chapter 87

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"Chuyin felt a headache coming on."
"Everything was going smoothly; Lu Jingrui had given up on Sun Luqiu, and it was up to her whether to bring them together or not. Little did she expect Lu Jingzhuo to intervene."
"Had she known, she would have been more cautious in her conversation with Lu Jingrui in his presence."
"Sun Luqiu could never be her brother's wife. She almost had Lu Jingrui under her control, free from worries, but involving the Wei Guo Duke's family would mean dealing with several more troublesome people, just the thought of it was vexing."
"Chuyin bit her lip and said softly, 'Your Majesty...'"
"Lu Jingzhuo didn't look at her, his face as somber as still water."
"She had no choice but to swallow her words again."
"The painted boat moored at the shore, the imperial guards disembarked to attend to their duties. Suddenly, Lu Jingzhuo said, 'You two should also leave.'"
"This 'you two' clearly referred to Lu Jingrui and Jiang Lin."
"The latter, not wishing to stir up trouble, had no objections. Lu Jingrui, however, said, 'Brother, this matter was caused by me. I shouldn't have asked sister-in-law to intervene. I hope you won't blame her.'"
"Lu Jingzhuo remained silent."
"Dongling advised, 'Third Prince, please disembark.'"
"His master's expression clearly heralded a storm brewing – not leaving now meant waiting for a reprimand."
"Of course, the master might not be verbose with this brother, so it might not be a mere reprimand, but something more severe."
"Catching the hint in Dongling's eyes, Lu Jingrui's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly bowed his head and descended from the boat."
"The boatmen then pushed the boat towards the middle of the river."
"The water churned, some of the river lanterns couldn't withstand the impact, toppling over, their lights extinguished in an instant."
"Chuyin followed Lu Jingzhuo towards the cabin."
"The man was clad in a dark autumn robe tonight, resembling a black wall. The faint moonlight fell on it, as if sprinkling silver frost, utterly chilling."
"Chuyin felt an inexplicable unease, unsure of what he might ask."
"Two windows in the cabin were open, occasionally letting in gusts of wind that made the lamp flicker."
"After entering, Chuyin closed the door behind her."
"But before her fingers could leave the handle, and before she could turn around, she was pinned against the door by the man."
"'It was you who suggested choosing a wife for the third brother today,' his voice resonated beside her ear."
"Yes," she admitted.
"You said earlier that the third prince is shy and might struggle to choose a bride. But just now, when he showed interest in that girl, why did you object? You don't know her. How can you judge her character and learning?"
"Lu Jingzhuo knew her too well. He had noticed her deliberate indifference towards Lu Jingrui."
"Chuyin's heart suddenly raced."
"'Do you not want him to marry?'"
"She had secrets she couldn't reveal, which he understood. But was there a secret in choosing a wife for the third prince?"
"Why was she obstructing this?"
"Faced with the man's questioning, Chuyin's fingers involuntarily curled up, and she stiffly said, 'That girl... she's not as good as the two I had in mind...'"
"'Is it you choosing a wife or the third prince?'"
"'...But after the marriage, she'll be my sister-in-law. I don't want a...' Chuyin's nails dug into her palm, regretting inviting Lu Jingzhuo and now finding it hard to explain. 'I just felt instinctively that the girl wasn't suitable for the third prince.'"
"'Unsuitable in what way? Her looks? You can only judge by looks,' he gripped Chuyin's chin, 'I previously told you not to come, fearing it would tire you. Now it seems you're very keen to meddle in the third prince's matrimonial matters.'"
"Looking back, she had indeed been overly concerned about the third prince."
"Which is why he had started to comply with her."
"Chuyin, unsure of how to defend herself, finally managed, 'I was trying to alleviate our mother's worries. She adores the third prince and wishes for him to marry a virtuous wife for a harmonious future. That's why I put extra effort into this.'"
"'Is not mutual affection the most important? If our mother were here, she would certainly, like me, send someone to investigate that girl.'"
"'...So what do you want me to do?' Chuyin, cornered and without a way out, closed her eyes, 'Punish me then, Your Majesty. I failed as an elder sister-in-law and messed up this task. It's all my fault!'"
"It wasn't really a big deal, but there was an oddity about it that inexplicably ignited a fire in him."
