Everyone alright

273 9 4

( Gulf )

I woke up early , like I usually do and then headed straight for the dinning table to have a meal. My father was sitting there looking pretty excited.

"Did something good happen ?", I asked while munching on my bread.

"Finish eating and I'll show you ", he said.

Show you ? Interesting.
I finished quickly and he happily pulled me outside. There was a brand new BMW standing at our driveway alongside our Honda.

"You got a new car !!!", I exclaimed hoping I could drive the Honda around now.

"Nope , this is your car now ", He said as he handed me the keys to the BMW. I was struck. He was giving it to me ?

"Pa, I can drive the Honda you take the BMW",  I said.

He put the keys back in my hand as he said,

"The Honda is more important to me. It's the car your mother sat in. You take the new one , I'll drive around in her memories."

I mean fair enough right , we both get something good out of this. Anyway , I hoped in and drove off. It was a wonderful ride !! As I got to the city area I noticed something.
Tay ! And New.
Gosh I really wished he would stop bothering New already. I stopped my car beside them as I honked and they looked at me.

"Going to college , come in ", I said as New smiled and walked towards me.

Before leaving he looks back at Tay and says,

"See you later , Hopefully never ."

Gosh I loved how savage this guy was. It was really entertaining.

"Met him early in the morning , not a good sign", I said , trying to tease him.

"Don't remind me , I just wanna forget it. Also do you have any idea for houses near the college , the price doesn't matter , I can pay ", he asked.

I thought a bit. When I had first moved I was searching for places to live close to the college so I can cut off on travel time. The closest one was the Dime condos , though they were very expensive. My father could afford it but I didn't feel it was necessary to spend that much money. The cost of travelling this far daily would definelty be less that the rent for a month in that apartment. But still if New could afford it , I could tell.

"There is the Dime group condos but like that's like very very expensive ", I said.

"The Dime group has condos near the college ?", I said a bit shocked.

He didn't know ? He seemed like the type to know a lot of stuff. He is top guy in the calculus class.

"Yeah , it's like 1 km away only ", I said as he smiled in shock.

I couldn't really read his expression , he was a total mystery.

"Thanks ", He said as he opens his phone and started to type a message to someone.

We didn't talk much after that. He was in quite a hurry as he basically jumped out of the car and dashed off when we reached the college. I just waved to him. After that I parked and head for classes as well. I didn't see much of New till the end of the day when I saw him sitting in the canteen with another boy.

"Not going home ?", I asked.

"Later ", he said as the other kid looked up to me. I gave him a similar face back , not really knowing how to respond.

"That's my friend , Gulf and Gulf this is my junior pair , Pooh ", New did the introduction for us.

"Hi , I am in computer science ", I said.

"Medical ", He replied.

I didn't speak much with him , there wasn't much to say either way. I hopped back to my car and drove home. As I parked in the driveway , I saw Mew coming out with the scary one again, that was... Oh right Pavel.
His face made me feel I had time traveled back to yesterday , when I first met him.

"Back from school ", Mew said rather cheerfully.

" Yeah", I said.

"Are you free kid ? Wanna hang out down town ?", Mew asked.

I could feel it in his tone he was genuinely asking but there was also an ulterior motive to it. Pavel seemed like he was totally against me coming along so the best option was clear for me.

"Yeah I'm free , let me keep my bag inside and join you guys ", I said as Pavel's face totally fell apart. Oh how I loved that expression of his.

Anyway , I quickly kept my stuff away and got out. As expected they were waiting.

"So where are we going ?", I asked.

We were in the car. I was in the backseat while Mew drove and Pavel in the passenger seat.

"A cafe , it's like a mafia classic", Mew said as I nodded.

Pavel was on his phone throughout the time. As the ride got silent , a truck seemed to come out of nowhere. Mew made a sharp turn as Pavel's phone went flying to the back seat.

"Everyone alright ", Mew asked as he barely saved them from the crash.

The truck on the other hand , just went on its way.

"Damn it , my phone ", Pavel said.

"It's here ", I said as I picked it up and noticed the lockscreen.

"Pooh ", I said in a light whisper as I saw the photo.

It was barely any sound but Pavel's ears seemed to have evolved a 1000 times as he turned back at me.

"You know him ?", He asked me , glaring as if he would rip my head apart if I said no.

"No ", I replied. Not sure why I lied , but this seemed like a safe option.

"Don't fuck with me !!! Tell me where he is right now !!", he yelled.

"Ahh, so Pooh is your ex lover that left you", I said putting two and two together.

I think it was a matter of a fraction of seconds as the person in front of me took out a gun aimed right at my forehead.

"If you are gonna talk nonsense you can just die ", Pavel said.

"Shoot ", I replied.

I knew he wouldn't.

"Don't try me ", he said.

Mew was frozen and confused about the whole situation.

"Who will tell you where he is if you kill me ? Drop the act , you are the one in need here not me. We aren't too far from the house right. Sorry , I'll cut short of our meeting", I said as I got out of the car.

Ok , my heart beat was a bit too fast but I was keeping my cool quite well for now. Of course that dumbass chased after me to continue another question session. He harshly pulled me back as I turned to him. He had rage all over his eyes as he said,

"He can never run away from me , even you know that. Just tell me where he is and this meaningless chase can end"

I scoffed , to piss him off. After which I crossed my arms whistling a bit before looking at him ,

"I am not telling you anything ."

He looked like he was actually about to kill me , but I was left in shock when he falls to his knees and holds both his hands together. Practically begging.
Pavel ! Begging ! To me !

"Please tell me where he is , I'll die without him "

Those were his exact words before I left from that place.

He didn't chase after me.

[Author's note : Who has the most interesting POV ? Pooh , New or Mew ? Just asking for fun. Hope you guys are enjoying the stories ♥️]

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