chapter 57

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"But it was just for a moment, then it returned to normal."
"Chu Yin, of course, did not notice."
"After she finished speaking, Lu Jingzhuo said indifferently, 'Were you serious about mentioning Huaining Princess just now?'"
"Princess Baocheng's situation is very similar to Huaining Princess's, and she also has two dutiful sons. There really is no rush for her to remarry, nor is there a need to ask our father for an arranged marriage. Chu Yin continued, 'After her divorce, Huaining Princess lived a carefree and contented life, passing away at the age of eighty-three.'"
"It's rare for people to live past seventy, and she lived such a long life. Chu Yin genuinely envied her."
"It seemed she really did aspire to that."
"Lu Jingzhuo gained a deeper understanding of his wife."
"The most pressing issue now was the arranged marriage. Chu Yin returned to her earlier question, 'Do you truly think our father won't agree?'"
"He didn't want to discuss this matter further and couldn't understand why Chu Yin was so concerned."
"'Duke Song is different from others. If our father wanted to force him, he would have already entered official service. The same goes for an arranged marriage; it depends on whether he harbors feelings for our aunt.' He thought this marriage was a good match, but obviously, its success depended on Duke Song."
"Chu Yin felt somewhat relieved but couldn't be completely at ease, 'But our father is very fond of our aunt.'"
"What if our father prioritizes sibling affection?"
"In our father's heart, Princess Baocheng's position is probably second only to Lu Jingchen."
"He didn't speak but suddenly grasped her chin and leaned in slightly."
"It seemed he wanted to kiss her."
"But in Kunning Palace at this moment, not to mention with Lu Jingrui also in the hall, how could they?"
"Chu Yin tugged at his sleeve, shaking her head."
"He didn't get any closer, just gazed at her, his intentions unclear."
"Staying up late on New Year's Eve is a young person's gesture of devotion, wishing for their parents' longevity. They stayed until dawn before leaving Kunning Palace with the children and Lu Jingrui."
"The children were sound asleep."
"Chu Yin still had some energy left."
"But as soon as she sat in the carriage, the man wrapped his arms around her waist."
"Chu Yin, less vigorous than him, responded half-heartedly, which only intensified his pursuit. She felt almost embedded in his chest, struggling to breathe as her lips and tongue were engulfed, overwhelmed by the dual assault."
"Her hands crumpled her skirt, trying to endure his advances, but ultimately, she couldn't resist and pinched him hard."
"Feeling the pain in his arm, Lu Jingzhuo lifted his head."
"Chu Yin gasped for air, her cheeks flushed like a flower battered by wind and rain."
"Just a kiss like this, and she's overwhelmed? And she's thinking of having attendants?"
"Lu Jingzhuo slightly raised an eyebrow, feeling she was really underestimating herself."
"Chu Yin calmed down and complained, 'That was almost too much.'"
"'Let me see.'"
"'...No need.' She didn't want to stick out her tongue for him to check, finding it a bit odd."
"He said, 'I didn't use my full strength.'"
"Why use full strength for a kiss? It's not a fight, Chu Yin thought, puzzled. And with his strength, using full force... would he swallow her whole? Lost in thought, the carriage stopped at the Eastern Palace."
"Chu Yin instructed Xiao Dou and Qi Niang to take the children and look after them, while she and Lu Jingzhuo entered the palace."
"It was already bright outside; the two of them washed up and went to bed for a rest."
"As her head touched the pillow, she remembered Princess Baocheng's matter again."
"Tomorrow, Princess Baocheng would bring her sons to the palace to greet our parents. Would she mention Duke Song...?"
"Hopefully, as Lu Jingzhuo said, our father wouldn't agree."
"Thinking about this, her eyelids gradually grew heavy."
"In a daze, she felt herself being pulled into a warm embrace and then lost consciousness."
"As for Princess Baocheng's suitor situation, it was well-known throughout the city. As an official, Jiang Lin felt quite awkward, especially hearing that some young noblemen even wished to marry his mother, intensifying his discomfort."
"He really didn't want a stepfather younger than himself."
"But who was to blame? Only his deceased father's lack of prowess."
"Jiang Lin pretended to be magnanimous, even encouraging his mother to find a suitable suitor. He was being practical, knowing upsetting his mother would do him no good, especially with his uncle's affection for her."
"With her eldest son's support, Princess Baocheng naturally felt he was filial, and during their visit to her brother for New Year's greetings, she spoke highly of him."
"Emperor Jianxing, following his sister's praises, also complimented him and soon inquired about her marriage plans."
"Princess Baocheng sent her two sons outside to wait."
"'So, have you chosen someone?' Emperor Jianxing was delighted for her, 'Who is it? Tell me.'"
"'You certainly know him.'"