"Perhaps it was because he had always indulged her, allowed her secrets, even her distrust towards him. But this always remained a thorn between them. He might not care, but when occasionally pricked by it, it was incredibly painful."
"Like now."
"He turned Chuyin around and pulled down with his hand."
"As autumn had already set in, Chuyin immediately felt a chill."
"Is this his way of punishing me?"
"Her face flushed, but she did not resist; it was preferable to his relentless questioning."
"She truly didn't know how to start, how to tell him about her rebirth."
"Such a revelation would be difficult for anyone to accept."
"The man advanced, pinning her firmly against the door frame."
"Her cheek, her upper body, pressed tightly against it, immobile."
"Though she couldn't see his face, she could feel a certain ferocity emanating from him, like the invading winds of this autumn night."
"In the ensuing moments, Chuyin felt like a fish on the chopping block, relentlessly pounded, experiencing a torturous cycle of death and revival. Once, she tried to plead for mercy, but as soon as she opened her mouth, he kissed her fiercely, her lips and tongue also bearing the brunt."
"It was some time before he finally stopped."
"Only when the hand that had been gripping her waist loosened did Chuyin slump down, collapsing onto the deck."
"Beads and hairpins from her hair lay scattered around her feet."
"She lacked the strength even to pick them up."
"Lu Jingzhuo squatted down, glanced at her, and then reached out to hold her."
"Chuyin exclaimed in alarm, 'No...'"
"She truly couldn't endure it a second time."
"With tears still on her face and red eyes, Lu Jingzhuo sneered softly, 'Scared now?'"
"All her secrets were to blame!"
"Chuyin pursed her lips and fell silent again."
"He lifted her into a chair."
"She kept her legs tightly together, fearing he might pry them apart."
"It wasn't that he didn't know her body; otherwise, he wouldn't have stopped."
"He took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped her, from her calves up to her knees, saying, 'Open up.'"
"Chuyin's face turned crimson, and with closed eyes, she murmured, 'No need...'"
"'This area can't be cleaned, and you'll need to wear clothes later.'"
"She remained silent, then after a while asked, 'Aren't you angry anymore?'"
"He didn't respond but suddenly forced his hand between her legs, prying them open, and wiped with pursed lips."
"She shuddered, leaning down, first gently touching his bent back. Seeing he didn't pull away, she fully lay on his broad back, then wrapped her arms around his waist and remained still."
"His hand paused, his heart softened slightly."
"Her action seemed like an apology."
"The painted boat returned to the shore."
"After Lu Jingzhuo waited for her to get ready, he carried her off the boat."
"Shielded by the night and guarded by escorts who blocked the crowd, they initially went unnoticed. However, as he was not wearing a hood and carried a woman, they soon began to draw attention."
"Recognizing his fair and handsome face, his tall and upright figure, an official nearby recognized him and stammered in disbelief, 'The... the Emperor...'"
"A fellow official, shocked, asked, 'What? Where?'"
"Looking in the direction pointed out, they indeed saw the Emperor heading towards a carriage parked to the east."
"They were momentarily flustered, unsure whether to approach and pay their respects."
"In their hesitation, the Emperor disappeared from view."
"This news quickly spread secretly among the officials present at the Jade River tonight."
"They all knew the Emperor had come incognito with a lady to enjoy the moon."
"Some speculated it might not be the Empress, as her face hadn't been seen."
"Others guessed it must be the Empress, perhaps unwell and unable to walk, hence the Emperor carrying her back for treatment."
"Of course, there were other theories..."
"However, Chuyin was unaware they had been spotted; exhausted, she soon fell asleep on Lu Jingzhuo's legs."
"Their carriage led the way, followed closely by the carriages of Lu Jingrui and Jiang Lin, who had disembarked early and waited on the shore for a long time."
"Through the carriage window, Lu Jingrui had also seen Chuyin being carried by his brother."
"For a moment, he thought Chuyin was injured, and the harm had come from his brother. But on second thought, he realized his brother, despite his coldness, would not hurt his own wife, leaving him puzzled about what had happened."
"He was very worried."
"Upon entering the palace, Lu Jingzhuo directly took Chuyin to the Kunning Palace and then went to the Cining Palace to fetch their three children."
