law, right? He wasn't really ordering her around; anything she chose would do."
"Anfeng County, being slightly smaller than Nanyang County, meant a short carriage ride from the county office brought them to their destination."
"Hearing the hawkers outside, Chu Yin peered through the window: 'The goods sold here seem similar to the last town.'"
"'Neighboring towns often share similar customs.'"
"Lu Jingzhuo was the first to alight from the carriage."
"Lu Jingchen, noticing them wearing veils, touched his nose and said, 'I overlooked that. I'm not as cautious as my brother and sister-in-law, but my face isn't that valuable to hide.'"
"He wouldn't have covered up himself; nobody would recognize him as the Crown Prince, but it was different for Chu Yin."
"But Lu Jingzhuo didn't offer any explanation."
"Chu Yin browsed various stalls and shops, her attention caught by a stone carving."
"The craftsmanship of the carving wasn't intricate, but its artistic conception was striking. She tugged at Lu Jingzhuo's sleeve, 'Look, what does this resemble?'"
"Lu Jingzhuo looked down, then the corners of his mouth lifted slightly: 'Does it resemble Xu'er?'"
"The carving depicted a boy squatting on the ground, intently observing something on the ground."
"Chu Yin chuckled, 'You can tell!'"
"He had only remembered his son's interest in observing ants after Chu Yin once asked if he did the same in his youth."
"Lu Jingzhuo picked up the stone carving, 'How much is it?'"
"'Eighty coins.'"
"Chu Yin began to open her purse to get some change."
"But Lu Jingzhuo was quicker, taking out copper coins."
"Watching him hand over the money, Chu Yin felt as if she were witnessing a magic trick."
"How could the Crown Prince carry copper coins with him?"
"Lu Jingchen also looked on in surprise."
"He hadn't brought any money himself!"
"His money was always with his attendants."
"After paying, Lu Jingzhuo handed the stone carving to Dong Ling."
"Dong Ling secretly clicked his tongue twice in amazement."
"Curiosity brimming, Chu Yin couldn't help asking, 'How come you have copper coins?'"
"'Don't you have some too?'"
"'...I had planned ahead, but you hadn't,' she said, pointing gently at his waist through the double veils, unable to see his expression clearly. 'Last time, you didn't carry any copper coins, did you?'"
"Lu Jingzhuo slightly lowered his head, 'Last time, I should have brought some.'"
"Chu Yin's eyes widened slightly in surprise."
"Did he mean that he should have paid last time too?"
"Of course, there was nothing wrong with that idea... When she was young, her brother always paid for her treats and clothes, which was natural. And as her husband, it seemed even more appropriate, but coming from him, it carried a different meaning."
"Given his usual demeanor, he wouldn't typically concern himself with such matters. Even if he did, he would just instruct Dong Ling, not carry money himself."
"He really had changed."
"Recalling how he had personally killed a bug for her last night, Chu Yin felt a surge of joy, like 'after a long wait, clouds part to reveal the moon'..."
"Wait a minute!"
"When she was first reborn, she also thought Lu Jingzhuo liked her and ended up doing many embarrassing things. She couldn't afford to be as presumptuous this time."
"She couldn't interpret these changes as 'liking'."
"Collecting herself, Chu Yin moved towards a nearby shop."
"Something caught her eye."
"It was a jade carving of a fish with a Ruyi lock on its back, its chubby appearance endearing."
"'Second brother, what do you think about this one?' Chu Yin asked Lu Jingchen. 'It has a nice meaning and looks cute.'"
"Considering Tang Feiyan's childlike, capricious nature, Chu Yin thought her tastes might lean towards those of a young girl."
"Lu Jingchen immediately instructed his attendant to purchase it."
Isn't he going to look more closely?
Chu Yin was surprised by Lu Jingchen's quick decision-making.
Actually, Lu Jingchen was worried about Lu Jingzhuo blaming him. Of course, they would buy whatever Chu Yin recommended.
"Sister-in-law's taste is absolutely impeccable!" Lu Jingchen praised.
Chu Yin: "..."
Unknowingly, they reached the end of the street.
Just as they were about to leave, Chu Yin spotted a travelogue titled "Dream Quest" and casually flipped through it.
She found herself liking it immediately.
Chu Yin asked for the price.
