chapter 85

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"You should make your own decisions about such important personal matters. If Ah Yin decides for you and something goes wrong, what then? Blame her? This shouldn't be her responsibility."
Faced with his brother's words, Lu Jingrui's face flushed with embarrassment.
Indeed, he hadn't considered his sister-in-law's position, simply thinking she knew the girls better and cared about him the most, so he felt safe entrusting this important decision to her.
Now, he realized why she hadn't immediately agreed; perhaps she was afraid of making the wrong choice.
Lu Jingrui apologized to Chu Yin, "I was presumptuous. Please forgive me, elder sister-in-law."
At this moment, Chu Yin's thoughts had actually shifted.
Although she initially found Lu Jingrui's request absurd, upon reflection, she saw an opportunity to test his sincerity. So she said, "Mother says you haven't interacted with many young ladies. Are you perhaps shy? Take your time, no need to rush. We can talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival later."
Her words obviously left room for possibility, bringing a surge of joy to Lu Jingrui.
His elder brother cared for his sister-in-law, not wanting her burdened, and she too feared making a mistake. Yet, even so, she didn't outright reject his request. Lu Jingrui nodded obediently, smiling like a child.
Seeing this, Chu Yin felt a bit uncomfortable, but not wanting to arouse Lu Jingrui's suspicion, she returned his smile.
At that moment, Lu Jingzhao had the feeling of "overly indulgent mothers spoil their sons."
Clearly, Chu Yin also thought it wasn't right for her to make decisions for her brother-in-law, but then she softened and seemed willing to help. He really didn't understand her thinking.
His brother was already nineteen. Couldn't he choose a girl he liked on his own?
He furrowed his brows.
Empress Dowager Jiang looked at her son, "I should be the one worrying about this, but given my poor health and reluctance to go out, if Ah Yin is willing, then her helping out is fine. We are a family, no need to be so formal. If anything goes wrong, Jingrui surely won't blame Ah Yin."
With his mother speaking, Lu Jingzhao found it inappropriate to contradict her publicly and remained silent.
Seeing it was getting late, Empress Dowager Jiang summoned everyone to the table.
Having not seen his niece and nephew for over two years, Lu Jingrui purposely sat next to Lu Zhen, asking if he still played with the paper cart his uncle had made for him.
Grateful for the toy his uncle crafted, Lu Zhen thanked him and shared that he occasionally played with it but had outgrown paper folding, focusing now on studying and horseback riding. Lu Jingrui expressed interest in learning to ride and asked Lu Zhen to teach him.
The idea of a six-year-old teaching his uncle gave Lu Zhen a sudden sense of maturity. He eagerly agreed and invited Lu Jingrui to the riding grounds the next afternoon.
Chu Yin couldn't help but hold her forehead.
No wonder her son had lost the throne. Just see how, with a few words, Lu Jingrui had rekindled his nephew's affection for him, despite their estrangement.
Meanwhile, Lu Zhen was quite interested in Lu Shaowen. Having a younger brother and now a younger cousin was like having more delightful little toys to play with. She couldn't resist pinching him here and there.
Lu Shaowen, good-natured, smiled brightly.
"You're just like Yu'er, both so well-behaved," Lu Zhen complimented him.
Seizing the opportunity, Tang Feiyan interjected, "Shaowen, come to the palace more often to keep your cousin company."
Chu Yin: "..."
Lu Jingzhao remained reticent, making Lu Jingchen increasingly nervous about how his elder brother might treat him. Eventually, he couldn't help but start talking about the books he read and what he had learned during his mourning period.
Lu Jingzhao nodded: "That's good."
Unsure whether it was genuine praise or just a casual remark, Lu Jingchen didn't dare to probe further.
After the meal, Lu Jingzhao left Cining Palace first with Chu Yin and their two children.
Soon after, Lu Jingchen and his wife also bid farewell to Empress Dowager Jiang.
On the way back, Tang Feiyan remarked, "Fortunately, Shaowen is smart enough. You saw how Mother and Zhen'er took a liking to him. If he could visit the palace often and make Zhen'er reluctant to see him leave, maybe..."
