Phi , it's fine

259 11 3

(Gulf )

I stretched a bit as I looked at the handsome man beside me. We didn't have sex , just slept while cuddling. I smiled as I looked at his face. Before I could give a secret morning kiss , I heard the doorbell. I went down to open it and I didn't expect to see New.

He seemed just as shocked to see me. My tongue was going numb , what was I supposed to say. My phone had died last night and Mew didn't have the charger of my phone company so I couldn't charge it to call New.

"Ummm ...", I said as he kept looking at me.

"You called me , and you are hurt , what happened ?", he asked.

I realised that the bruises from yesterday didn't leave my face. I asked him to come in first. We sat in the living room as I explained how Jill fooled me and tried to call New.

"I'm so sorry , I fell in a deep sleep last night. I didn't hear the call. I was searching for you all day today cause of that ", he said in a panicked tone.

"It's fine , I could deal with them , not a problem at all. Thanks for looking for me though,  i appreciate it ", I said , rather proudly.

"So like .. , where is this leading you two ?", he asked me as I felt a slight blush leading to my cheeks.

I have him details to my movie night and the lovely kisses ending with the fact that we only cuddled, no sex.

"So where is the lucky man ?", he asked.

"Sleeping ", I replied.

That's when Mew came down in his sleepy state.

"Ah , Gulf where are you ?", He said as he walked down. 

"Here ", I said as he smiled like a kid on seeing me and ran to hug me. I hugged back.

James coughed to direct attention towards him but Mew didn't let go.

"Oh , Tay's boy ", Mew said.

"I am not Tay's boy ", New said as he glared at Mew.

"Ignore him , he is still partially asleep", I said to not make this a big deal.

"Hmmm", New said as he looked at Mew , who was hugging me like a koala.

"Hey you , remember if you try to use Gulf or hurt him in any way , I will chop your balls right off ", New said in a threatening tone.

I could see the threat woke Mew up as I laughed internally. After some time New left. I bid him a quick goodbye as I prepared something for Mew and I to eat.

"Wanna go on a date ?", Mew asked.

"Sure ", I replied. That's when the bell rang again.

I went to open it and yet again was met with a shock when I saw Pooh at my door , panting like anything.

"What's wrong ?", I asked while he clutched onto me and hugged me while tearing up.

"Pavel .... He found me and then Phi New tried to save me and now they are fighting , I don't know what to do", Pooh said in a hurry.

The only thing I understood from this was that New was in trouble. I was about to leave immediately but Mew held onto me.

"Don't go there , Pavel can be very evil when angry , you'll get hurt. Right now I think it's best if you go back to him Pooh, Pavel won't hurt you , he really loves you ", Mew said.

"No , you won't do anything like that. Also don't stop me from saving my friends", I said as I got out of the house and into my car.

Pooh and Mew got in as well. Throughout the way Mew was trying to convince me of not going but nothing could make me turn back.

I got to the apartment , running as fast as I could. I opened the door and there he was holding a vase in his hand, ready to hit New.

" Pavel !", I yelled as he looked in my direction. New looked as well.

"Gulf !", New said in his beaten up state. Tay was lying in the other corner of the room.

"Doesn't matter how many people come to help you New , you won't get away with what you did this time ", Pavel said.

"You have no right to punish him ," I said as I attacked him.

I tried to use the vase as a weapon but it didn't help much.

It was an intense scene but I think I should have kept in mind that he was a well experienced mafia. It didn't take him long to get a hold of me. My body was on the ground , lying on my stomach as he held my hand backwards , ready to snap it.

"Pavel wait "
I heard Mew's voice as he walked towards us , holding Pooh.

Pavel looked up shocked.

"Leave him , take your lover ", Mew said.

"Mew don't !", I yelled but he didn't listen.

"I told you to run away , why didn't you run away ", New said as Pooh looked at us in a perplexed state.

He couldn't have run away , he felt too guilty for that. Pavel pushed me aside as he dashed towards Mew. He pulled Pooh away from him and hugged him tightly. Mew ran to me.

I was going to go to Pooh but New beat me to it. He walked to Pavel as he fell on his knees.

"Phi , I beg you , let him go. He doesn't deserve this , he is a good kid , just let him live his life ", he said.

I never thought I would see such a sight of New in my entire life.

"Phi, It's fine ", Pooh said as he looked at us blankly.

His light seems to have died. His new found freedom lost. Pavel left with Pooh.

New looked at me , it was like his world had fallen apart. I wanted to comfort him but Mew pulled me with him. I struggle as he finally let go in the hallway.

"Why did you do that ?", I asked.

"You have no idea what you were against. Pavel would have killed you , he doesn't care for anyone expect for his family and Pooh", Mew scolded me.

I snapped at him.

"What he is doing right now is not care. He kidnapped a kid that just wants to be free , he beat up his brother because he stood up for the right thing , in what world is this called care. I didn't think you thought like that , but I guess I was wrong ", I said as Mew started to panic.

"You are misunderstanding me , I was just worried that he would hurt you. Besides maybe Pooh can end up loving Pavel in the end. You never know. And now even Tay and New can get together ", He said.

"Get lost ", I said simply.

There was no way I could put up with him. Our ideals were contrasting , it would definitely be a problem in the future.

"What ?", he said in disbelief.

"I am breaking up with you . Taking whatever that happened into consideration , I don't think we are meant to be , it's better if we just split", I said as he looked visibly shaken.

He held onto my arms tightly.

"I am not letting you go ", He said with a death glare.

"I am ", I replied as he clutched on tighter. I didn't struggle , I didn't have anything to run away from.

"Gulf , don't do this , I can't live without you", he said.

What a classic line but I knew it wasn't true. He had a life before me , he could very well have a life after. All my belief in him was slowly disappearing.

"But I can ", I simple said as I freed myself and walked back into the apartment , locking the door.

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