So what do you want ?

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(Gulf )

I felt like I should , so I texted New in the night about the whole Pavel situation. I really admire New to be so brave, especially the last line he wrote.

Thanks for telling me. I'll protect him though.

Those words ran across my mind at the speed of light. That's something my mom said , she'll protect my dad and she did , till her last breath she protected him from any harm possible. I admired her for it , I admire him for it as well, but at the cost of dying , I couldn't afford for something like that to happen.

The next day I met him in the canteen as I told him the entire car incident and how Pavel was desperately searching for Pooh , New seemed worried. That's when I noticed Pooh coming from the back.

We told him. He seemed to be in shock but he got over it as he talked it over in the cafe downtown. That's when Tay popped in from nowhere. He wanted to have a chat with New. They talked for a while after which New triumphly walked back in , saying he got rid of Tay.

Liar , I could tell from a mile away that he was lying. Regardless , I didn't say anything , it didn't  look like he wanted me to say anything about this , so I kept my silence. Some time later we all dispersed. I drove calmly back to my house , parked the car in the driveway and before I got in my own house Mew popped out of nowhere.

"Come in for a moment ", He said inviting me to his house.

I walked in , I was bored and he might tell me something interesting. I entered his house and was seated in his room as a maid came with light food and drinks. I thanked her and then turned to Mew.

"So what do you want ?", I asked.

"Pavel is heartbroken right now. He won't hurt Pooh , so just tell him where Pooh is", Mew said.

"Pooh would be heartbroken if he goes back to Pavel. He doesn't want to be there and you know that as well ", I replied.

This guy can't seriously think that this can work out with a one sided relationship.

It can't !

"Pavel will make him fall in love , you don't need to be worried about it ", Mew said.

"No one can be convinced to love , love comes from within us , it's either we do or we do not. There is no, 'they will make us' in this", I said.

This conversation wasn't that interesting but better than not being able to do anything at all.

"Your mother didn't love your father before marrying him, but she gave up her life for their love. Love can happen after a relationship ", Mew said.

I hated this comparison , what has my dead mother got to do with this toxic relationship. It might have not been a love marriage but my mother chose my father out of all the guys she had met and she always said that she has never regretted being with him , despite his involvement with mafias.

"Well I don't choose other people's relationships , so I'd rather not do anything about this situation ", I said.

"We aren't getting anywhere with this, are we ?", he said as he came a bit closer. This time trying to intimidate me.

"The first thing I don't get is why you guys are assuming I even know where he is. I can be bluffing you know ", I said trying to confuse him , hopefully that would get him off my back.

Guess what ? The exact opposite happened as he pushed me back on the bed and got on top of me. I think it was barely a second as he somehow handcuffed my hands. I didn't even realise he had handcuffs with him throughout this time.

There was this awkward eye contact where I had no idea what could happen next.

"I don't want to do this to you cause you are uncle's son but you are being really difficult right now ", Mew said as he reached for my belt.

He leaned a bit too close for my comfort , well to be honest I wasn't comfortable from the start.

"So , will you speak up or do I really have to do something ", Mew said in a whisper.

"I don't know where he is , I only met him in a cafe once before I shifted here", I lied.

He got closer.

"Last chance , aah -"
I hit him in the crotch and flipped him around with my legs as I harshly pulled my hands out of the handcuffs, thankfully they weren't too tight. He was holding onto his part while I calmly walked out.

"You aren't the only mafia here ", I said as I closed the door behind me and went to my house.

Lesson learnt , never ever enter that house again. I should just live my life normally now. I was doing some work when a text popped up in my chat.

You free ?

My face lightened up. Jill was my bestie from my school. Unfortunately we couldn't get the same college but we still stay in contact.


I texted back. It had been a while since we texted.

Are you alright ? I heard about your mom. Wanna hit the road for a trip to forget about it.

I smiled again , he always put me first and took good care of me. Sadly my eyes fell on the huge pile of work that this college life has given me as I texted.

Can't , too much homework. But I wanna meet up for a few hours or something. You down ?

I was a bit nervous waiting for the reply. I was hoping with all my might that he says yes. I really need to meet him for my own peace of mind. He made all my worries go away.

Sure , where should we meet ? Our secret place.


See you at 9 then let's grab something to eat as well.

Sounds good.

I closed my phone and quickly finsihed with the last bit of work that was left for me. I got ready , picking a good outfit. It was simple but elegant.

White shirt , black pants and a tint of men's perfume. I informed my dad and hit the road. Our secret spot was an abandoned park which led to a small lake. It was a beautiful place. As kids we set up a table there for picnics.

It must have taken me around an hour or so to reach there. I was listening to light music too keep my mood calm. I was overwhelmed with emotions, I don't need to pretend to be strong infront of Jill.

I was shocked when I reached the park. It looked normal initially , but I saw a ray of light when I came closer to the lake area. It was filled with lights and there stood Jill looking at the water in front of him.

"Hey ", I said as he turned around with his usual smile.

"You did this ?", I asked as he nodded a yes.

"I felt like you needed it , seems like college and life has been treating you roughly , isn't it ", He said.

"Kinda , but I am glad I met with you. You are always there for me. Thanks for this, I really appreciate it ", I said.

"But this isn't all, there is one more surprise, close your eyes", He said as I closed my eyes and waited.

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