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Gulf held onto Mew and walked out.
Go get it Gulf !
As he walked out Tay got pretty close as he looked at me eye to eye.

"What ?", I asked.

"Can we ?", he asked.

I sighed as I started to stare at my book. He sat their pouting. He was so cute when he did that.

As I finished up I realised he had slept beside me. My project partner sent me a message , we had to work on many things. I wrote a letter and left it with the words.

' Tomorrow 9 pm, Heiler's Diner '

Not sure how he reacted after seeing the letter but I assume he must have smiled like an idiot before getting up and leaving.

I was with my project partner. Working till my death probably.
It's just too much work.

The next day I was at the diner. Idk why , I suddenly had this strange feeling. What if he didn't come ?

Then I remembered , I am New and he is head over heels for me. How would he not come ? I walked in and of course he was already sitting.
Seeing me he gets up , he says a nervous hi and I reply back, with confidence of course.

We both take a seat as I start questioning him ,

"What did you do tomorrow ?"

He started to dictate his day. He told me about various things he did. The one I didn't believe was when he said he read books , he isn't exactly the studious type.

"Tay ", a soft voice called up.

We both looked up together as a cute looking boy stood in front of us. He was wearing a see-through black top with ripped shorts. His skin was super fair as well.

"Ummm yeah ", Tay said rather confused.

I don't know how but I suddenly got this feeling that this boy was gonna bring some drama, a huge one.

"Don't you remember me ", he said as he placed his hand on Tay's arm.

I didn't say anything , this was too interesting to interrupt. Tay removed his arm as he showed an expression which clearly stated that he had absolutely no idea who the boy was.

"I am number 69", he said.

A very interesting number. I looked at Tay , doing a good job in hiding my face full of excitement about the situation.

"What ?", Tay said , still confused.

"FT 69", The boy said as Tay seemed to have rung a bell in his head.

He started to sweat profusely as he looked at me and gulped.

I could tell from his expression , he didn't want me to use my head at all about this situation , but what can I do ? I am just born super smart.

It's god's gift.

"I am assuming FT , mean Fuck Toy ", I said as I looked at the boy.

Ok , it was damn hilarious , it looked like. Tay's entire body had come out danced and went back inside.

"Yeah , what number are you ? I am guessing Tay has been busy with you , I have heard he hasn't touched any of us for a while now. I was his favourite then , apparently I was best at distracting him from this guy he liked but couldn't be with him. What a dumb boy , who wouldn't want to be with Tay. Btw what number are you ? 100 ?", The boy chatted with me.

"He is the last ", Tay said.

I looked at him. I was enjoying the situation till now , I guess I was going to find it romantic now.

"What does that mean ?", the boy asked.

Tay held my hand and said ,

"He is gonna be my last , so like please stop ruining my reputation more than you already have ", Tay pleaded.

"You gave up New ? You should know everytime he slept with me he kept moaning some New's name. You should only go for a sex realtionship unless you have given up on your crush ", the boy said, looking at me and Tay time to time.

"Well then it's good that I am New ", I said as Tay took a sigh of relief.

He was probably confused on want I was thinking, I guess I have tortured him enough.

I know he probably had many messy relationships till now , but with me , it was crystal clear , there was no confusion or doubt. After some more talk the boy left.

If we weren't in a public place he would probably be on his knees apologizing. I guess I have something to tease him for life.

After the meal we decided to take a small walk. It was nice , talking and looking at the sky. Sometimes I would become a kid again and only put one foot in one square and he would laugh at my acts.

"New "

This time my name was called.

I looked back with an enthusiastic smile , something I hadn't been able to do for a while now.

It was Kin , my project partner. He was two years older than me but had a very youthful face making us seem the same age. He waved to me as he walked forth and patted my back.

Tay , stared , in jealously , fire burning in his eyes and a dark aura around him. Kin, being his lost self didn't notice the darkness surrounding the area.

"Oh Phi , I sent you the file , did you get it ", I said.

He nodded as he told me about what he wanted me to change and all. Tay didn't bother to hear that we were talking about work , but he had to give me space, so he stood there , his arms folded , tapping his foot and waiting for me to finish talking to Kin.

"Wanna grab a drink ?", Kin suggested after a while.


I didn't even get a chance to politely declined before Tay spoke ,

"We are kinda busy , so I am assuming your talks are done. We will take our leave "

With that he held my wrist and pulled me away. We got to some distance before his hand went down from my wrist to my hand.

"What was that ?", I asked with a light tone.

" I know what you were trying to do , but I can't help but be jealous. You win in this", he said , already defeated even though this wasn't a competition.

"I didn't plan it , he is my project partner , he just randomly came to me", I said as he looks much calmer.

He hugged me from nowhere. I hugged back. No words were said. There was nothing to say anyway , we just wanted to hug I guess.

After this , ofc such a beautiful evening had to end up with me in his bed , in his arms and nothing in between us.

"Why are you so tight today ?", he moaned while we were at it.

"Cause I can never give it to you easy", I said somehow in the midst of his heavy injection in me. He increased his speed.

I don't get it , how can you say I am tight when you are easily able to go in and out of me ? Regardless of that , we did it for a while till we went to take a shower together.

I swear this was my favorite part of the day, just being with each other in a warm bath with SOAP BUBBLES.


Woke up.
Breakfast in bed.

So this was the life that awaited me. A life with someone I love , someone that took care of me. After so many years in loneliness and fear of my own blood , I was set free and allowed to heal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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