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Tring tring !!!!

My hand swooped up from under the blanket and hit right on the alarm to stop it from ruining my sleep. Sadly , the alarm was good at its job as I groaned and stretched myself. Another day of bullshit I thought as I got out of the covers and opened the curtains of my window.

Somedays I felt like a vampire , that the morning light would kill me , this was one of those days as well. I ran to the bathroom , brushing , bathing and changing into my clothes.

I was a first year engineering student in Union University. Almost into the second year though. Our exams had been delayed but the new batch was to come soon. Getting myself decent looking I walked to the fridge.

I liked cooking just not all the time. This was one of those days where I could bother cooking so I picked up the apple juice bottle from my fridge and drank it whole. Throwing the plastic in my bin I exited my apartment room.

The bus came exactly at 8:30. I was waiting patiently as someone crashed into me with full force. We both fell to the ground , the impact being strong. I looked up to see this kid , a backpack on him with a scared expression.

"What's wrong with you ", I said very annoyed but he was still scared to death.

"Sorry ", he responded as he got up and ran away.

Weirdness from the start of the day was new to me. I looked to see if someone was chasing him but seems like he must be just running late for school or something. The bus came and I hopped on, forgetting about what had happened a few minutes ago.

I was listening to music on the way as usual. The bus stopped , I hopped off for a 5 minute walk to my college. I walked in as usual , I didn't have any friends. I was majorly occupied with all the studies and stuff. The teacher approached me.

"Yes professor ", I said.

"It's good you are on time New , I needed you to assist me with the new commers. And also a bit insider you passed at the top of the class ", the teacher said as I smiled slightly.

She always told me the result in advance. Now that the stress of me being able to get into the second year had vanished I followed her to the orientation.

She explained to me about this new system that had started about a senior junior pair. So basically every fourth year had to pair up with a third year and the second year with the first. The reason for this was to reduce the chances of bullying and increase friendship between the different age groups. The pairs were pre decided based on merit and compatibility , not really sure how they checked all that though.

Regardless , I stood with the teacher helping her out in everything she would need.

"So who is my pair ?", I asked with curiosity.

"Oh yours is a medical student ", she said.

Medical? That was strange , I didn't expect them to pair in between different departments.

"Why medical ?", I asked.

"Well cause that boy would also be joining your advanced calculus class", she told me.

"Calculus and a medical student ? Why is he ruining his life like that ?", I said shocked.

"God knows but it's totally like you so we paired you guys up. You should go meet him, oh there he is ", the professor said as I looked up at the boy coming towards me.

"Oh it's you ", I said , not really that fazed.

Idk, it didn't surprise me too much to see him again. He was normal this time though , the haunted to death expression had faded and he looked cute , calm and collected.

"Oh right , sorry for the bump , I was in a hurry ", he replied.

"You looked like it , what's your name , I am New ", I said , quite interested in my pair.

"I am Pooh, I am in the medical department, but since I joined the calculus class I got paired with you ", He replied.

He looked like a good kid. He was pretty smart too. I only met him at the calculus class where he would be at the top of his game. He could be a great scientist or mathematician if he went in that line but he insisted that he just wanted to be a good doctor.

Anyhow here I was now , sitting by myself in a cafe typing away my first paired essay. Strangely I was doing it alone. The kid had important stuff to do, but he gave a well written draft so I felt I should go on with it. He would give more information and drafts the next day so I was willing to work alone.

"Hey ", a voice called.

I looked up , didn't have any idea who I was seeing.

"Sorry , do I know you ?", I said pretty uninterested.

"Yeah , ummm this is awkward so like New right , we went to the same highschool and I had this huge crush on you. I couldn't tell you then , but I wanted to tell you now. It's such a big coincidence that I saw you here and I thought that fate put it towards me -"

"Liar ", I responded.

I didn't recognise his face but that watch. It was a limited edition watch and for someone reason I had been seeing it alot. I hadn't bothered to put two and two together to think the same person was wearing it though.

"Sorry ?", the guy said as if he hadn't heard what I said.

"I said you are a liar. You have been following me around , I am neither blind nor dumb to not notice something like that", I said with a bored exporssion.

He seemed angered while I got back to my work.

"I won't be ignored like this , I have genuine feelings for you. Try going on at least one date with me ", he said.

Boring !

"No thanks " , I said not sparing him a glance.

If only I knew this guy had major anger issues I might have not gone too far as to blantly give a reply.

The waiter came with my hot coffee. He picks it up and tosses it towards me. I panicked as I saved my laptop but the boiling liquid never touched me. I looked up to see a cloth in front of me , this leather jacket. Someone covered me with their jacket.

"You ok ", my saviour asked.

I nodded a yes as he let down the jacket. The stalker was sure embarassed by what he did, so he just got up and left. The waiter quickly came to clean the mess as I asked her to give me another coffee which I was willing to pay for again.

"Who was that psycho ex ?", my saviour asked.

"Who are you that has to know ?", I said. If I found someone interesting , I just had to play with them.

"Tay your saviour , so ... Who was he ?", Tay asked as he grabbed a chair and sat next to me. He leaned in closer as if I was giving him the gossip of a lifetime.

"Stalker ", I replied.

He nodded his head knowingly as if he had full idea of the situation , he kind of did but also didn't.

"So like are you dating someone ?", Tay asked next.

Suspicious !!! Very suspicious !!!
I looked at him with a slight side eye.

"I am ", I said.

"Liar ", he replied.

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