"A child can't influence big brother's decisions," Lu Jingchen shook his head, "Don't waste your efforts on such things."
Tang Feiyan sighed resignedly, "Ever since big brother became the Emperor, it's harder to read his emotions. You can never tell what he's thinking. Do you think he'll send us to govern a fief soon?"
Lu Jingchen, of course, had no idea, remaining silent for a moment before saying, "What if we are sent to govern a fief?"
They had already made all the efforts they could. If it still came to that, then it must be fate.
Tang Feiyan wrapped her arms around his waist, "Then I can only hope it's not too far from the capital and not in some desolate place..."
She didn't blame him, but Lu Jingchen could see her reluctance.
Having grown up in the prosperous capital, her reluctance to leave was understandable. They both had tried their best; now all they could do was wait for a future opportunity to win his brother's trust. If that failed, they would have to accept their fate.
July brought cooler weather, relieving the heat.
At noon, Chu Yin fed Lu Yu some chicken puree. Still concerned about her eldest son teaching Lu Jingrui, she decided to visit the riding grounds.
Unexpectedly, Lu Jingrui had arrived early and was already waiting for Lu Zhen.
"Elder sister-in-law!" Lu Jingrui's face lit up with surprise as he quickly approached, "What a coincidence, are you also here to practice riding and archery?"
"Hmm, we stopped for two months because of the heat," Chu Yin glanced at his archery outfit, "Were you preparing in advance?"
Lu Jingrui smiled, "Ever since my old injury healed, I've been planning to learn archery. I hoped to go hunting with my brother and sister-in-law once I've learned, and it would be even better if Zhuer could join."
His smile was pure, as if it reflected a deep desire in his heart.
Chu Yin raised an eyebrow: "Then you should have asked Zhuer to teach you. He only rides ponies now; how could he teach you?"
"I understand that, but I see Zhuer studying hard every day and getting tired. I thought it would make him happy to teach."
Chu Yin: "..."
Hearing the distant sound of carriage wheels, Lu Jingrui reminded her, "Sister-in-law, don't tell Zhuer later; let him be the teacher for once."
Chu Yin remained noncommittal.
The Royal Horse Supervisor brought over Lu Zhu's pony just as he was getting out of the carriage.
"Mother, Uncle Three!" he greeted them both and added, "Uncle Three, you arrived before me," pointing to a nearby horse, "Is that snowy-hoofed horse yours?"
"Yes, I chose it this morning with His Majesty's permission."
"It's so beautiful," Lu Zhu sighed, "I can only ride such a short horse."
His excitement about being a teacher for the first time diminished instantly.
Lu Jingrui reassured him, "You've grown so much in just over two years; I almost didn't recognize you. In another two years, you'll surely be able to ride a bigger horse. Besides, horsemanship is about skill, not the size of the horse."
"That's true," Lu Zhu's eyes sparkled, "You're right, Uncle Three. Come on, I'll teach you now."
He began instructing Lu Jingrui.
Lu Jingrui followed each instruction attentively, showing great enthusiasm.
Laughter constantly erupted from Lu Zhu.
Chu Yin couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.
Lu Jingrui was indeed trying to win his son's heart, but he had been upfront with her about it. It didn't seem deceitful, rather more like an uncle's care, giving his nephew a chance to relax. And the son was indeed teaching with great joy.
Perhaps, he really had no ulterior motives?
Chu Yin observed while riding her horse.
During a break, Lu Jingrui approached to inquire about her archery.
"I was surprised to see sister-in-law shooting so accurately. I can hardly believe you can draw a bow."
"Because sister-in-law looks like she doesn't have much strength, and her hands are so slender."
Chu Yin replied, "This bow was a gift from His Majesty. It requires very little strength," she handed it to him, "you can try it."
Lu Jingrui took it and easily drew the bow to its full extent.
Realizing he had indeed fully recovered, Chu Yin smiled, "After you learn horseback archery, do you only wish to hunt with His Majesty and me? Don't you want to do anything else?"
"What else?"
Chu Yin said, "Like becoming a great general. You seem to have a talent for it. You've mastered this horse so quickly, I'm sure learning martial arts and the ways of a general would be easy for you."
