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I think it was around midnight when I opened my phone to check for any last minute texts before I slept. Pooh was studying in the room next to mine. It was really hard for medical students.

I saw there was a text from Gulf. I opened it.

Hey , I found out something about the guy that's your junior.

I was curious at this statement. Pooh's life was tough , he would have had many secrets he keeps close to his heart.

What ?

I texted back almost immediately , I was just too into the tea I could possibly get from this.

Pavel , one of the strongest mafia out here , Pooh ran away from him.

I was stunned for a moment. He did mention he ran away from the mafia. I didn't except for it to be Pavel. Everyone knew about him. He was ruthless and cruel.
He and his three musketeer type trio. I didn't know much of them but Pavel , I knew enough.

He is searching for him ...

My heart beat stopped. He was still being chased. Gulf really knew how to text such that it kills the person on the other side with anticipation.

The mafia I live next to is friends with Pavel. The light, dark, shadow trio. My neighbour is light. I'll explain the rest tomorrow. I felt like I should let you know. Your junior is not safe at all.

Thanks for telling me. I'll protect him though.

There was no more talking. I wondered if I should walk over to Pooh's room and talk to him about it , but while contemplating I fell asleep. It was morning again and it seemed as if Pooh could tell that I was troubled. I denied at the moment. I needed to hear everything from Gulf first.

I got through with college and then finally got time to sit with him in the canteen. He explained everything. I was surprised.

"Oh wait he is here ", Gulf said as I turned back to see Pooh standing at a distance from us. He walked up to us then and spoke,

"Phi are you guys having an important talk , should I come back later ?"

"We need to talk to you ", I said, finally ready to face the music.

"What happened ?", he asked.

"The mafia you ran away from , Pavel. I know him. He is a mutual through my father's friend. He is searching for you , all he knows right now is that I know you ", Gulf said as Pooh got totally still.

I held onto his arm as I said,

"Don't worry about it Pooh , no matter what I will protect you. It doesn't matter if he is a mafia or the king of the world."

I didn't know if that made Pooh feel any better but he nodded and smiled. I hoped it helped.

To refresh ourselves we got ourselves to a small cafe downtown. It was the first time the three of us ate together like this. It was nice to have such friends here. I needed that desperately.

"Tough life ", Gulf said as Pooh told him how he was sold off to Pavel by his adoptive parents.

As we continue to chat I felt a cold drink on my cheek. I looked up while grabbing the drink to see
Tay !

Oh well, why am I not surprised ? This jackass is everywhere !!!
Is he stalking me ? He probably is.

"Who is this now ? Another boyfriend ?", Tay said as he looked at Pooh.

"He is my younger brother , what's it to you. I think I have told you enough times to mind your god damn buisness", I said as he smiled.

I gave a sarcastic smile back as I handed him the drink. I didn't want his stuff. Nothing at all !

He didn't seem surprised by the fact I gave it back , neither did he try to hand it to me again.

"Can I talk to you alone ?", he asked with his annoying sly smile. I felt like stabbing him.

"No", I replied , short and to the point.

"Shadow ", he whisepred.

My head spun like crazy in that second as I connected like a thousand dots. He signalled for me to come outside as I followed. I was stomping my feet as I made it out and he stood still, this time there was a difference in his aura.

"Pavel would be happy to know I found his boy. Well as his best friend , it's normal for me to do this ", he said , beating around the bush.

I knew exactly where this was headed. It was a choice , and he knew exactly what I would choose.

"Fine , your house whatever day you want ", I said.

"What ?", he said , pretending not to hear.

"You wanna have sex right , let's do it. Condition is you don't say anything about Pooh to Pavel, otherwise I'll kill you ", I said straight to his face.

"I know , I know you can kill me , I also know why, but won't your friend feel betrayed by this ", he said.

Gosh , he knew stuff , a little too much. I took a step back and he could tell that I was intimidated by his words. I was afraid he would speak.

9:00 p.m

"Who has sex at 9 ?", I said as he pushed me against the wall and started to suck on my neck.

"I do ", he said as he opened my pant zip and the clothing fell down. He was holding onto my scalp , not too hard. It was good.

Ok, ok, get yourself together New. The sex is good not him. Fine I admit , its nice to sleep around and relieve stress but this was stress causing type sex. I was forced.

By the time I was done talking to myself I was already on my knees having his cock in my mouth and sucking on it. He moaned slightly as I licked a bit and he got me to stand up again, before kissing me.

Ok , this is super random but like , I sucked his dick then he sucked my lips, so technically , he sucked his own dick right !!

Leaving my intrusive thoughts aside I was laid on the bed as he puts a finger inside me, two actually. It was my turn to moan as he increased the speed of his fingering or increased the number of fingers.

As I loosened up , my hole completely wet , he puts his thing inside. We did it raw. He thrusts in and out while I moan and cry a bit cause it really , really hurts.

I think it was around 2 or maybe 3 when he got out of me after releasing his unwanted juice inside me. He lay on me , still giving light kisses on the hickeys he left before he picked me up and took me for washing.

While he helped me out , he kept talking about something. I don't remember what. All I thought in that moment was something my brother once told me. He was a wise person according to me , at least when we were younger.

I didn't talk to him anymore. He said that sex was a very important thing , that's why it had to be done with the right person for it to be good. Sex connects two individuals and makes them one , from both body and soul. If it is forced it only pleases the mind not the heart.  I wondered while I glanced at the facial expression of Tay , was he pleased from his mind and heart ?

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