"Empress Dowager Jiang was inquiring about Lu Jingrui and Jiang Lin's matters regarding choosing a wife."
"Seeing Lu Jingzhuo, she asked, 'Where is Ayin? Did Jingrui really not find a girl to his liking?'"
"'She's a bit tired, so I let her rest,' he replied."
"Lu Zhen, standing by his grandmother, pouted, 'Daddy and Mommy sneaked away without taking us with them.'"
"'This time it was for something else important. Next year, I promise to take you moon-viewing,' Lu Jingzhuo assured."
"Lu Zhen, wise beyond his years, immediately smiled, 'Was it for Uncle and Cousin to choose wives?'"
"Empress Dowager Jiang, noticing her son hadn't answered earlier, asked again, 'Jingzhuo, did Jingrui really not lie to me? Did he truly not fancy anyone?'"
"The guards had already found out the identity of the girl; she was Sun Luqiu, the daughter of the Duke of Wei Nation, Sun Guang."
"Lu Jingzhuo glanced at Lu Jingrui, 'How would I know if the third brother fancied anyone? You should ask him.'"
"Lu Jingrui pressed his lips together, 'Indeed, I didn't, Mother. I have no reason to lie to you. I'll look again another time.'"
"Princess Baocheng, also disappointed, said, 'With so many girls, neither of you fancied anyone? You both are too picky. Next time? That will be next year, and which noble lady will venture out in winter? You two really are...'"
"Jiang Lin, wary of his mother's many words, gave her a meaningful look, 'I will marry soon, Mother. Rest assured.'"
"The Emperor was in a bad mood; it was better to avoid him."
"'Mother, it's getting late. We should head back, and let Aunt and Cousin rest too.'"
"Sensing her son had something private to discuss, Princess Baocheng bid farewell to Empress Dowager Jiang, Lu Jingzhuo, and others."
"Seeing this, the couple Lu Jingchen also left with Princess Baocheng."
"Back at Princess Baocheng's residence, she eagerly asked her eldest son, 'What happened at the Jade River?'"
"Jiang Lin recounted what he had witnessed to his mother."
"'I didn't get a good look at the girls, because my eldest cousin started lecturing the third one. But I felt something was off with the third cousin; he didn't seem interested in choosing a wife. It appeared he spent less time looking at the girls than he did watching my eldest cousin's wife.'"
"Princess Baocheng was shocked, her eyes widening, 'Do you mean he covets Ayin?'"
"'It's not necessarily coveting. I can't be sure. He seemed somewhat interested in one girl, but he entirely deferred to my eldest cousin's wife. If she disapproved, he would reject her.'"
"Jiang Lin asked, 'Mother, what do you think this means?'"
"Princess Baocheng, with one hand on her hip and the other touching the hairpin on her head, frowned, 'It's certainly not a good sign.'"
"'I felt the same, which is why I suggested you keep your distance.'"
"'Hmm,' Princess Baocheng pondered, 'I hope it doesn't lead to brotherly discord. After all, she is quite fond of your third cousin.'"
"She decided to visit the palace again before returning to Qingfeng Town to investigate further."
"Mother and son finished their conversation and retired to their respective rooms."
"Meanwhile, Lu Jingzhuo had also returned to the Kunning Palace with the three children."
"Chuyin, having bathed, was already fast asleep."
"He sat beside the bed, watching her for a while."
"As he lay down, perhaps stirring slightly, Chuyin sensed his presence and snuggled closer to him."
"Her body, scented with the light, sweet fragrance of osmanthus from her bath, was soft and clung to him like cotton, as if she was naturally part of him."
"He adored this clinginess, her coquettish ways, cherishing her as if she were a fragile treasure, too precious to risk breaking or losing."
"This feeling had become sharply clear day by day, and he knew he was deeply ensnared."
"The feeling of being unable to extricate himself was not easy to bear, which is why he sometimes felt angry."
"Just like earlier on the painted boat..."
"But his anger faded as quickly as it had come, now seemingly nonexistent with her pressed against him like this."
"Stroking her soft hair, he whispered, 'Ayin, do you know how much I truly like you?'"
"So much, so very much."
"Chuyin, in her deep sleep, seemed disturbed, her lips puckering slightly, her head nestling deeper into his embrace."
"He smiled helplessly and held her tighter."

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