Monarch Murder

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Every fall their flight carries them south to Sierra Madres,
Where they act out millions of plexippus plays,
The journey by air some three thousand miles,
To reach the land of a billion butterfly smiles,

A middle aged man got behind the wheel of his car,
Unbeknownst to him this day would be his worst by far,
The man speeding unaware he was about to take a life,
For in his mind his soul was benevolently rife,

As the dude thought to himself could life be any brighter,
Than cruising back roads on his way to an all nighter,
It was about to go badly for him and a monarch in his path,
The driver felt dizzy as his brain swam in bubble bath,

He froze like a statue as he hit the shoulder,
This winged insect now won't grow any older,
This episode caused him to lose his senses,
The butterfly killer shouldn't have been riding those fences,

But unfortunately todays victim didn't stand a chance,
He became a casualty of four wheels bowling over his stance,
To the man's surprise apoplexy permeated his eyes,
He swerved towards ditch causing insectile demise,

As for this human and his well being,
This stroke put an end to him walking and seeing,
He will never be able to drive to parties again,
Maybe not all karma is a result of committing a sin.

Farls Tokley

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