Chapter 9.5

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[Y/N checks out his all black tux as Venom says in his head]

Venom: So, Y/N, as you can see--I can mimic any style of clothing you desire. So, what'd you think?

[Venom says with a small hint of excitement. Y/N then says with an unsure face]

Y/N: Don't take this the wrong way, Venom-- I mean it's okay but like...

Venom: Wow! Okay!

Y/N: Look, hear me out. It's just that it's just very monochrome.

Venom: I'm very monochrome!

Y/N: It's just that I kinda starting to think that we may be dressing like a bad guy here...

Venom: Oh, okay, alright!

Y/N: I mean fucking look at us!

Venom: Y/N, do you think we're the bad guy?

Y/N: No! No. I don't think we are the bad guy, okay?

Venom: Okay, well, you see, you say, but-

Y/N: I'm wearing nondescript black clothing. Tell me something that's more villainous than that?


[Y/N puts his hands up and says]

Y/N: Goddammit!

[Y/N then looks back at the mirror]

Y/N: Okay, can you at least do any--any other colors or...?

Venom: I can do black and white.

[Y/N just looks done with this shit]

Y/N: Okay, all right, buddy that-that is not a very-

[Venom then raises his voice getting pissed off]

Venom: Are you fucking joking?!

Y/N: It's-It's just not a very wide range of colors! That's all I'm saying.

[Y/N grabs his head and says]

Y/N: How the hell was I never able to figure out Peter was Spider-Man in a black suit when he only ever wore black clothing around me I just don't get it.

[Venom then mumbles]

Venom: You know Peter never complained about my colors...

[Y/N then looks insulted]

Y/N: Oh! Oh! Of course!

Venom: I'm just saying you brought it up!

[Y/N then calms down]

Y/N: Can you just like--I don't fucking know make it a little bit more.... me?

Venom: [grumbles] Oh you want it to be you? Fine!

Y/N: Alright let's try it.

[Y/N's suit changes to looking like a lounge singer. He then looks at the mirror with a *Are you fucking with me?* face]

Y/N: Okay now you're jus-

Venom: You're the one acting like a diva!

Y/N: I'm done with your shit. I'm done talking with you if you're gonna be like this.

[Y/N then turns around and then turns back around]

Y/N: Alright, can we at least lose the fucking hat?

Venom: Y/N, it's clothing. You can take it off If you want.

Y/N: Okay.

[Y/N goes to take it off, but he finds out it's stuck. He turns back to the mirror]

Venom: If you ask nicely, that is.

Y/N: Venom.

Venom: Yes, Y/N?

Y/N: Let me take the damn hat off.

Venom: I think it makes you look rather dashing. I think Stephanie will like it very much.

Y/N: I look like if the Penguin was a lounge singer instead of a pimp.

Venom: Nah, it's staying on.

[Y/N then walks to the tv]

Y/N: Alright, I'm turning on Skillet.

Venom: NO!

[It cuts to black]

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