Duelling Addicts Similar Struggles

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Junkie juice junkie juice, this opioid user is on the loose,
Am I strong? Listen bud synthetic poppy's are my blood,
Smoking alchy drunk drivers are better than me,
Nicotine helps them think and see clearly,

Do unto others has served me swell
But in this instance I say "oh well"
I must retaliate with verbal barb or two,
For this mental midget tends to misconstrue

Everything in life he sees or hears
Translates to fuck you lets down some beers
Cheers to them who are like me today
But tomorrow I'll be on the ready to slay

Now wait maybe I shouldn't judge other addicts
Because just maybe that's how karma predicts
In choosing those to suffer retribution
I realize this is a drug addled allocution

I'm speaking for me and one other entity
Hopefully the allegory appears eventually
And a lesson will be learned by all that read
These twenty lines written by a Sagittarius steed

~ Farls Tokley

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