I cared for

275 9 0

(Pooh )


"You draw ?", he said as he walked closer to me.

I was trying to be as productive as possible. It was nice that this rich boy had a lot of stuff he never used.

I had started at 7 in the morning and by now I had made three to four drawings. He looked carefully at the drawing of this girl in a field of sunflowers.

"You know this girl?", he said as he looked at the drawing carefully.

"No , it's a random drawing ", I replied.

"Such details , it's almost as if she was sitting in front of you ", he said.

I wish she was. The drawing was off my mother. I remember seeing a sunflower pin in her hair in the photo I saw.

"I am good at drawing ", I said.

"I hope that's really the reason why this girl looks so real. You are gonna be in deep trouble if you know her ", he said as he hugged me from the back. He kissed the top of my forehead as I got still.

He slightly scoffed at my reactions before saying ,

"You know her don't you."

He started to nibble on my ear. I flinched slightly , he was being jealous again. Apparently he didn't mind admitting it. Rather he was very open about when he felt like I was not giving him priority , which obviously I didn't have any intention of giving him.

"Ahh ", I whined as he bit too hard.

"It's my mom , like my real mom ", I said as he backed off and saw the photo again. He seemed to be comparing it with me and was convinced.

"You look like her , it's pretty. Where is she ? Did she pass away ?", he asked with care.

"I don't know ", I said , cause honestly I didn't know.

All I knew that there was a picture of them and if they are alive I would want to meet them.

"Ok , stop drawing now , I am bored , let's do something fun ", he said as he picked the paint brush from my hand and made me stand up.

Not again ....

It was around 4 days before I started for college. I had to escape. This guy would kill me if he knew I joined another college behind his back. Till now the best information I had gotten was where the least security was , such that I could escape. Now it was plan two.

I knocked at his door before opening it, no one was there. I looked around the house till I heard noises from the basement. I walked down and there he was torturing someone. My first instinct was to run back to my room but he saw me.

We made eye contact and I knew I couldn't run away now. The guy he was torturing looked at me as well. I was wearing shorts and a loose T-shirt.

Bang !

He killed the guy. I covered my mouth in shock as I looked back at him , wondering if he was going to shoot me.

"Why are you here ?", he asked.

"I wanted to ask something , I can come later ", I said as I was about to leave but he walks up to me and pulls me close to him.

"Don't wander around here such that everyone thinks of you as a meal. I have had to kill many guys because of you by now", Pavel said as my eyes widened.

I was drowing in guilt wondering how many innocent people he killed.

"Now , what do you want ?", he said as he backed off giving me a smile.

"I wanted to go to the mall ", I said.

"About time , i needed a date as well. It's not hard being sweet to you , it's quite enjoyable actually. Get ready in 20 mins and then we'll go ", he said as he kissed my forehead and walked back to his men to discuss something. I went to my room.

Sweet ? Him ? Since when ?
He was definitely uneducated if he felt he was sweet in any way. Regardless I grabbed onto the opportunity as I got ready. I dressed normally , nothing that would make him question me.

We got to the road as I observed every inch of it.

"Where does the other side lead ?", I asked very causally.

"The mafia community is near there. You remember Mew , he lives in that place. You don't need to look that side though, your college is here. I already got the route for you. I'll have my men drop and pick you up everyday. What all do you want to buy though ? I can get you the whole mall ", He said.

"I just need school supplies and new clothes ", I replied.

I didn't need those , in my family , I never got anything new. I didn't need it either. I just needed directions to my escape. Escaping somewhere near mafia's , he would never imagine it.


"Ahhh , Pooh you are too tight",

He moaned as he thrusts inside and out without a care of my cries. He holds both my arms with one of his hands as he pulls me closer , pushing his dick in even further.

I cummed as he laughed at me before giving me a quick kiss. Five hours after he ejaculated for the 5th time and pulled out for good. He cleaned me up like usual and we went to sleep.

Then it was 3 , the grandfather clock ticked , me walking around like a thief, my escape bag and finally the escape. Everything just as I planned. I remember being moved to tears when I had finally realised I was free from him. I managed to get to the subway , it was pretty close To Union.

I was free


I was waiting for New to come home. I knew what he was up to after the last time he came back. He walked in again , looking tired as hell.

"You still up ?", he said as he glanced at me.

"Why are you doing this ?", I said as he looked at me confused.

"What ?", he said as he sat down beside me.

"Does your body hurt ?", I questioned further. There was a hint of nervousness in his eyes. He knew I knew.

"You are reading too much into things", he said.

"I'm not and you don't need to do this for me. I handled Pavel once I can do it again, you don't need to suffer because of me. That guy Tay , he is just obsessed with you , he doesn't love you. I don't want you to be treated as a thing ", I said.

"How do you know so much ", He said turning to me and crossing his arms.

"Because I have been through it and it's pretty cruel ", I said.

He seemed like he was going to cry but he held himself together before saying,

"I wasn't there tonight , I was at a family dinner."

Strange , it didn't seem like he was lying.

"That doesn't change the fact that it happened. Don't do it again , let Tay just tell Pavel ", I said.

This had nothing to do with sacrifice , it was pure care for someone that cared for me. Someone that was willing to help me.

"No way , fine I won't tender to Tay's demands anymore but you will not go to Pavel. I don't care what he does , I swore to protect you ", He said with assertiveness.

"Why are you so fixiated in protecting me ? I am of nowhere use to you ", I said, frustrated with the situation.

"Because I couldn't protect other people I cared for and cause ..., no one bothered to protect me ", he said the last part in a whisper as he began to tear down.

"Pooh , there is something I am hiding from you , there is something you need to know", he said with tears rolling down his eyes.

[Author's note : I uploaded this part in advance because I was requested to , no more extra parts after this though. Enjoy ]

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