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i cant stop feeling them
they are pushing me
but i cant fall and dissappoint once again
however im so tired of trying
of living
im tired of simply breathing
i can feel the anxiety crawling in my skin
like spiders running through my bones
i can feel it pressuring my chest
making it even harder to breathe
god, harder to even hold on
i need to hurt myself
or to consume
until im full and sick of myself
im tired of my head
of always thinking the worst
of making me go through rough times
of making me cry and fall
and i cant seem to get back up fully again
the tide is rushing in
the waves are crashing wildly
and i cant even breathe
i have no strenght left
i just wanna give in
but i dont wanna make them pity me
give them another reason to leave me
please somebody notice my suffering
im tired of this deadly silence

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