Nothing more, Nothing less

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"But this isn't all, there is one more surprise, close your eyes", He said as I closed my eyes and waited.

I felt a bit weird when nothing happened so I sneakily opened my eyes just to receive a kick in my gut. I got down on my knees when I was suddenly covered with a sheet and multiple people kicked me all at once. I tried to fight back but there was little i could do while being stomped on. After a few minutes when it stopped , I heard laughter from multiple people.

"We wanted to do this the last day of school but you didn't come Gulf so we thought we could finish it to today ", I heard Jill's voice as the sheet was pulled off me.

Surrounding me were some of my ex classmates back in my senior year in high school. I talked to them casually and I could have never expected something like this to happen.

I felt another kick in my abdomen as I groaned. They laughed again.

Jill picks up my phone and unlocks it.
I had told him the password long before and never changed it. He goes to my contact as he sees New's contact.

" Is this your boyfriend , how sweet messages , should we see how much your boyfriend cares for you ?", he said as he dialed New's number.

He didn't pick up

He dialed it multiple times but he didn't pick it up.

Honestly , I was relieved , I was glad he didn't pick up cause if he did , I would have unnecessarily dragged him into this. As they captured themselves while laughing at the fact that my so-called boyfriend didn't pick up the call I stood up  , trying to conserve my energy.

"Look here seems like we didn't beat you up enough ", Jill said as he attacked me with a punch.

I held his hand and twisted it as he yelled in pain. This was a pretty unfair fight ,
12 v/s 1 but the thing was I had a good experience in a gang fight. Their biggest problem is , they aren't coordinated which makes it easy to beat them. I kicked him back as he fell near the rest of them.

"Just stop this nonsense , if you have a problem with me then be upfront and tell me about it instead of acting like an asshole and attacking like weaklings ", I said as they seemed to be raged.

"You want to know your problem , then hear it . You think you are better than all of us just because you were good in studies. You have always looked down on us , and we won't have you insulting us like that ", one of them spoke.

"What have I done that made you think I was looking down on you ? ", I asked as they fell silent.

That's what I thought , this wasn't a reaction out of wanting to win their dignity after being looked down upon this was a reaction purely of jealousy.

"It's clear on your faces , you are just jealous. Plainly jealous ", I said as they attacked. Again , useless.

Now that they didn't give me a surprise attack it was pretty easy to beat them. It took about 15 mins , till they all were on the ground.

"I was really looking forward to meeting you Jill, I felt we were really friends , it's a shame that you didn't think that. Though it's fine I guess cause I have made real friends this time and they will always support me", I said as I left the place.

I hopped back in the car and made a drop by the gas station. I was waiting as the guy was filling the vehicle up when I heard an awfully familiar voice.

"What's up ?"

It was Mew , as casual as ever. I turned to him not wanting to initiate a conversation. For someone that had been almost raped by him , I was handling his presence quiet normally.

"What happened to you ?", he said in worry as he saw the little bruises on my arms and face.

"Street fight ", I said in a humorous tone but I think he didn't find it to be that funny. He looked at all the places I had been hit.

"Where did this happen? How many guys up against you. It's almost as if they ganged up on you. Why did they do it ? Do you know them ?", he bombarded me with questions.

I laughed slightly as I got out of his grasp. Before paying the man for the gas.

"I beat them up well", I said as I was getting in the car.

"Come with me , we should go to the hospital and get your wounds treated", he said.

There seemed to be a mix of emotions in his words. It was strangely comforting , I wanted him to keep worrying to never stop talking.

"I'm fine ", I said.

"No you are not , please nah , I won't do anything wrong this time. I swear , I just want to treat your wounds.

"I'll drive behind you ", I said as he nodded.

We ended up at a private clinic where they tested my wounds and checked for any internal injuries. It didn't take too long either.

"Well thanks for that ", I said as I was about to leave but he speaks up.

"Wanna get some ice cream , I'll pay, it would make you feel better ", he said.

I wasn't a fool.
There was no way I was missing free Ice cream. I smiled and nodded to his proposal.
I got myself cotton candy flavour , I was yet to try that. It tasted nice. He had choco chip. One of the classics.

"Can I have a bite from yours ?", I asked.

He seemed stunned for a moment.

"It's fine if I can't ", I said cause I felt that made him uncomfortable.

"No ,no sure knock yourself out ", he said as he held the cone towards me.

I held onto his hand to steady the cone as I took a bite. I loved choco chip. He kept looking at me even after I finished eating so I held my cone towards him .

"Want a bite ?", I asked as he smiled and took a bite as well.

We ate for some time and eventually the ice cream was over as well.

"Let's take a walk ", he suggested , I agreed.

We walked in the silent street , it was surprisingly peaceful and not like a horror movie , maybe cause I was walking with him. But it was about time I confront him.

"Mew", I said ever so calmly.

"Yeah ", he hummed back.

"Why aren't you letting me go home ?", I questioned as he stopped in his path and looked at me.

"I don't want you to leave, I don't know why Gulf. I just keep on wishing this night goes on. I don't want to leave you tonight ", He said as I smiled.

" Let's go home ", I said as we drove back. We parked our cars and got out parallel to each other.

I walked over to him.

"Can I sleep at your place ?", I asked.

"Please do ", he said as we walked inside. We didn't sleep immediately , but sat down to watch a movie. It was a thriller.

"Gulf ", he whispered as I looked towards him.

A thrilling eye contact and the intentions were clear as we dived towards each other for a kiss. He got closer towards me as I lay on the sofa and he above me. It must have lasted about 20 mins when he parted his lips with mine and whisepred in my ear,

"I want to sleep with you in my arms. Nothing more , nothing less."

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