It should

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( Gulf )

Everything seemed to be getting back to square one. We had holidays for a few days , thankfully all the messy stuff happened already and things went back to studies.

I could never study with all the things that had happened. As I sat in my room trying to figure out how I ended up dating and breaking up with my next door neighbour. I got a text from New. He asked for a study season.

Perfect , just what I needed.
Books. I agreed immediately as I started to pack my stuff.

I got down , my dad was doing something in his mechanics room. He had come to have this hobby of making random stuff. Idk much about it. Anyhow , I told him I was going to study and walked out.


He was my neighbour , yet for some reason I wasn't expecting to see him , I didn't want to see him.

He walked up to me.

"Where are you going ? I'll drop you ", he said.

"Can we not pretend yesterday didn't happen , cause it did Mew and if yesterday wasn't clear enough for you , I can repeat it again ", I said.

"Come on , everything worked out didn't it. Pavel let Pooh live his life , heck , even Tay and New are getting closer ", Mew said.

I seemed to have halted at his words.

"New and Tay are getting closer ?", I repeated.

When did that happen.

"You didn't know ", Mew said.

"Well I'll find out about it now. Let's talk later", I said as I rushed to my car and drove to the library. New was already there when I came.

I sat down as he looked at me and smiled.

"Are you dating Tay ?", I asked in a whisper as his smile dropped.

"Ummm", He said.

Ummmmm !!!!! That is a zillion percent suspicious. I eyed him , as if asking for the naked truth. He sighed before speaking up.

"Not excalty but yeah ? Actually no. Nothing is official ", New said.

"So like crush stage ?", I asked.

"You could say that ? I guess , maybe not. I kissed him today ", New said.

"Did you have sex as well ?", I asked.

"No ", he said abruptly , as if I asked something absurd to him.

"Was it a tongue kiss or like a peck ", I continued.

I was gonna get all my answers today , whether New liked it or not. He took another sigh.

Sigh all you want boy , but you better spit out all your truths asap. New finally let go of his hesitation and spoke up. He told everything he was feeling , the love , guilt , hatred , confusion , not leaving a single detail.

Our study session transformed into a 3 hour long therapy session which both of us enjoyed. After realising how long we had been talking , we started to study. Not seeing the time we kept stuck to our books till two bottles were kept beside us. We looked up to see Tay and Mew.

"Aren't you guys having too much fun", Tay said as he sat down next to New.

"We were before you guys came ", I said as I folded my arms. Mew sat beside me.

"I think it's about time we all sort out our differences ", Mew said. I was not really interested.

"Fine ", New said as we all looked at him confused.

"Let's keep it extremely simple ", New continued as he looked at Tay.

"Are you in love with me ?", New asked as he looked at Tay.

Tay just leaned in for a kiss. New responded. I sighed as I closed my book and banged it on New's head making him break the kiss.

"Hey !", Tay whined , I rolled his eyes.

"Yeah back to topic , so Mew what are your thoughts on Gulf ", New said.

"I want to marry him ", Mew said immediately  as he gets the second hit.

"That hurts ", Mew said.

"It should ", I replied as I looked back at New.

"Gulf , if Pavel learnt how to love someone truly , I don't think Mew can't. He made a mistake , a grave one , but if you really really like him or love him , you should go for it. Otherwise there are always other people to date ", New said.

I looked at him then at New.
Forgive huh ?
Should I ?

"Come with me ", I said as I grabbed onto Mew's arm and pulled him with me.

If we were gonna have to talk about this , we best do it somewhere alone. He didn't revolt at all and came with me. I could tell he was probably smiling at the fact I was willing to talk to him now.

I got in the car and drove. It was almost like a willing kidnap. I drove and drove , I didn't know where to go. I didn't know what to say if we reached somewhere so I kept the ride on.

"I can stay in this car forever if you are driving Gulf  ", he said.

Great time for flirting I guess.

"I am sorry Gulf , I am sorry for what I said and did. I regret it , i shouldn't have given Pooh back to Pavel , and I should have supported you when you wanted to save him. But despite everything I did , I don't think I can let go of you. I want to hold onto you forever", Mew said.

I stopped the car at the side of the road. I looked forward and then at him.

"Should we get ice cream ?", I suggested , a playback to our date a few days ago.

He nodded a yes. This time I bought the ice cream. He got cotton candy and I got choclate chip. Everything had switched , but for some reason this was better.

"Wanna taste mine ?", He asked me.

"Let's tell our parents ", I said.

He seemed shocked and then said,

"Be clear , I might be taking this the wrong way ."

"What are you thinking  ?", I asked out of curiosity.

"That we are getting married ", he said without hesitation.

I mentally face palmed myself as I said,

"I wasn't going so far. Just till the dating part ."

"If we date then it happens. I am not a fool Gulf , the second we date again I am not letting you go. If you date me this time , this only ends if one of us dies ", Mew said.

"You know something ", I said as I looked at him.

"What ?", he asked.

"Your talks are like the craziest things but I keep falling for them ", I said as I pulled him close and kissed him.

He wrapped his hands around my waist as he deepened the kiss, so did I.
He drove me back this time.
The revelation of our status could wait , something else needed to happen first.

He gently kept me on the bed as he took a good look at me before we started to make out again. As we made out I didn't even realise when he had put his hands inside my pant.

"Ahh ", I moaned slightly.
His hands were very cold.

"Gulf , please don't stop me tonight ", he said as he pulled off my pants and inserted his thing right away.

It wasn't too painfull, the entire situation already maade me pretty wet.

"Mmmh , .....ah ", I kept moaning as his body entered mine and pulled out.

He just got faster and faster.

I remember hearing a slight sound but none of us were in a condition to hear anything other than each other.


I believe you are having a hot night have fun !!!

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