chapter 14

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Chu Yin didn't react immediately, but Tang Feiyan, standing not far away, had her eyes wide open in shock.
Could it be?
Was Lu Jingzhao hugging Chu Yin?
He was facing away from them, making it hard to see clearly, but the gesture looked unmistakably like an embrace.
Tang Feiyan momentarily forgot about the hairpin on her head, shifting to the right to get a better view. She then saw Chu Yin's face resting against Lu Jingzhao's chest, his arm encircling her waist. His fingers, visible from the sleeve of his pale blue robe embroidered with golden dragon patterns, seemed to be gripping firmly, clearly the initiator of the embrace.
She was utterly stunned, her mind going blank.
At first, Chu Yin was also shocked, but soon realized he was giving tit for tat.
She wished she had told him in her previous life, so she wouldn't have had to suffer from seeing Tang Feiyan's ridiculous expressions for so long. Next time, she was sure not to let this scene repeat.
She whispered, "Your Highness, that's enough."
Hearing her, Lu Jingzhao let go.
He still didn't understand the bizarre way women showed off to each other.
But as her husband, he couldn't just stand by if she felt bullied.
Hopefully, his sister-in-law would refrain from such behavior in the future.
Emperor Jianxing arrived at the Kunning Palace in his dragon carriage, furious, entering the hall while cursing, "Locusts again! It's always the locusts, these damn insects!"
Chu Yin was familiar with this scene; locust plagues were an annual occurrence. Each time, farmers would lose their crops, leading to refugees and even uprisings in some areas, affecting the stability and prosperity of Dayue.
This continued until the third year of Lu Jingzhao's reign when an expert in locust control emerged.
However, "emerged" might not be the most accurate word. This person had always been studying and summarizing methods to combat locusts but had remained unnoticed due to lack of recognition.
Perhaps she should seize the opportunity to recommend this individual; otherwise, each year, more people would die from the disaster.
"Useless officials, can't even handle a bunch of locusts," Emperor Jianxing raged, turning to his eldest and second sons, "Do you have any suggestions?"
Although the two princes were well-read, they hadn't truly dealt with agricultural matters, and couldn't offer any concrete solutions.
Knowing that theoretical knowledge wasn't enough, Lu Jingzhao suggested, "In my opinion, Father Emperor can only instruct his ministers to focus on promoting talents skilled in locust control."
"That's exactly what I have ordered, but it's been three years without them finding a solution... a bunch of incompetents!" the Emperor exclaimed loudly.
His loud voice frightened the children, who hid behind Chu Yin.
"Grandfather isn't angry with you," Emperor Jianxing noticed and softened his tone.
Chu Yin turned and gently rubbed her children's heads, reassuring, "Don't be afraid."
Encouraged by their mother, the siblings bravely stepped forward to pay respects to their great-grandfather.
Emperor Jianxing hugged his grandchildren, kissed them heartily, and then suddenly turned to look at Lu Jingrui, asking Empress Dowager Jiang, "Why have you stopped looking for a wife for him again?"
He had specifically come to the Qianqing Palace to discuss this matter, only for her to change her mind again, leaving him baffled.
Seeing the situation, Lu Jingrui quickly knelt down, "Father Emperor, please don't blame the Empress Mother, it's my fault. Please punish me instead. The matter has nothing to do with her; I don't wish to marry too soon and pleaded with the Empress Mother for understanding."
Was this a self-inflicted hardship to gain sympathy?
By taking the blame, his grandmother would naturally be more sympathetic towards him, Chu Yin thought to herself, noting his deep cunning at such a young age.
Sure enough, Empress Dowager Jiang quickly added, "I wasn't thoughtful enough and acted rashly. Jingrui indeed isn't mature enough yet, we can wait another two years."
Emperor Jianxing snorted but didn't pursue the matter further.
This youngest son had always lacked a manly demeanor and looked rather effeminate, which he didn't particularly like. Later, seeing him fawn over his mother and elder brother like a begging puppy only increased his dislike.
But he didn't bother much with the boy, knowing that after his coming-of-age ceremony, he would eventually have to marry and would be assigned to govern elsewhere.
Emperor Jianxing then continued discussing the locust plague.
When there was a pause, Chu Yin seized the opportunity, "Father Emperor, I would like to recommend someone."
Emperor Jianxing glanced at her, not taking it seriously, and responded indifferently, "Oh, who?"
With so many officials unable to recommend a capable person, what could his daughter-in-law possibly suggest?
Chu Yin said, "The chief registrar of the county government in Nanhe County, Yuyi State."
Still reeling from the sight of Lu Jingzhao embracing Chu Yin, Tang Feiyan, struck as if by thunder, took a while to recover. But seeing Chu Yin seemingly out of her depth now revived her spirits.