"A redundant statement, surely. Her choice of husband would be a man of talent, already serving the court. Emperor Jianxing urged, 'Come on, tell me.'"
"'Duke Song.'"
"Recently accustomed to flattery and sycophants, meeting Fu Yunqing was a breath of fresh air for her. He was not only handsome and tall but also possessed a dignified and proud demeanor, and as a duke, his status was undoubtedly a match for her."
"Princess Baocheng felt an uncommon flutter in her heart."
"Even if she were back to being fifteen, she believed she would feel the same way upon meeting Fu Yunqing."
"Emperor Jianxing's heart skipped a beat."
"Wasn't Duke Song usually traveling with his son? Why had he returned to the capital this year?"
"Did he come to the capital for the New Year?"
"What a coincidence that he caught his sister's eye!"
"Emperor Jianxing sensed trouble."
"When he casually mentioned arranging a marriage for his sister, he never considered Duke Song."
"If Duke Song was unwilling, forcing a marriage would only lead to tragedy."
"Regaining his composure, Emperor Jianxing asked, 'Had you met him before?'"
"'I never met him, but I've heard of him.'"
"Duke Song had been guarding the border and seldom in the capital, and as a princess confined to the palace, she had no chance to meet him."
"'Has he shown any interest in marrying you?'"
"Princess Baocheng hesitated, 'We've only met once. Even if he had such thoughts, he wouldn't reveal them so soon.'"
"Men don't hesitate when they meet the woman they love," Emperor Jianxing scoffed, "He's stubborn. I asked him to take office, and he refused. Why would you choose him? What's so good about him? He's a widower; who knows, he might be jinxed."
"Princess Baocheng: '...'"
"'Find someone else. I don't like him as a brother-in-law.'"
"His words felt like a cold bucket of water poured over her."
"After a moment of shock, Princess Baocheng hurriedly said, 'Brother, you haven't seen the shamelessness of other men. They only want to marry me for their gain, to curry favor with you. But Duke Song is different. Compared to them, he's like a refreshing breeze or bright moonlight.'"
"'What breeze and moonlight? He's just a stone in a latrine, stinky and hard!' Emperor Jianxing adamantly opposed Duke Song, hiding his own contradiction to prevent his sister from seeing his inconsistency."
"Princess Baocheng was taken aback by her brother's strong dislike for Duke Song, feeling somewhat lost."
"Her brother was her sky, and without his support, she would lose everything. Yet, giving up on Duke Song wasn't easy for her either."
"Her life was still long; she needed a suitable man to share it with."
"'Brother, perhaps Duke Song has his reasons for not wanting to be an official, or maybe his injury hasn't healed. Why resent him? He reclaimed Yunzhou and Cangzhou, ending a five-year war, and almost sacrificed his life for the country and people. Can't you forgive him? I don't mind him not holding an office, brother,' she pleaded earnestly."
"Emperor Jianxing rubbed his short beard and declared firmly, 'No, no matter how eloquently you argue, I don't want him as my brother-in-law! He disrespects me. How well will he treat you after marrying you?' He waved his hand, 'Choose someone else!'"
"With no choice, Princess Baocheng temporarily halted her plans and took her sons to greet her sister-in-law for the New Year."
"During the New Year, Lu Jingzhuo didn't have to visit Chunhui Pavilion. Hearing about his aunt's visit, he, along with his wife and children, went to pay respects to their elders."
"Chu Yin had planned to probe, but upon meeting Princess Baocheng, she silently sighed in relief."
"People are usually spirited when happy, but Princess Baocheng didn't seem to have met with good fortune."
"Had their father refused her?"
"If so, Lu Jingzhuo's guess was spot on."
"She subtly threw a knowing glance at him."
"Lu Jingzhuo received it but didn't react."
"Princess Baocheng seemed disinterested in everything, briefly playing with her grandnephews and grandnieces before planning to leave."
"Empress Jiang, noticing her unusual behavior, expressed surprise, 'Shanhui, you've only been here a short while. Why not stay for lunch? Lin'er and Min'er rarely visit the palace.'"
"'Sister-in-law, you're not well, and I don't want to trouble you. Besides, it's cold. I'll bring them when the weather warms up. Let's leave it for today,' Princess Baocheng declined."
"Seeing her insistence on leaving, Empress Jiang didn't press further."
"Meanwhile, Chu Yin felt quite relieved in the carriage, saying to Lu Jingzhuo, 'Your Highness was right, father probably didn't agree to the arranged marriage... How did you guess?'"
"'Father values talent.'"
"Those four words explained everything."
"Chu Yin nodded, 'It might have hurt aunt's feelings, but it also gives her time to think things through and not rush.'"
"Time to think and then keep attendants? Lu Jingzhuo glanced at her, remaining silent."
