This is from Pooh

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( Pooh )

I was sitting curled up in the driver's seat. He caught me and I am sure it would be near to impossible to escape again. I must have used every portion of my knowledge of calculus but no calculation could tell me the right way to escape from here.

"What are you thinking ?", Pavel asked interrupting my thoughts.

I looked at him frightened to death.

"Don't give me that expression. I love you and you love me , don't act like you don't !", he said desperately. It was almost pitiful.

But he saw that pity in my eyes and it just added to his rage as he increased the speed of his vehicle and made us reach back to his house.

He took my hand and pulled me inside. First to the living room.

"We ate together here everyday didn't we ? You enjoyed the food as well. You used to tell me that it was delicious , sometimes ask me to have something specially made."

He then took me to our room.

"We slept together here , I cuddled you as you fit completely in my arms. We were perfect weren't we ? "

The next stop was my art room.

"You stayed up here painting right. Look at the drawing of your mother , I put it up so you could watch it all day as you painted more. Then why Pooh , why is this still one sided. Don't listen to New. You aren't money for me , you aren't an item I bought. You are an angel I was lucky to have by my side , and I want to do everything in my power to keep you with me. Is that so wrong ? Wanting to be loved ?", He said as he started to tear up.

I think at that moment I partially understood his condition. He was lonely and he fell in love , no warning from God could stop him from falling deeper but destiny tore away that love and took it away from him.

The only question remaining , do I love him ? Should I try to love him ? Or should I not open a pity party and let him improve on his own.

"Pavel , wanting to be loved is alright , but forcing someone to love is wrong. I don't love you , ever since I have been here I have only seen myself as an object. When I got out , I felt human. Now you tell me , Is everything that happened in this house worth being an object ?", I asked as he looked at me , a tear falling from his eyes.

He took my hand and pulled me to the lawn. He made me face him as he said,

"Pooh , I love you , I am freaking crazy in love with you. So please ...."

I looked down , his pleading was upsetting to hear but should I have to put up with this ?

"Please leave ", he finished as I looked up.

I was confused , did he just ask me to leave ?

"What ?", I said.

"You are free to go , don't ever come back here again ", Pavel said as he turned around and walked back inside the house.

I stood like a statue for a few minutes as I wondered if everything that had happened was reality. I only started to come to terms with it when I got out of the house and started to head back to the condo to see New. He really left me. I was free , once and for all.

When I had reached the condo I saw Mew sleeping outside. I was confused. I rang the door bell which woke Mew up as well.

"Pooh ?", Mew said confused.

Gulf opened the door with an annoyed face ready to scream at someone until he saw me.

"Pooh ", he said as he hugged me.

New also came running to the door on hearing my name. He wasn't in good shape.

"Phi ", I said, near to tears as New hugged me as well.

"Phi he let me go ", I said.

New couldn't believe it , but he was relieved. Mew was shut out again as the trio sat inside. Tay was in one of the rooms, resting due to his injuries.
We had some food before Phi Gulf left. I bet he had talked something with Phi Mew , but that wasn't any of my business.

Tay walked down a while later , with pain on his face. He looked at me and New a bit confused. Phi New got up and helped him, then went forth to explain what had happened. Nothing more happened that night. Atleast not with me.

The next day was an holiday. So I got till the bus station and went to the law firm my parents worked in. I entered the area. It was huge. The ceiling was high and it seemed like a nice place. I kind of sneaked around , looking for clues , that's when I came across their hall of fame. In the end of the hallway was a photo of my parents , still in their youth.

"Kid what are you doing here ?", a lady said as I turned around. She seemed to be in her early twenties.

"Umm sorry , but would you know anything about them ", I asked as I pointed at the photo of my parents.

"Why do you want to know about them ?", she asked confused.

"I need to meet them, do you know them ", I said.

She laughed slightly before saying ,

"Of course I know them , they are my parents ."

My smile slight faded at her words. This whole situation was super confusing. I am pretty sure if I had an older sibling I would know.

"No they are not ", the words came out of my mouth by default.

They weren't her parents , they were my parents.

"What do you mean ? They are my parents. I literally came from home right now and they were there. How do you know them ?", She asked.

"I know them from a mutual , I need their help", I said , making up a random story.

I didn't feel like exposing the fact that they were actually my parents.

"I can help you ", she said while crossing her arms.

She had to deliver something at the law firm before she drove me back to her house. It was a beautiful house.

We walked inside , she led the way and welcomed me in.

"Mom dad someone is here to meet you ", She said as a woman and man walked to the living room. They looked at me , before the woman said,

"Who are you child ? "

They don't recognise me. Should I tell them ? Should I not ?

" I am Mr. And Mrs. Mills son ", I said as they got a frown on their face.

Mr and Mrs. Mills , my adoptive parents had a real son as well. I never got to meet him , only heard about him from them. I hoped really hard that they hadn't seen him either.

"What business do you have here ?", my mother said with a rude tone. Seems like they weren't fond of my adoptive parents , kind of glad to know that.

I reached into my pocket as I took something I had written a long time ago but had no idea where to send. A letter I had written to them.

"This is from Pooh ", I said as they practically snatched the letter from my hands.

I really miss you mom and dad , the next time we meet , please , I beg you , take me back.

That was all I could manage to write , a request from the heart to be able to go back to my family.

My mother teared up followed by my father.

The girl was visibly confused about the whole situation. I took my leave.

I couldn't tell them.

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