Run away

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"It's none of your damn business , I yelled at his face as I ran from there.

I got in my car and got as far as I could. I knew he would follow me. I took a u turn after a while when I was sure that he must have gone the wrong way.

When Gulf and I first became friends we downloaded this aap to be able to reach each other in case needed. It was mainly cause he was afraid Tay would kidnap me.

My eyes widened at his location. I drove back to the community. He was at Phi Mew's house. I rang the bell.

I waited for someone to open the door and boy was I surprised when I saw Gulf. Like bro,  you already banging a mafia ? This better be mutual or I am murdering Mew.

"Ummm ...", Gulf said as he looked at me.

"You called me , and you are hurt , what happened ?", I said as he stared around before letting me in to have a proper conversation.

He explained the situation.

"I'm so sorry , I fell in a deep sleep last night. I didn't hear the call. I was searching for you all day today cause of that ", I said.

"It's fine , I could deal with them , not a problem at all. Thanks for looking for me though, I appreciate it ", Gulf said.

"So like .. , where is this leading you two ?", i asked in a teasing manner.

Gulf laughed slightly as he gave me the details of their sweet movie night. Damn , he was really getting the king treatment. I guess Mew is head over heels for Gulf. Good for him to get a partner like Gulf. Anyway , after a good chat and giving a warning to a sleepy Mew about not breaking Gulf's heart I walked out of the house , just to be met with another surprise.

"I knew , you would be here ", Tay said as he looked at me.

I tried to run away but he caught me.

"Get away from me ", I said as I pushed him back. He left me willingly.

"Pavel went to your house ", He said as I halted. A strange feeling coming to me.

"He found Pooh "

I held his collar at that statement. Anger raging in my eyes.

"He wants you to come there and talk to him", Tay said as I got in my car.

He understood my intentions and got in as well. We drove to my house as fast as possible. My heart was beating fast as I barged in the house. They were making out.
Well more like Pavel was forcing himself on Pooh.

On hearing my entry , Pavel stops and looks back. Pooh looks at me tired. Phi gave him a hard time again.

"Phi let him go ", I said assertively as Pavel smirked.

God I was hating him so much. Like , have some humanity bro , I am ashamed to be related to you at this moment.

"New , I think you are going to places that are none of your business. His parents sold him to me , I bought him , he is mine", Pavel said.

Such an immature mind.

"He isn't a thing you can just buy , he has feelings , opinions , thoughts , dreams and wills. You can't buy those things no matter how much money you have ", I said.

"Are you really gonna give me a lecture. You should know well New , I will take him back. I forgive you for doing this to me , cause well , I was mean to you as well. I feel this a good way to make up for it ", Pavel said.

"I don't need your forgiveness Phi , you have no right to forgive anybody. He is yours ? What a joke. He would chose anybody over you any day. Why don't you realise that you are only torturing people close to you ", I practically yelled.

He didn't like when I yelled at him. He was holding onto Pooh's wrist the entire time but leaves it after hearing my rant.

"You are just asking for a beating right now. It doesn't matter what I do , you can't talk to me like that ", Pavel said as he stepped closer to me.

I didn't step back , I was shaking inside but if I showed this to him he would know he won. He couldn't win this time, I was going to protect Pooh.

"You can date him, I guess that would keep him under control ", Pavel said as he turned to Tay.

I looked at Tay and then at Pavel.

"You really don't get a thing. You don't own any body Phi , so stop acting like a 10 year old kid that thinks the world revolves around them cause it doesn't. You should have dropped the king act long back ", I said.

"You are ready to tell me all the things I am doing wrong and how bad I am but you don't bother to look at my feelings. I love Pooh , I can't live without him ", Pavel said.

"You love him ? Didn't you just tell how you bought him so he is yours. You treat him like an object so don't throw the I love him line at me cause you don't ! You just find him equivalent to the money you spent ", I said.

"Why do you always go so far with your words", Pavel said as he picked up the vase on the table.

Tay covered me , I was a bit shocked.

"Pavel calm down ", he said as Phi scoffed.

"I'll just teach him a lesson and then you can keep him. Nothing that can't be healed", Pavel said as he charged at me.

Tay didn't move from in front of me , so Phi just smashed the vase at Tay. Tay covered it with his arm and threw a punch at Pavel.

As they fought like the mafia's they are I got a hold of Pooh. I took out all the cash in my wallet and handed it to Pooh.

"Run away , go. He can't rule over me , just escape ", I said as I pushed Pooh outside the house.

He ran as fast as he could.

"Pooh !", Pavel yelled as he noticed his absence.

Tay seemed to have lost. Pavel looked at me , anger flowing through his veins.

"You are really making me angry this time New. You can't blame me for hiting you this time ", Pavel said.

"Don't joke around phi, you never blamed yourself for whatever you did to me. Till this day you think whatever you did was justified but you should know , whatever you think is wrong", I said as he held me by the neck.

It wasn't too suffocating but enough to keep me on my guard.

"Haven't you talked enough already ", He said as he pushed me towards the dinning table.

My head hit the edge and i fell to the ground , my head echoing in pain.

I felt dizzy as I looked up at him. He pulled me by the hair as I kicked , punched and struggled against him. There was no way , I was leaving without a fight. I bit him , which finally made him leave me as I caught my breath and got in a fighting stance. I had learnt how to fight as a kid , this a fine time to use it.

He came in with a punch , I blocked and then did a jump kick. It hit him, he backed off as he looked at me.

"Looks like you still have it in you New. Your own mafia touch , doesn't make you much different from me ", Pavel said.

"You do it to hurt people , I do it to save people , I see a big difference there ", I said as the fight continued.

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