Flushed with her praise, Lu Jingrui's face turned slightly red. "Is sister-in-law overestimating me?" Last time she said he could be a great calligrapher, now a famous general. Did she really see him as such a gifted person?
"I'm just being realistic. It took me a year to learn horseback riding. Compared to you, I can only be described as 'slow-witted'."
Lu Jingrui hurriedly responded, "Sister-in-law is a lady and was frail before. It's remarkable that you've learned horseback archery. How can you say you're slow-witted? Besides, you excel in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. You're a true talent, unlike me. I'm not proficient in anything... If not for your encouragement, I would still be nothing."
His words were spoken with genuine affection and sincerity.
Chu Yin gazed at the slight redness in his eyes, momentarily unsure how to respond.
"This bow is beautiful," Lu Jingrui lowered his gaze to it, concealing the excitement he had just shown, "Big brother seems stern, but he's incredibly thoughtful towards sister-in-law, even personally preparing a bow for you."
"Yes, His Majesty is very kind to me. But he's also good to you. Yesterday's words weren't just out of concern for me; it was also because you feared I might choose someone you wouldn't like."
Lu Jingrui nodded, "I understand."
But he understood more that Lu Jingzhuo's care stemmed from guilt. As a legitimate son, Lu Jingzhuo's status differed from his as a concubine-born son. Their relationship couldn't be genuinely close, especially with his brother's rational and detached nature.
His favorable treatment was more about leveraging his stepmother's kindness. His brother's care for him was partly out of respect for her.
Only Chu Yin was different.
He asked, "Do you really think I could become a great general?"
"Of course. But becoming a great general means going to the battlefield, which is very dangerous," Chu Yin probed further, "I'd rather you stay safe in the capital. As for the border issues... perhaps His Majesty could make more northern inspections in the future."
She finished speaking with a light sigh.
With such a harmonious relationship between his brother and sister-in-law, she must worry when he goes to the northern borders.
Lu Jingrui hesitated, "I could try to learn. But I don't know if my brother would agree."
Chu Yin was surprised, "You're willing to be stationed at the frontier?"
"There has been no war with the foreign tribes for several years. I'd prefer to stay in the capital, but if a war breaks out and I'm capable of defeating the enemy, I'd willingly go. But... it's too early to talk about this. Becoming a great general isn't easy. Perhaps sister-in-law is overestimating me."
Yet his willingness to agree was beyond expectations.
Chu Yin wondered, was her urging him to treat his old injury such a big favor? Did he start trusting her from then?
Or was it because he grew up without much affection and yearned for care? Did he perceive her strategy as concern?
"Uncle Three?" Lu Zhu, growing impatient, intervened, "You still need to continue learning. Why are you talking with mother all this time? You can't be lazy."
Lu Jingrui laughed, "Alright, alright," he said to Chu Yin, "Sister-in-law, teacher Zhu is urging me, I'll ride ahead."
"Go ahead," she replied.
With a gentle squeeze of his horse's sides, Lu Jingrui's mount trotted forward leisurely.
Chu Yin watched his receding figure, exhaling softly only after a long while.
Perhaps, she shouldn't worry about this matter anymore.
If Lu Jingrui truly followed her lead completely, the future would likely see her controlling him rather than him manipulating his own son. Of course, this all hinged on her surviving the upcoming ordeal.
But there was another significant issue before the Winter Solstice.
The plague in Wei State.
That's why, on the seventeenth day of the seventh month, after sending Lu Jingzhuo to the Qianqing Palace, Chu Yin did not leave but stayed there.
She remembered, after the outbreak of the plague, Lu Jingzhuo had deeply regretted not realizing the disease spreading in Wei State was a plague. An official had mentioned in a memorial that recently, Wei State saw a surge in illnesses and suffered from flooding, requesting disaster relief and food distribution. She asked when the memorial was submitted, and he clearly remembered it was on the seventeenth of July. That epidemic eventually caused tens of thousands of deaths.
Therefore, she needed to remind Lu Jingzhuo.
