I hate liars

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I was sitting calmly in my place. There was the classic chandelier. The long table where the four of us sat silently. Father in the center , my brother opposite to me my mother beside me.

"New why don't you come anymore ", my brother asked.

"You don't either ", I shot back.

"Come on Tay , your brother is busy , you are still in college we want to know your golden days. Come home , you can even bring your special one ", My father teased. I wasn't really into the conversation.

I had secrets , deep dark secrets I would choose never to confess , but there was a limit till when we can hide things like these.

"Won't you ask how I am ?", my brother asked.

"I already know ", I replied.

"Tay , be nice to your brother he was really looking forward to meeting you. You need to put your differences aside now , Pavel has really tried to patch things up between you guys ", our mother said.

I looked up at him.
That's right , the all famous Dark Mafia , Pavel. My blood related brother , someone I used to idolise in my youth , fear in my tenage years and loath since I was 18. Since my best friend hung himself because he abused him , since he locked me up in the houses basement, since he beat me with a rock and put me in the hospital, all because he was angry.

Apparently he had changed , he had changed when a special someone came to his life. My parents wouldn't stop talking about it. How much my brother improved himself , behaviour wise at least. That to only in a matter of a week. Too bad his lover ran away two weeks since they met and my brother couldn't find him anywhere.

He had gone crazy the initial day. So much so my parents asked me to go to my apartment near the college cause he might do something to me in his frustration. I followed through and I would never regret it. I would protect Pooh with everything I have , I won't let him die the way my friend did back then.

I kept my composure for the rest of the meal till it was time for me to go. Not sure how much Pavel managed to get alone with me, but he jumped at the opportunity.

"How long are you gonna stay mad ?", He asked as I glared at him.

"Till you change yourself ", I replied.

"But I have changed , I have improved New , why don't you try to see it", he pleased.

"I have tried , but I don't see it at all", I said as he sighed.

"Ok how about this , curse me out and hit me as much as you want , I won't react at all, that way you'll believe I have changed right ", He said.

I gave a slight smile before saying ,

"I wish the guy you trapped and tormented for those two weeks never comes back to you , I wish he gets to live the best life ever such that you become the worst thing that ever happened in his entire life. I wish that -"

I received a tight slap on my face.
Changed huh ? You can't even hear the fact that the person you love is happy. You just care if he is with you or not, it hardly matters if your presence suffocated him.

"Watch your mouth ", He said strictly as he walked away. I got home.

I was shocked to see , Pooh sitting on the sofa waiting for me.

"You still up ?", I asked.

"Why are you doing this ?", he said as I gave back a confused expression, I didn't have any idea what he was talking about.

"What ?",I questioned.

"Does your body hurt ?", he said as I started to connect the dots.

But there was no way he knew that I was sleeping with Tay.

"You are reading too much into things", I said to try to divert him but I fear I might have made his suspicion more strong.

"I'm not and you don't need to do this for me. I handled Pavel once I can do it again, you don't need to suffer because of me. That guy Tay , he is just obsessed with you , he doesn't love you. I don't want you to be treated as a thing ", he said.

He is such a strong kid.

"How do you know so much ", i asked.

"Because I have been through it and it's pretty cruel ", he said.

That line hurt. I wanted to protect him but there was so much of him my brother already destroyed. I felt like crying but I managed to say,

"I wasn't there tonight , I was at a family dinner."

"That doesn't change the fact that it happened. Don't do it again , let Tay just tell Pavel ", he demanded.

Why is he like this !

"No way , fine I won't tender to Tay's demands anymore but you will not go to Pavel. I don't care what he does , I swore to protect you ", i said , standing my ground.

"Why are you so fixated in protecting me ? I am of nowhere use to you ", he said.

Use ? That's what I used to say to myself. I felt like I was no use to people around me , but I realised soon enough , it was never like that.

"Because I couldn't protect other people I cared for and cause ..., no one bothered to protect me ", I said , barely managing to end my sentence without crying.

"Pooh , there is something I am hiding from you , there is something you need to know", I continued as I couldn't stop my tears.

"What ?", He asked , his tone changed to his usual calm self.

"I am Pavel's brother. We are blood related", I said as his world seemed to be shattering apart.

He didn't say another word and just went to his room. I half expected him to leave but he didn't , he was just crying in his room. He probably needed it , I needed it too but I just went to sleep.

Waking up in the morning never felt so tiring. I checked my phone as my eyes widened. I had gotten multiple calls from Gulf throughout the night. I didn't realise cause I was pretty much sleeping dead. I quickly got some suitable clothes and dashed outside the house. I kept calling Gulf but he wouldn't pick up anymore. I was worried sick as I drove to his house. I didn't even get a chance to talk to Pooh about the whole Pavel situation but we could leave that for later in case Gulf was in danger.

I reached his house. He didn't seem to be there. I played it off to his father that he must have gone to college already and that he might come to my house as well. He claimed that Gulf had left to meet a friend the previous night.

What could have happened ? As I exited the place with my head low with defeat I looked up to my horror. Phi Pavel and Tay both chatting.

Phi looked at me confused as he walked up.

"What are you doing here ?", he said. I didn't feel like replying but couldn't ignore this dude.

"I was looking for you ", I lied.

"I hate liars ", he said.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away but he pulled me back and this time asked with assertion,

"New I am asking you what are you doing here ?"

"It's none of your damn business ",I yelled at his face as I ran from there.

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