Not really

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"Why are we moving again ?", I asked my dad with a pout.

I already knew the reason. My mom died a few days ago , one of the most elegant and independent women I knew.

My dad was scared by it. He blamed himself , I don't really know why though. Mom would hate it if she knew dad was blaming himself.
I had stopped the car in front of the new house.

As we got out my dad was greeted by the next door neighbour. He was a mafia , even my dad was but he left the work now, cause that's the reason mom died. She was killed by a mafia , actually she was trying to protect my dad from dying and died. He killed that man.

"Thank you for accepting my request", my father told his former boss.

He had agreed to let dad retire and live a normal life now cause he understood the height of loss he was facing.

I just stood in the back and watched the scene. My father shed a few tears before signalling me to get the stuff. I just followed along. I was never a part of this mafia world , I was a normal kid that was supposed to get through with life.

"Your son is quite grown up ", the man said as his attention shifted to me.

"He is , he is in his second year of college ", my father said on my behalf.

"Oh really which department ?", The boss asked.

"Computer science ", I replied.

The man just nodded before talking to my father again. We had shifted inside the house by now. It was well maintained , apparently the boss had it cleaned for us. I put my stuff in my room and got down.

The adults were still talking so I excused myself to take a walk outside. As I stepped out a car pulled over to the house next door.

Two boys got out of it and halted when they saw me staring at them. I didn't break the eye contact , not sure why though.

"What are you staring at ?", the scary looking one said.

"Nothing ", I replied with ease. He seemed heartbroken , he definitely was heartbroken.

"Who are you ?", the other one asked.

"I just shifted here , Mr. Lumin's son ", I said honestly.

"If you stare any longer I'll gauge your eyes out ", the cranky one said.

"Who broke your heart ", I said sarcastically and it seemed to have struck the guy like a knife. Like damn , how heartbroken are you.

"You are looking for a death wish ", the guy said.

"Not really ", I said calmly. The other one held onto the cranky guy.

"You should watch what you say to people around here , not everyone would stop themselves from beating you to death", The calmer one said.

"Who are you guys ?", I asked. I was a curious kid but people found that weird for some reason.

"I am Gulf , Mr. Jury's son and he is Pooh my friend , he is Mafia Ruth's son ", The guy said.

Oh wait , they were popular mafia's.

"Dark , light , shadow ", I said out as Gulf smiled but Pooh still had a foul expression.

"Yeah , that's us , well the shadow guy isn't here today ", Mew said.

"Hmm", I said as I started to walk away.

"Wait !", I heard Pooh's assertive voice as I looked back.

"If you dare to run your mouth unnecessarily again , you wouldn't be able to recognise your face again ",  Pooh warned me.

"Ok", i replied but that response seemed to have put Pooh on edge.

Those are some major anger issues , no wonder his lover left him. Pooh walked up to me and grabbed onto my collar.

"You piss me off so much ", Pooh said as I grabbed onto his arm and pressed at a pressure point. He didn't whince in pain but had to let go.

"I haven't done anything yet , if you act that harshly no one would want to be with you", I said as Pooh's anger raged.

I like drama ! This was the best thing that happened till now.

"Ahh , Pooh calm down ", Mew came running to stop Pooh from trying to kill me.

He couldn't anyway but still. He was practically pulled away by Mew to his house as I started to walk down the street. There weren't that many things here. The main attraction was around 20 km away in the city. I took a bus till there and saw around.

There was a cafe. I got in as I looked around. Someone waved their hand at me. I was confused. The guy was sitting with someone else. He gets up , with a bright smile on his face and walks towards me.

"Please help me ", he said in a light tone as he hugged me.

I hugged back. I gave a light expression as he smiled and pulled me to the table he was sitting on. At least I found a seat to sit. I sat down and looked at the other , more intimidating looking guy.

"Is this your friend ?", I asked as the other guy rolled his eyes.

"No , we were just having a casual conversation since I saw him here ", the guy that got me to the table said.

"I've got work , but I'll see you around. Hopefully this relationship doesn't last forever ", the scary one said as he banged his hands on the table before leaving. Still glaring at me.

"Ex ?", I asked.

"No random creep ", the guy answered as I nodded.

"Oh ummm, thanks for helping me. I am New ", the guy said.

"Gulf ", I replied.

New smiled as I ordered something for myself as well. Apparently we both went to the same college. I can't believe I never knew of him. He stayed in the city in his own apartment and was in engineering branch. I was gonna join his calculus class this year as well.

It was nice meeting New. We exchanged numbers after which I headed home. Throughout the way I could feel being followed. As I was about 500 m away from my house I turned around.

"What do you want ?", I asked as I saw that guy from the cafe standing there.

"Mafia as well huh , no wonder you weren't intimidated by me. But you have no idea who I am ", The guy said.

"I actually do , you are the shadow in the all famous trio right. I know you well , sadly I would advise you against any thing you might be thinking to do. I am like a special person under one of your friends ", I said as he groaned before saying ,

"Which friend ?"

"Light ", I replied as he pokes his tongue on his cheek.

"I'll go , have a good night and stop bothering my boyfriend ", I said as I walked to my house.

He followed me till I entered. I got till my room before I looked out the window. He was standing there for some time before he entered Mew's house.

Well no matter what the situation , I knew he couldn't get me killed. At least not with my father knowing he killed me. I was safe , safe from their malicious intent.

I hopped in the shower and then got ready for a good night's sleep. I am supposed to start college from tomorrow.

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