"Sister-in-law, the locust plague has always been a problem throughout history. Does the registrar you recommend really have a solution? Don't make claims without basis!" Tang Feiyan said.
Chu Yin kept her focus on Emperor Jianxing, "I heard about this man on my journey from Qingzhou to the capital. Although his position is modest, he's deeply concerned about the people's welfare. His approach to controlling the locusts isn't just about burning them or using them as food, which are temporary solutions. He has his own unique insights, like encouraging farmers to plant crops that locusts don't eat, such as peas and sesame, and removing eggs in spring and summer..."
Her words didn't sound like baseless claims, piquing Emperor Jianxing's interest. He stroked his short beard, "Which county did you say again?"
"Nanhe County."
Seeing Chu Yin easily gain Emperor Jianxing's trust, Tang Feiyan fumed. Ignoring Lu Jingchen's attempts to stop her, she raised her voice, "Sister-in-law, can you guarantee this person can solve the locust problem? What if the Emperor employs him and he fails? Wouldn't that embarrass the Emperor in front of his ministers?"
Chu Yin: "......"
Did she have a grudge against Tang Feiyan? Why was she being so relentless?
If Tang Feiyan was hoping for the title of Crown Princess, she was doomed to be disappointed and would eventually have to kneel before her.
Chu Yin's expression darkened, "Father Emperor, I spoke out of desperation seeing the officials at a loss. There's a saying, 'A dying horse might as well be treated as if alive.' I believe this registrar is capable..."
Lu Jingzhao interrupted her, "A'Yin, you haven't met this person. Be cautious with your words."
She was taken aback.
Lu Jingzhao turned to Emperor Jianxing, "Father Emperor, regardless, A'Yin means well. I think it's worth for Father Emperor to meet this registrar from Yuyi State. It's not far from the capital, and a decision can be made after meeting him."
Tang Feiyan felt disappointed. She had hoped Chu Yin would assert confidently, only to face rebuke from the Emperor when her recommendation failed. But Lu Jingzhao unexpectedly intervened.
Did the Crown Prince really have affection for Chu Yin?
She had misjudged the situation!
Emperor Jianxing pondered, "Alright, let's proceed with that plan."
After the banquet dispersed, Emperor Jianxing was the first to leave. Tang Feiyan confronted Lu Jingchen, "Husband, why didn't you say anything? Don't tell me you think sister-in-law's suggestion is useful? It's just a name she heard of..."
Lu Jingchen, already irritated by her disobedience, scolded her, "Why do you keep antagonizing sister-in-law? Are you mad? I repeatedly cautioned you to restrain yourself. Why don't you listen? Instead of worrying about whether sister-in-law's suggestion is useful, you should take care of yourself first!"
Already agitated, Tang Feiyan couldn't hold back her tears after his harsh scolding.
Tang Feiyan was naturally charming and adorable, her tears making her look even more pitiable.
Seeing her tears, Lu Jingchen's heart softened, "Alright, alright, I won't scold you anymore. Just make sure to change your behavior." He really liked Tang Feiyan's naivety, as long as she wasn't being foolish or willful.
Tang Feiyan realized she had completely lost this round. Fearing the loss of her husband's affection would lead to a total defeat, she nodded slightly in acknowledgment of her mistake.
As evening fell, everyone gradually bid farewell to Empress Dowager Jiang.
Lu Jingzhao carried both children, seeming quite accustomed to it.
Chu Yin followed with a smile.
Initially, she was somewhat displeased when Lu Jingzhao interrupted her.
She knew well of the registrar's capabilities from her past life and had no doubt about his expertise, but as an observer, Lu Jingzhao's perspective was different.
"Thank you for earlier, Your Highness," she said, gently shaking his sleeve, "I'm grateful for your reminder."
Having many questions about Yi Jian, and seeing Chu Yin bring it up, Lu Jingzhao stopped, "Is what you said about the registrar really just something you heard?"
Anticipating the Emperor's skepticism, she had prepared her response in advance.
"Yes, it was during a stay on the way here. I remember it was at an inn in Baiju Town... Some people were chatting about a registrar in Nanhe County who could control locusts. Out of curiosity, I listened a bit more."
Indeed, she had stayed in an inn at Baiju Town on her way to the capital, but whether anyone had mentioned Yi Jian was known only to her.
"You're so certain without having met him?" Lu Jingzhao raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why so?"
His eyes were intense, like stars shining within them. Chu Yin lowered her gaze, "I was just worried about the locust plague and acted impulsively."
Although Chu Yin had shown some changes recently, she wouldn't be so foolish as to impulsively recommend an unknown official.
With her cautious nature, how could she risk making a mistake and facing the Emperor's reprimand?
Why would she take such a risk?
Yi Jian...
What exactly was his relationship to her?

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