"Despite the bone-chilling cold, they alighted from the carriage, Chu Yin wrapping herself tightly in her cloak, while Lu Jingzhuo carried the two children into the palace."
"With some rare leisure time, Chu Yin suggested he spend more time with the children, 'Your Highness, you've only told Xu and Zhen a couple of stories, right?'"
"Lu Xu corrected her, 'Just one, it's my sister who heard two.'"
"Telling stories was much easier than horseback riding, and Lu Jingzhuo generously narrated the tale of 'Shennong Tasting Herbs'."
"Lu Zhen was fascinated by everything, 'Shennong was amazing, helping people by eating things, but it's sad how he died.' He ate a poisonous herb and died, later worshipped as the Medicine King God."
"'This teaches you that to master something, you need continuous practice and perseverance,' Lu Jingzhuo told his son, 'Remember this, Xu, it applies to horse riding and archery too.'"
"Lu Xu nodded, 'I know, I'm waiting for father to teach me!'"
"'Let me first teach your mother.'"
"Lu Zhen chimed in, 'Father, you need to teach mother horse riding too. She learns so slowly and won't even take us with her.'"
"Chu Yin: '...'"
"Lu Jingzhuo looked at his wife meaningfully, 'Indeed, I need to reteach her.' Then he instructed Xiao Dou and Qi Niang, 'Take them away.'"
"Chu Yin was stunned, 'Huh? You only told one story.'"
"'I'll tell another one next time.'"
"Hearing his firm tone, the two servants hurried to take the children away."
"Chu Yin was slightly dissatisfied, 'Your Highness rarely has a break from Chunhui Pavilion, why not spend more time with Xu and Zhen?'"
"'I wanted to spend more time with you.'"
"His directness made Chu Yin blush, '...That's nice, of course, but what shall we do? It's livelier with the children around; just the two of us seems rather quiet.'"
"He leaned down and whispered in her ear, 'Horse riding.'"
"Chu Yin initially thought he meant actual horse riding, considering the cold weather and the suddenness of it..."
"It wasn't until he carried her to the bed that she understood his intention."
"It was 'riding,' indeed, but far less strenuous."
"After Chu Yin fell into a deep sleep, Lu Jingzhuo headed to his study."
"Dong Ling poured him tea, brought books, and then reported the latest news from Li Yuan."
"Li Yuan said Lady Yao, while mourning her husband, was secretly meddling with herbs at night, including aconite, a highly poisonous herb. He suspected she was planning to make poison pills and had gathered evidence."
"Lady Yao had poisoned Yao Tian just for bullying Yao Zhou. Considering Chu Fangheng's inadvertent role in Yao Zhou's death, she might be plotting against him."
"As for Chu Yin..."
"A person obsessed with revenge will eventually lose their sanity."
"Lu Jingzhuo, however, conducted his investigation privately and couldn't report it to his father. After pondering for a while, he decided to let Li Yuan reveal Lady Yao's expertise in medicine and poison-making to the elders of the Yao family, as well as the wife of Yao Tian."
"Additionally, he planned to hint that without Lady Yao's plea in the capital, Yao Zhou might not have been reassigned to Jingzhou and thus wouldn't have lost his life."
"With the eldest son poisoned and the younger son a victim of Lady Yao's actions, the Yao family would not let her off easily."
"However, Lu Jingzhuo didn't share this with Chu Yin yet, as there was no final conclusion, and it was better to wait."
"Chu Yin slept until the afternoon."
"Previously, even with Lu Jingzhuo doing most of the work, she still felt sore. This time was no different."
"Thinking of what he said in bed, Chu Yin blushed for him."
"How could he be so nonchalant and direct in his requests?"
"As she was internally grumbling, the man entered."
"Rendong and Lianqiao, holding clothes, temporarily withdrew outside."
"He sat by the bed, gently smoothing her disheveled hair, 'Have you slept enough?'"
"Enough, indeed, but still a bit sore..."
"Chu Yin glanced at the 'main culprit,' wanting to say she wouldn't learn horse riding with him anymore, but such embarrassing words were hard to voice. She just nodded, 'Mhm,' and was about to get out of bed."
"But then he leaned in to kiss her."
"Just awakened and not having rinsed her mouth yet, Chu Yin pushed him away, 'Wait a moment.'"
"He didn't stop."
"Chu Yin, initially sitting up, was pressed back down."
"Gazing up at the man above her, whose eyes were growing increasingly deep, she was incredulous."
"He couldn't possibly want to... again."
"It had only been a few hours."
"Chu Yin, without outright refusal, probed, 'Don't you have other matters to attend to, Your Highness?'"
"'No.' His response was unequivocal."
"...'But I'm still sore...'" Chu Yin said softly.
"So much for keeping attendants with such a fragile body."
"She couldn't even handle just him."

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