Seeing Lu Jingzhuo about to pay, she said, "This is for Yu Sizhang. I'll buy it."
Lu Jingzhuo: "..."
Even during a leisure outing, she still remembered to buy a gift for Yu Sizhang.
Were they really that close? Lu Jingzhuo was puzzled.
It was strange that in just over a month, a Crown Princess and a palace servant could become friends.
Upon returning to the county office, an attendant reported that Yi Jian had delivered the booklets, which were placed on the desk.
Lu Jingzhuo entered the room and saw a stack of booklets.
Though not thick, there were at least ten of them.
Yi Jian's intention was for him to answer the farmers' questions, but how could he possibly read so many booklets? Yi Jian seemingly thought of him as a prodigy with a photographic memory. Lu Jingzhuo rubbed his forehead.
Understanding his thoughts, Chu Yin offered, "Shall I help you read half of them? If farmers do ask questions, I can answer as well."
Lu Jingzhuo didn't insist on overexerting himself, "If I do read them, it would mean burning the midnight oil."
"Actually, we could stay here for an extra day. Your Highness and your brother can divide the tasks. It would be much quicker than the original plan. What's the harm in heading to the next county a bit later? You've already done so well."
Her gentle words of comfort and encouragement felt like a soft spring breeze in his heart.
He couldn't help but lift her chin, his fingertips lightly brushing her lips.
His eyes darkened, and Chu Yin, sensing his intent to kiss her, quickly said, "No."
Rejected again?
Lu Jingzhuo's fingers pressed slightly firmer, raising an eyebrow, "Why? Wanting me to be mindful of propriety again?" He hadn't made a fuss about it before, but that didn't mean he would always yield when she said that.
Chu Yin, hearing this, almost laughed, restraining herself, "Your Highness, your lip is still injured. I'm afraid it might bleed again... Let's wait until it's completely healed, shall we?"
It was concern for him.
Lu Jingzhuo released her, not pressing further.
After dinner, they began reviewing the booklets.
"These are the essence of agricultural texts compiled over thousands of years by various dynasties' experts. No wonder Mr. Yi can handle any question," Chu Yin found them very insightful.
A moment later, she added, "Mr. Yi is so talented, Your Highness, look at this part..."
Lu Jingzhuo didn't turn his head, replying indifferently, "Keep talking, and I'll throw you onto the bed."
Chu Yin: "..."
She had only spoken two sentences. Was he that averse to her speaking?
But knowing Lu Jingzhuo preferred not to be distracted while working, Chu Yin refrained from speaking further.
Outside the window, the moonlight was like silver, casting a snow-like glow on the blue roof tiles.
Inside the room, silence prevailed, broken only occasionally by the sizzling sound of the candle flame.
The scene at Prince Jin's mansion was quite different.
Tang Feiyan had covered her ears, while Lady Tang incessantly scolded, "Your father sent me to check on you, and here you are, clueless. Don't you know why His Majesty didn't let you accompany your husband to Rabbit Hill?"
"I've told you, I don't know. Asking me again won't change my answer!" Tang Feiyan lay listlessly on the couch, "Mother, it's late; you should head back."
"How can I face your father if I return like this? He thinks you've offended His Majesty and is terrified of being dismissed from his position..."
"That's impossible. Assure father that I haven't been so foolish!" Tang Feiyan said, frustrated, holding her chest. She might have made a small mistake, but her parents were acting as if the sky had fallen.
Lady Tang breathed a sigh of relief, sitting by the bed, "With your assurance, I can report back," she stroked her daughter's hair, "It's my fault for indulging you, raising you to be so willful and imprudent. Feiyan, always remember, your actions affect the entire Marquis of Wu'an's household. Any misstep could implicate your father and me... Never mind that, I just fear the title might fall to your uncle."
Her uncle, born to her father's concubine, had moved out with his family after the deaths of her grandparents.
He and her father, being half-brothers, were never close, and her aunt was a spiteful woman, always waiting for their downfall.
Tang Feiyan closed her eyes, "I understand, Mother. I'll be more careful in the future."
"Good that you understand," Lady Tang glanced at her daughter's abdomen, "When your husband returns, put in extra effort. The remedy I obtained for you will surely work. If you bear a grandson for His Majesty, he will undoubtedly be pleased."
