Heal your wounds

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I really tried my best.
I hated the thought of violence since I was a kid. I mean why do I need to have to knock someone's head out ? Regardless as my father wished for both his kids were taught how to fight. I got away from it as soon as I could while Pavel stuck to it.

I swear he was much nicer when he wasn't as strong as now. History was again repeating itself here , as he picked up another vase. I really regret buying so many heavy vases now. Why couldn't I just have bought one plastic one , light and can't be used as a weapon.

He held it in his hand , ready to hit my head as the door opened.

Gulf !!

"Gulf !", I yelled.

"Doesn't matter how many people come to help you New , you won't get away with what you did this time ", Pavel said.

Thank you so much my brother for giving me such comforting words. Never felt better.

"You have no right to punish him ," Gulf said as he attacked him.

He tried to use the vase as a weapon but it didn't help much. As expected of my brother , Gulf was on the ground , ready to be snapped in half by him.

"Pavel wait "
Mew's voice came as he walked towards us , holding.... POOH !!!

God fucking hell I was about beat the shit out of that kid. Like bro , I have literally fought so long with my brother for you to escape and you came back ?????
Logic ? None found !!!
But it was touching so thanks ❤️

Pavel looked up just as shocked as me.

"Leave him , take your lover ", Mew said.

"Mew don't !", Gulf yelled but he didn't listen.

"I told you to run away , why didn't you run away ", I yelled at Pooh. I get it , he wants to help but we need to be smarter in these situations.

There was no way Pavel would kill me , no matter how much he hates me , we are related by blood aka my dad would kill him if he kills me. Pavel got to Pooh.

I panicked as I ran to them , but he was already holding onto Pooh , like he would never let go. There was only one thing I could think of doing.

"Phi , I beg you , let him go. He doesn't deserve this , he is a good kid , just let him live his life ", I said , as I got on my knees and begged my brother.

Never have I ever imagined myself doing this to my brother , but here I was.

"Phi, It's fine ", Pooh said as he looked at us blankly.

His light seems to have died. His new found freedom lost. Pavel left with Pooh.

I looked at Mew. I didn't know what to do. I just didn't want to loose another friend. He seemed like he wanted to come close to me but Mew pulled him outside.

I just sat there for a while in silence till I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and backed away as I saw Tay , standing while holding his stomach.

"It's fine , your friend would be fine ", He said.

I got a bit closer to him , before I pushed him to the ground.

"I am not a fool ", I said as he seemed confused.

I knew from the start. There was no way he was knocked out for so long. He was just pretending so it doesn't seem like he wasnt trying to help me.

"What ?", he said as he got back up unbothered. This time not holding to any part of his body.

"Next time you try to play unconscious , try to regulate your breathing ", I said.

He rolled his eyes before saying ,

"I think there is something you are failing to understand New ", he said with his claming monotone.

I hated how soothing it was.

"What don't I understand ?", I asked.

"That you can't always protect other people, and that's fine. Sometimes you aren't supposed to protect them. Everyone has their own battles , you should really try to save yourself before others. It's not a bad thing to be selfish. This whole situation between Pavel and Pooh , that's their battle. They need to fight it alone. So please stop tormenting yourself on what happened years ago. I know , your friend killed himself after Pavel slept with him. But you know what , you are not the least bit responsible for it. That's why I beg you , focus on your own healing", he said.

Never expected to hear something sensible from him but here I was , absorbing every single word of his like he just told me something I was waiting to hear for a while. Liberation from this guilt that it's my fault. I just needed someone to tell me it's not.

I turned around as I walked to one of the cabinets and took out a first aid box.

"Heal your wounds, before you try to heal mine. You also need to protect yourself ", I said as he smiled.

Ok fine he was kinda .....
He was literally drop dead gorgeous !!!

Gulf walked in a while later. He ranted on about Mew and the stuff he was saying while I was drinking some the tea. Tay got bored and went up to sleep.

I think it was around three hours after the whole incident , Mew had tried to negotiate multiple times and once again the bell rang.

Gulf went to the door annoyed as he opens the door but he didn't yell.

"Pooh ", he said as my ears went up and I dashed to the door. Just as Gulf said, Pooh was standing there.

"Phi ", he said, near to tears as I hugged him.

"Phi he let me go ", he said.

I couldn't believe it , but I was relieved. Mew was shut out again as we sat inside. Tay was in one of the rooms, resting due to his injuries.

We had some food before Gulf left. I bet he had talked about something with Mew , but that wasn't any of my business. The night went on. Pooh wasn't at home in the morning. He said he had to go somewhere. I didn't question it.

Tay walked down at around 10 in the morning. I set breakfast for him.

"Thank you ", he said as he ate. I just sat on the table and studied. After he was done, I washed the dishes.

"You can take a bath , I'll prepare your clothes", I said as he looked at me with his crazy gaze.

"Can I ask you something ?", he said.

"Go ahead ", I replied.

"Why are you being so nice to me ?", he said.

So like should I be mean ? I don't get this , why do people question the good things in life.

"I can go back to before if you prefer that ", I said as he walked closer , his smile not leaving his face.

I could smack him at that moment. He had that over confident smug all over his face , annoying !!

" What ?", I said , not stepping back.

He leaned closer to me , grabbing me closer by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing ", I asked again as he stared right into my eyes.

Romantic .. yes
Magical ... Very !!

"Why are you being so nice to me New ", he asked again as he leaned his face closer.

Should I do it ?

I gave him a quick peck on his lips as his face seemed to have stopped in that smile. I got out of his grasp as I packed my books.

"I have class "

I don't.

"I'll be back later ", I said as I practically ran from my own house.

What was wrong with me !!!

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