With his wife seated on his legs for half a day, Lu Jingzhuo's legs had gone numb. He couldn't help asking, "Don't you have other matters to attend to today?"
Chu Yin pouted her lips, "What, you want to send me away again?"
As if one more word from him would bring her to tears.
Lu Jingzhuo pinched the bridge of his nose, "Of course not, I was just asking."
Actually, Chu Yin didn't want to sit for so long either, but the memorial about Wei State hadn't appeared yet, so she had to continue staying in the Qianqing Palace.
"I just really wanted to be with Your Majesty today, I couldn't bear to leave you." She had to mask her true intentions with clinginess. Having already cried before, he wouldn't press her further, and she had no more face to lose, "Besides, I can still share Your Majesty's worries and offer suggestions."
Her coquettish behavior left Lu Jingzhuo helpless, but his legs really couldn't take it anymore. He said, "Please get up and let me move a bit."
"Why?" Chu Yin was puzzled.
"Because my legs have gone numb."
"..." Chu Yin was shocked. Had she really made his legs numb by sitting on them?
She hurriedly got up.
Lu Jingzhao steadied himself on the imperial desk, pressing down with his hand.
Seeing the man's slightly furrowed brows, Chu Yin asked with concern, "Shall I massage it for you?"
"No need, standing for a while should help," he replied, experiencing the numbness in his legs for the first time, numbed by someone else's sitting.
Chu Yin tugged at his sleeve, "Your Majesty, if you're uncomfortable, you should have told me earlier. I had no idea your legs could go numb."
Lu Jingzhao replied indifferently, "I didn't expect that without my saying, you would continue sitting."
Chu Yin: "..."
"Are my legs that comfortable?" he pulled her into his arms, "Or did you have an ulterior motive for coming here today?"
Chu Yin's heart skipped a beat.
Could he have noticed?
"What could I possibly be scheming?" she quickly denied, "I come to Qianqing Palace every day to serve you. Besides, it was you who lifted me onto your lap. Initially, I just wanted to grind ink for you..."
Her tone was so aggrieved that Lu Jingzhao worried she might cry. He rubbed her waist gently, "Alright, alright, I don't suspect you, is that better? Even if I did, I would keep it to myself."
Upon closer reflection, there have always been many suspicious things about Chu Yin.
He wasn't afraid of one more.
Chu Yin calmed down, and once Lu Jingzhao's legs regained sensation, she sat on them again.
Lu Jingzhao continued reviewing the memorials.
Chu Yin waited and waited, finally receiving that one particular letter.
Lu Jingzhuo was paying close attention, especially since it concerned disaster relief; he needed to decide whether to order officials to immediately distribute grain.
Just as he was about to finish with his vermilion pen, Chu Yin suddenly said, "Your Majesty, the situation in Wei State is rather strange. Even with flooding, there shouldn't be so many sick people, right? Flooding happens every year..."
Lu Jingzhuo asked, "What are your thoughts?"
"I don't have any particular thoughts, but I remember hearing something in my childhood. Once, a town along the river had many sick people, and it turned out to be an epidemic. Your Majesty, being from Qing State, should know about it."
Was that incident thirteen or fourteen years ago?
Lu Jingzhuo remembered it, as it had caused panic due to its proximity to Qing State.
"Do you think it's an epidemic?" he asked, looking down at Chu Yin.
"I'm not sure, but being cautious can't be wrong."
Lu Jingzhuo was deep in thought.
The cost of negligence could be severe, while the cost of caution was simply dispatching an imperial physician.
He immediately issued an order for the chief imperial physician and two other physicians to set off for Wei State with necessary medicines to investigate the cause of the illness, and also sent ten guards for protection.
Chu Yin sighed with relief.
He noticed her suddenly looking weary, with a hint of tiredness in her brows. A thought struck him that perhaps Chu Yin had been waiting for this memorial, to remind him of the epidemic...
But how could Chu Yin have known in advance?
She's no great immortal.
Lu Jingzhuo shook his head, dismissing the thought.
But Chu Yin said no more, and as he continued reviewing documents, he looked down to find her asleep.
Well, his legs were bound to go numb again..

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