Exhausted by her mother's persistence, Tang Feiyan replied, "I understand, please go back now, I need to rest."
"Alright, alright, I won't keep you," Lady Tang also felt exhausted from talking, "I just hope your husband can finish his work soon and return early."
Hearing the footsteps fade away, Tang Feiyan lay sprawled on the couch, sighing deeply.
Counting the days, Lu Jingchen would still be away for half a month.
She had to stay hidden at home for another half month.
Only if Lu Jingchen achieved success on this trip and received rewards from his father, could she finally hold her head high.
The following events unfolded smoothly.
As Lu Jingzhuo had anticipated, the farmers, already aware of the successes in Nanyang and Anfeng counties, needed no persuasion and began sowing their seeds. Only a few cautious farmers inquired about the land tax and grain exchange.
They had complete faith in Langzhong Yi's abilities.
For Lu Jingchen, with Yi Jian accompanying him, everything went smoothly as well.
Nevertheless, Lu Jingzhuo remained vigilant, confirming the sowing in each county was error-free before preparing to return to the palace.
Lu Jingchen shared his experiences with the magistrates of those two counties.
"The magistrate of Hai County is a competent official, respectful and dignified. The farmers trust him, and it's almost like a utopia with doors not shut at night and lost items not picked up. But the other one, well, it's better left unsaid... Brother, sister-in-law, how about the magistrates you encountered later?"
Seeing Lu Jingzhuo disinclined to speak, Chu Yin answered, "Better than the previous ones, but lacking in administrative competence. Some farmers mentioned frequent injustice and mishandled cases in the county."
Lu Jingchen shook his head, "I think after returning, we need to request Father Emperor to take a closer look. What do you think, brother?"
This time, Lu Jingzhuo spoke up, agreeing, "A thorough investigation is necessary."
The six major counties under the Emperor's direct jurisdiction had such disgraceful magistrates, akin to jesters, a shame for Dayue!
It's evident that passing the imperial examinations doesn't guarantee one's competence as an official. More important are abilities and character. He hoped the Emperor would instruct the Ministry of Personnel to be more cautious and stringent in selecting and evaluating officials.
They left in joy and returned in joy, eager to see their two children again soon.
Chu Yin wondered whether the children had grown taller.
She had never been separated from them.
"Last time we went to Wenshu Monastery, we were apart from Your Highness for half a month. Did you notice any changes in Xue and Zhen then?"
"I didn't notice any." It was her changes that were more significant.
"...You couldn't see any difference at all?"
"Why, are you going to say again that half a month is a long time?" He still remembered how she was back then, "Counting from one to fifteen takes a while, doesn't it?"
Caught off guard, Chu Yin's face flushed.
She had only wanted to ask if he had noticed any changes, not for him to repeat what she had said before!
She felt a strong sense of embarrassment.
That night, she didn't just say "it takes a while to count," she also said she "would cry for Your Highness."
Lu Jingzhuo probably didn't remember that part, did he?
How mortifying!
Chu Yin quickly clammed up, turning to look out the window, pretending she hadn't mentioned it.
Yet, her cheeks gradually reddened, as if tinged with the hue of peach blossoms.
Lu Jingzhuo did indeed think of that phrase.
It was because she was overly coquettish that he kissed her in the carriage and then told her not to speak like that again.
If he had to make the choice again...
Would he still say the same thing?
The thought fleeting, Lu Jingzhuo suddenly reached out, wrapping his arm around her waist, and pulled her onto his lap.
Chu Yin was startled, her beautiful eyes wide open.
He had kissed and held her in the carriage before, but this was the first time on his lap...
What was happening now?
On the road, it couldn't have been due to any drug.
She wasn't angry either, so there was no need for him to appease her.
Just as she was about to ask, his lips sealed hers.
It wasn't an aggressive kiss, but one that was gentle and lingering, usually very pleasing. Chu Yin would have enjoyed such a kiss, but due to her confusion over Lu Jingzhuo's behavior, she tensed up, unconsciously clutching and wrinkling the fabric of his robe at his waist.
Feeling like he was holding a tense piece of wood, ready to resist at any moment, Lu Jingzhuo, recalling being bitten last time, paused, then looked down at his puzzled wife, "Don't bite."
Chu Yin: "..."

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