Wet now

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I didn't have a place to stay , I have no idea where I have to go. I am all alone. If I go back to those pathetic excuses for parents they would send me back to that guy , he won't let me go without torturing me. I am lucky to have survived.

Two weeks ago

I got down at like 8:05 , Pavel was already sitting on the dinning table. I sat down opposite him waiting to get my food. The servant came and put down the plate and food for Pavel but he didn't give me any.

"Where is my food ?", I asked confused.

"Didn't you read the rules ?", one of the guards said.

"I did ", I replied.

"You are supposed to be here at 8:00 , you are 5 mins late. You won't recieve your meal", the guard said.

"You can get it in one condition ", Pavel spoke up.

"What ?", I asked.

"Let me eat you as well ", Pavel said.

I was a bit shook at his words. I leaned a bit closer to him and whisepred ,

"Are you a cannabalist ?"

He seemed a bit shocked at my words before he laughed and said ,

"I didn't mean it in a literal sense. Innocent much , you should leave that side of you. It won't be of much use to you , but it sure does help excite me. I am free for this month. I want to make full use of it ."

if the boss needs sexual favours on other days you have to follow

Right that was also part of the rules. I thought as I got lost in my thoughts. I didn't even realise when Pavel finished his food and held onto the back of my neck.

I snapped out of my mind and looked up as he pulled me up and held my hand , taking me to his room. I halted.

"I have never done this ", I said hoping this fact would make him stop.

"I know , that's why I chose you ", he said as I felt a shiver in my spine. Like the hell ? Where is your humanity ?

Before I knew it he started to kiss my neck again. I have no idea how many hickeys he made. I just felt a sharp pain in my neck.

"Ahh mmhhh", I moaned slightly as he put his hands under my shirt taking it off completely.

"You are sweet ", He said as I gulped.

"Ok , this is gonna be fun. Get on your knees", he said as I followed. Was there a point to revolt ?

Perhaps , maybe I could have struggled to have the satisfaction that I actually tried to do something to not let this happen to me but I have been tortured enough to know , resistance only brings more pain.

I got on my knees as he patted my head as if I was a dog. Oh God I felt like ripping his head off , but I couldn't. He opened his pant zip as he let his cock grow bigger.

What was I supposed to do again ? That , in my mouth ? Yeah there was no way that was happening unless my mouth tore away.

"Open your mouth , wide ", he said as he girrbed my hair and pulled my head back.

"Ahh", I whined in pain as my mouth opens and he puts his stick in my mouth. I am pretty sure it had reached like the centre of my oesophagus as he pulls back my head and then pushes it back front.

"If you bite you'll regret it , only I can bite you", He said.

Disgusting !!!!!

I just did what he wanted me to do while he looked like he was enjoying this shit. Why do people do this ? Gosh I wasn't gonna get used to be sexually harassed anytime soon. I remember watching some movies which had all this but they never really captured the real pain of this.

About 15 mins of doing this and his thing was too big for me to take fully anymore. He pulls out as I gasp for air. I felt like someone had just left me after holding me on a choke hold.

"Get on the bed ", he said as I looked at him already worn out. He couldn't help but laugh at my condition.

"Hurry up !", he said in a soft tone as I got up and dragged myself to bed. I swear I was gonna sleep if he didn't hold my back and pulled down my pants.

He places me on the bed , with my back facing him as he split my legs apart and put a finger inside.

"Ahh...mmmh it feels weird ", I said as he put it further in.

"Ahh", I continued to moan as he giggled.

"Don't worry , I'll make it feel better. But we gotta prepare you first. Unless you wanna bleed ", he whispered in my ear.

While fingering me he kept caressing my back and spanking my butt. Like I get it , I am attractive , a little too much when I am naked but that doesn't mean anyone gets to thrust themselves in me.

I was twitching in confusion when he suddenly pulled out his fingers.

"Wet now ", he said as he suddenly thrusts into me.

I felt something got injected in me , a whole lot of something. It kept going in an out.

"It is hurting ", I said fainting as I could barely catch my breath from whatever was happening.

"It won't in a while ", he replied as he kept going on.

Fine ! It didn't hurt as much in some time but like ? What's good about this anyway ? Why does this hurt so much ?

I remember blacking out around this part. What I remembered was when a liquid got ejaculated in me like three to four times after which he pulled out. Both of us sweating like anything.

I remember finally being able to breath when my body suddenly got picked up. I held onto him , as he carried me , bridal style to the washroom.

"What are you doing ?", I asked tired.

"Cleaning you up of course ", He said as I saw the tub which was already filled with water.

He touches it to make sure the temperature was right before he places me in it. I felt like a kid being bathed by his mother.

He was gentle this time. I remember in the movie I watched , this is called after care.

"You know , I have never done this to anyone ", He said as he got in the tub with me.

My body resting on his as he nuzzled his head in the crotch of my neck.

"Why ?", I asked.

I think he didn't expect that question.

"Huh?", he said.

"Why didn't you do it to anyone else ?", I asked, though I also wanted to question if they deserved it or not .

I mean who is he to just bang and throw away but I knew this was better left unsaid.

"None of them were you , probably that's why ", he said as his hand started to caress my head and ruffle my hair.

I am not a BLOODY DOG !

"I see ", I replied slowly.

I didn't care what I was at that point. I felt like getting away from him and burning every inch of my skin that he had touched but I couldn't do that , burns are the most painful things in the world.

We got out of the shower after a while. The bedsheet was already changed by some servant and we both were in our night dresses. He picked me up again placing me on the bed and then getting on it as well. He clicked his finger as the lights shut of and he layed down while pulling me with him.
Cuddling me to sleep.

Can I kill him ?

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