I don't share

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It was 3 in the morning. The only sound that echoed in this mansion was that of the large grandfather clock somewhere in the hallway. I was on the second floor, a figure sleeping beside me , deep in sleep.

I couldn't even breath as I sneaked out of the bed. I walked to the bathroom as I switched on the light and closed the door. As if I had gone to the restroom but I slipped out of the room.

Tick tock

God I hated that sound, I didn't want to hear it right now. Regardless of my fear and the fact that I was basically dripping of sweat from head to toe I walked down the staircase. Perhaps not the best idea but I knew it was alright. I walked into the kitchen where I had hidden my escape bag in one of the cabinets. Thankfully , it was still there. I took another deep breath before grabbing the bag.

Still no sound.

I was doing much better than I expected of myself. Now was the really hard part. I used the backdoor as my escape route. No guard stayed there during the night. Now was the hardworking part , climbing this wall.

I glanced back at the house one last time before I started to climb. It wasn't too hard , I had good practice in climbing places. I jumped off to the other end.

Slight sound but it was too little to be noticed. Now was the slow walking. My body was actually ready to dash off , far away somewhere where I could find the horizon but I couldn't risk being heard , so walked slowly till I reached the end of the road. I looked back.

No one was there.

I looked forth , another breath and I ran.
Ran like I was being chased by wild dogs who would rip me apart if they caught hold of me. I just had to run with hope that I would never have to return to this place again.

2 weeks ago

"Behave yourself , remember you are as good as dead if you try to ruin this", my adoptive mom said.

I didn't consider her a parent, she only took me to torment me.

I heard her and let the lesson out of my other ear. She was trying to set me up with people and it was failing cause I would sabotage their plans but they finally succeeded. They were dropping me off to idk where . Apparently they got a lot of money out of it and the person there is very dangerous.

The way my life is right now , I don't really see dying as a bad option but I had dreams , even in this mental prison they trapped me in , I could wish to do things.

The most important one of these was finding my real parents and becoming a doctor. I know for a fact that they had been writing me letters but these pain of the ass people kept hiding them from me.

The car stops.

I was too up in my thoughts that I didn't realise we reached.

"Fucking get out of the car !", The man yelled.

I snapped out and got off taking my bag. There was a man outside. I wondered if he was my so called owner now. He looked at me , a full scan I must say and then took out a brown packet and handed it to my parents. They opened it to see a stack of cash.

Oh , black money transaction in the middle of the road in broad daylight , how classy, I thought as I stood there watching myself basically being sold.

"You can leave now ", the man said.

"We would like to pay our respect to the boss as well ", my 'mother' said.

"He isn't interested in seeing you , you would have to leave now. Before the boss is angered ", The man said.

So he isn't my owner , there is another boss. It kind of made sense though , why would the owner come himself when he probably has hundreds of servants. My parents didn't like the tone of the man , but they complied and got in the car not sparing a glance at me.

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