Reason to stay

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College was back on and the studies were getting harder. It was good though , being so occupied , I could use it. I didn't need to think about anything and when I had some free time I would mostly spend it with Phi New and Phi Gulf.

They had started to date Phi Tay and Phi Mew but no one put any pressure on me regarding Pavel. Though , there was a slight issue. I felt a bit incomplete, like I had lost something. I wasn't a fool, it was Pavel.
I missed him, but now , after I had already walked out of the house I thought I should keep to the words he said.

Leave and never come back.

He doesn't want to see me and I shouldn't mess with his head by going and suddenly telling him, perhaps I did catch some feelings.

"Hey Pooh ", a voice called out. I looked up. It was some boy , I didn't really know his name.

"Yeah ", I said.

"You wanna hang out later with us ?", He asked as he pointed towards his friends.

I had no idea who they were. I'm pretty sure I had seen glimpses of them in my classes but never got to know them fully. I guess this was time for redemption.

"Sure ", I said.

I had a bit of free time after college and New and Gulf were gonna be busy. They sent me the location. They chose a really nice riverside area. After college , I went home , packed some stuff and got to the location. I got there and saw only the guy that had called out to me was there.

"Where are the others ?", I asked.

"They suddenly cancelled , this is a beautiful place and I didn't want you to miss it so I thought maybe we both could enjoy it here for sometime. We could catch a meal with those traitors later ", he said.

Fair enough , I liked the place as well.

We sat down and did a little picnic while making small talk.

"Say Pooh , why don't you call me by my name ?", he asked.

Shit , I thought I could check their names during the roll call tomorrow but he already caught me. He looked at me as I nervously thought of an excuse. As I panicked he put his hand above mine and said ,

"You don't know my name do you ?"

"Sorry ", I said lightly.

"That's fine , I'll make you remember it. It's Mill. Repeat it ", He said.

"Mill ", I said , I was glad he wasn't mad at me for not knowing.

"Repeat it again ", He said.

"I won't forget it now Mill ", I said but he suddenly pushed me back and got over me. I panicked. I struggled but he swiftly held me down.

"You know this is my private place , no one would come here ", he said as I realised that only we were here in the area. I struggled more this time. Yelling for help , no one came.

"No point yelling Pooh. I have had my eyes on you for a while now. So it's time for you to give me the pleasure of my life. Scream my name - , ahhh "

He screamed out of nowhere.

"You'll be the one screaming now ", a voice said, Pavel's voice said.

I looked up as Pavel pulled Mill back with his hair , throwing him to the other side. He bent down to me.

"You okay ?", he asked , with utmost care.

I was falling in love.

Mill got up in anger as he charged at Pavel. Wrong move bro , you can't challenge a mafia to a fist fight. Pavel punched him , knocking two of his teeth off.

"This is for seductively smiling at him", he said as Mil groaned in pain.

Pavel didn't stop as he pulled Mill's hand with a jerk ,making him dislocate his shoulder.

"This is for putting your hands on him", Pavel continued.

Mill was in excruciating pain now. He backed off slightly as Pavel gave another punch on his stomach making him land in front of me.

"And this is for even thinking about getting him under you when he clearly isn't interested ", He said as he looked at me.

"You get the last hit ", he said softly.

I looked at Mill who seemed partially dead. He moved a bit as I panicked and slapped him. I got up as I dusted myself. I looked at Pavel who looked to the side. His car was there. I walked there and got inside. He followed behind and got in the driver's seat.

"Sorry ", Pavel said the second he set inside.

"For what ?", I asked.

"I was supposed to leave you alone , but I couldn't. I have been following you around like a crazy stalker , eventhough it helped this time but it's still wrong. I don't regret letting you go but I regret not being able to give you a reason to stay", Pavel  said as I silently listened.

"I thought it wouldn't matter , but at the end of the day , I couldn't let go of my feelings ", Pavel said.

"It's fine ", I said as he looked at me.

"I think I caught some of those feelings as well", I said.

"Please don't do this to me ", He said , scared , as if even after telling him that I am falling in love , there was a chance I might leave.

"I won't leave this time , that is unless you give me a reason to ", I teased.

He pulled me in a hug. It was warm and comforting.

"I won't ", He said.

We hugged for some time before he let me go.

"Where do you want to go ?", He asked with a smile on his face. I thought for a while.

I guess I should do it by now.

"I wanna meet my parents ", I said.

"The lady from the painting ?", Pavel asked nervously.

"Yeah ", I said.

He quickly checked himself out in the rear view mirror , fixing his hair and clothes.

"What are you  doing ?", I asked.

"I need to be presentable in front of your parents ", He said as I laughed.

"They don't know yet that I am their child ", I said.

He looked at me as I explained what had happened in our last meeting.

"They must have adopted the girl , don't worry about anything. Just go and tell them the truth , get your family back and don't be concerned for those fake parents of yours, I'll take care of them ", Pavel said.

"Let them be , they have a child as well , just let them live now and I'll also get my life back now ",I said.

I told him the way as he drove me to the house. I was nervous to get out , but when he kept his hand on mine , I found some strength.

I walked out. The girl , my parents adopted daughter was sitting on the porch and surprisingly happy to see me.

"You back , let me call my parents. They really regretted letting you go so soon last time. They said they wanted to talk to you more", She said as she walked in.

For some reason she didn't bother asking about Pavel who stood behind me. We walked in , my parents had already come till the living room on hearing that I had come.

"Did he send another letter ?", They asked immediately.

"I have something to tell you", I said nervously.

I handed them a photo , the same one which they had taken when they were in college.

"I had seen this photo only once in my life and never got to see any of the letters you guys sent to me. I should have told you the last time I came here but I couldn't. I am Pooh ", I said.

Everything seemed to have been frozen.

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