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Pain was the first thing she remembered.

She could hear herself breathing heavily as blood rushed in her ears. It was still so dark outside yet so warm or was that the blood soaking her shirt?  Someone wearing a long black thing, a cloak? a frock? something that covered everything anyway was standing over her along with a head scarf, the horrible bird mask covering her face. 

'How fast you are Farah!'

'Ye! Leave some for us!'

New voices rushed over her.

The someone turned, her voice was hard to hear and sounded like she was mumbling, her tone low. 'If you weren't so slow this wouldn't have happened. I work best on a boat remember and you aren't you the fastest of us?!'

'I ate before running.'

'That sounds like an excuse. Besides I need this money.' She held out her hands. 'I already have to wear such a dark coloured baati with no patterns for this job.'

'Farah, good job.' She could hear Marie's melodic voice coming closer. 'Although you remember we can't do anything major for our countries.'

'Yes ma'am. However it still helps in a little way.'

Were they going to leave Beatrice's body and just ignore her. Actually why was she think about that? She was dying! She should prioritise and get up! Ugh no that hurt too much. With as much energy as she could she looked down, a sort of short blade or a very large dagger was stuck through her gut. The handle looked like a rhino horn which was illegal wasn't it, although the blade looked very old and well kept so maybe it was something from history. In which case why wasn't it in a museum? What is wrong with her. She, Beatrice was dying and she was wondering about a blade stuck in her. Farah... she did this... who was she? She read about their names so why couldn't she remember? Farah wasn't a major country, if she couldn't remember then. 

Okay breath in and out. Be as quiet as you can and drag yourself away. Please anyone. Let this work. Let this work. *bang* A bullet hit the ground. 

'So the little spy tries to run?' A new voice came through. 'Now that's rude.'

'The filthy dog tried to steal my billao!'

'No! The bill-billa thingy is literally in me!' Beatrice finally shouted, satisfying but made the pain worse.

'Just because the hunt is over it doesn't mean we're done with you.'  More voices, she closed her eyes again.

She was suddenly propped up and was held by strong arms. Someone opened her mouth and the familiar iron taste of blood filled her mouth, it was watery though. Very watery.

'Perfect.' She could practically hear a smile. 'Is it ready?'

'Yes, also you guys don't worry. This is better than killing them okay?'

She was carried over to something that drew her to it and held over it.

The last thing she remembered was falling.


When she woke up a boy was placing a wet cloth on her head.

'WHO THE H*LL ARE YOU!' Beatrice scrambled away from the boy.


'What is going on?' A man and women ran in the room, which had an Arab feel now that she looked around.

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