We need to talk

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( Pooh )


"What are you doing ?", Pavel asked me as he snuggled his head in my neck, giving me light kisses.

"I am searching for colleges , my entrance score came out , I need to give my preference and a week later the result would be out ", I replied not bothering to look at him.

This was very important for me , this was my future.

"What college would you go to ?", Pavel asked.

"Haven't decided yet , I want to do medicine so probably Mince. My score is enough to get in there ", I said casually.

It was a big deal getting into Mince but I had bigger goals , freedom.

"No , you can't go there ", He said assertively. I was confused.

Mince was my dream college. And the man in front of me just snatched it and tore it into shreds.

"Why ?", I asked, heartbroken.

"It's too far away. I can't keep an eye on you. Can't have your ass running away can we. It's not like you can actually do anything , just take any college nearby", he said before going to get himself some breakfast.

So that's how it was. Everything that I wanted was nothing. My existence didn't matter. There was no way I could stay here any longer. I scrolled through the list as I saw another college.

Union , another high class college and one that connected me to memories. My eyes slightly flinched when I realised. I had only ever seen one photo of my parents , it was a college pick. They went to Union. I didn't think more , I entered the college and shut of the computer.

Then I joined Pavel for breakfast.

"So what did you choose ", he asked me later that day.

"Lindon , it's nearby ", I said as he checked where it was.

I wasn't lying , it really was a small medical College only 10 mins away from his house. Not like I cared. College started a little less than two weeks , I can make it.



My thoughts were disturbed when I suddenly crashed into Phi New. I really appreciated his presence. After every person I had met , i needed someone like him in my life.

He was in a hurry so we did a quick exchange of greetings and then went our ways. I headed to class. It was a long day with lots of homework. Before I knew , I was sitting in the canteen along with Phi New.

One of his friends came to meet him. He was really nice as well, his name was Phi Gulf I think. It was quiet for another hour till I spoke up.

"Phi , is there a reason you aren't going home ?"

"Is there a reason you aren't going home ?", he said back to me.

I thought for a second before I spoke up honestly,

"I don't have one "

"My adoptive parents sold me off to a cruel mafia so I ran away , now I don't have a home. I have been sleeping near the under tunnel Subway ", I said , looking him straight in eyes.

I just hoped he wouldn't take this the wrong way and understand my situation.

"I just don't feel like going home also , there is this guy that has kind of been after me , stalker types and all ", He said.

I was shocked , phi was having a pretty hard time as well. Suddenly his phone rang.

He answered it very cheerfully , it was his father. I wanted to talk to my father as well.
Would that ever be possible ?

Phi finsihed talking and asked ,

"Hey , do you have any belongings or important stuff at the under tunnel ?"

"No , everything is in this backpack", I replied.

"Come on then , both of us got a new home. That too free of cost , don't worry about the details I am kind of loaded", He said. My eyes widened.

The hell was he talking about ? He got us a home ? Apparently he was the son of a very rich family and wanted to shift to one of the apartments with me. I refused of course but he ended up convincing me.

The house was the definition of the phrase drop dead gorgeous. Like it was perfect. It was a penthouse with rooms like a building in itself.

"Are you sure I can live here ?",
I must have asked that like a thousand times now but Phi reassured me with patience ever time.

This was a dream. Better than any one I had very had. We really enjoyed ourselves that day which caused us to be late the next day. I was a bit confused though, Phi seemed a bit on edge since the morning. I tried asking him but he said it was nothing , just study stress. I didn't actually believe it , but I let him have the benefit of the doubt.

As we reached the college , there seemed to be quite a bit of a rush. Phi New quickly went to his class while I explored a bit.

"What is happening ?", I asked one of the kids.

"Honours week. Idk as well , they just display all the star students of all the years. They age back like 30 some years. Idk how they managed to store so much junk", she said as she carried a box away.

My eye barely fell on the insides as they widndend. I stopped her immediately as I picked up the top photo.

Mom , Dad.

It was the same photo I had seen.

"Oh , that's a famous photo , I have heard of them. This was the only year that two kids became the Diamond students. Other years it was only one. Apparently they were even dating , they were an unstoppable couple. Anyway , I got to go ", she said as she took the photo from me and walked away.

I need to find out about them.

That's all that went in my mind for the rest of the day. How in the world do I find them. Were they alive ? Where they happy ? Why did they leave me ?

As my thoughts ran wild for all the possibilities , I went to search for answers in the library. I searched through all year books till I saw it.
1980 , that's when they went to college. They both were in law. Top of their classes and both of them did an extra calculus class. How coincidental. I guess I am really their child.

They both were chosen as the Diamond of the college for the year after they joined Halo , the biggest law firm in the country. That's all I could find here , the rest of my answers lay in that law firm , I had to visit it soon.

After my little searching session I head for the canteen. Phi New was waiting for me along with Phi Gulf. They seemed to be having a very important conversation. I didn't feel like intruding but I had to go up there.

Phi Gulf saw me first. He stopped talking as Phi New looked at me as well. He seemed worried. I went there and stood like a little kid.

"Phi are you guys having an important talk , should I come back later ?", I asked.

"We need to talk to you ", New said. I didn't like that tone. It was filled with concern. Did something bad happen ?

"What happened ?", I asked , trying to think of all the possible things that could happen.

"The mafia you ran away from , Pavel. I know him. He is a mutual through my father's friend. He is searching for you , all he knows right now is that I know you ", Phi Gulf said as I stood still.

He is going to tear my life into shreds again.

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