Trump Card

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I'm Donald Trump I incited a redneck insurrection,
To appease sore loser feelings from a lost election,
Storm the capital please but not in my name,
So I can claim fake news and increase Twitter fame,

I ride on the backs of manipulated masses,
While groping mobs of pussy's and asses,
Gonna ride my horse down to National Mall gonna collect all that I am owed,
Gonna ride my horse through the capital doors I got two more weeks to reap all I sowed,

Make America great again doesn't matter how or that I sin,
CNN is bullshit I got orange hair small hands and always win,
Impeachment I don't think so people I'm leader of 80 million sheeple,
Come January 20th they'll all pray under Trump steeple.

~ Farls Tokley

Obviously this was written quite a few years ago.

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