Nah , I'm fine

327 10 3

( New )

Tring tring !

I need to murder this clock asap.

I got up again,  brushed , vampire soul in me and no breakfast leaving the apple juice in my fridge. Fine , I kind of have an eating disorder , not my fault my mother used to starve me. She is no more now , only me and my fucking rich dad who has like 201 wives.
Not any of my business , I just stay afloat on his money ~ 

Get out of the house , bus .... Bus ....
Can a bus station really shut down ? !!!
Like no notice just , from today onwards this bus won't come here. What am I supposed to ? Fly ?

"Need a ride ?", a whistling voice echoed in my ear as I turned around.
The scary looking dude from yesterday.

If I didn't know any better I would have smacked him like a mosquito , I swear I am bascially a mosquito serial killer. I folded my arms as I put two and two together. Gulf told me that this guy was a powerful mafia and the only reason he won't harm him is cause he is some how associated with his friend , so he did this.

"Nah , I'm fine ", I replied as I turned around and walked.

He held my hand.... Romantic
I think the fuck not , like bro , for you I am basically dating someone , for the love of God get yourself together and leave and most importantly don't stop public transport.

"I am Tay, in case you forgot ", He said.

You can be John Cena for all I know , I wanna get to college.

"Ok ", I replied as I got my hand back from his grip and he sighed as if I was giving him a hard time.

"You are trying to run away right ", he said.

Glad you noticed !

"Yup ", I said , no shame in admitting the truth.

"Why ?", He asked.

"Cause I don't want to be associated with you , you are dangerous ", I said.

"What makes you think that ?", he asked.

"You are a mafia ", I said.

"Who told you that ?", he asked.

"Gulf ", I replied with ease. I was good at question answers.

"You believe him ?", He said as he glanced at my lips.

No romaticing ! This isn't a film this is real life , IRL !

"1000% into infinity ", i replied as he laughed.
This wasn't funny , like , not at all.

"Ok so what if I am , even he is ", Tay said.

"He isn't ", I replied.

"Ok he isn't , be he is a bit associated with them. Come on , I can definitely treat you better than him ", Tay said.

"I don't care ", I said as he stood still. He didn't expect me to say that. Hah , I got him there.

"What ", He confirmed my words.

"I don't care if you can treat me better , cause he treats me exactly the way I want to be treated. You can be the best but that doesn't mean I want it", I said as he sighed.

"You are gonna be late to school if you walk", He said.

"I go to college ", I replied.

Honk honk !
I looked to the right.
Gulf !!! Never have I ever been more happy to see him.

"Going to college , come in ", He said.

"See you later , hopefully never ", I said quickly as I sat in the car and he drove off. The dust of the car was the only thing left behind with Tay.

"Met him early in the morning , not a good sign", Gulf said.

"Don't remind me , I just wanna forget it. Also do you have any idea for houses near the college , the price doesn't matter , I can pay ", I said as Gulf thought.

"There is the Dime group condos but like that's like very very expensive ", Gulf said.

"The Dime group has condos near the college ?", I said a bit shocked.

"Yeah , it's like 1 km away only ", He said.

How in the world did I not know that.

"Thanks ", I replied as I left a quick message to my father ( the Dime group CEO !).

The college came soon as we both got off. I raced to my class. I couldn't be late. As I dahsed off I crashed into Pooh so I did a quick greeting before going to my class. Being an college student was difficult.

After a long hard time in school I was sitting in cafeteria with Pooh. Both of us weren't that intersted in heading home , I was partially scared that I might find Tay outside.

"Not going home ?", Gulf's voice came.

"Later ", I replied as Pooh looked up with curiosity.

"That's my friend , Gulf and Gulf this is my junior pair , Pooh ", I said.

Both of them exchnaged quick greetings before Gulf left. I think Pooh and I sat their for about 1 hour, minding our own business before Pooh spoke up ,

"Phi , is there a reason you aren't going home ?"

"Is there a reason you aren't going home ?",  I shot back.

"I don't have one ", He said as I paused.

What was that supposed to mean ?

"My adoptive parents sold me off to a cruel mafia so I ran away , now I don't have a home. I have been sleeping near the undertunnel Subway ", He said as he looked at me with eyes expecting to get an honest response.

"I just don't feel like going home also , there is this guy that has kind of been after me , stalker types and all ", I said as Pooh nodded. That's when my phone rang.

Dad !

I picked it up immediately and spoke.

Me - Yes dad so like can I go ?

Dad - Yeah , your stuff has already been shifted. Ron is coming with a car , go with him. You can move to the new place today only.

Me - can I stay with a friend ?

Dad - sure , do whatever you want , tell me if you need anything else

Me - thank you ~

The phone cuts. My father was a busy man  , good for me , that meant I always got what I wanted.

"Hey , do you have any belongings or important stuff at the undertunnel ?", I asked.

"No , everything is in this backpack", he said.

"Come on then , both of us got a new home. That too free of cost , don't worry about the details I am kind of loaded", I said as I picked up my bag ready to leave.

Pooh was hesitant but after a bit of convincing we both head for the gate. At the corner of my eye , I caught him , he was there , staring at me but I ignored it and got in the car. It was barely a five minute ride to the new apartment and Pooh was stunned.

We got the penthouse ! Just like I expected from my dad , the best for his son. We both took a room each and then relaxed. The penthouse had 28 rooms plus extra special rooms like gaming , Work , yoga and few others. There was also a special pantry along with a beautiful scenary right from the living room.

"Are you sure I can live here ?", Pooh confirmed for the 1000th time but I didn't mind saying yes all the time. I was happy I could share something like this with him.

As he finally started to get comfortable I got a text. I opened it.
Unknown number.
My pics and cheezy hey baby text.

Tay ! Like everytime I am happy this guy had to come in from somewhere. I texted that if he does this again I would call the police and block the number. I don't want to think about that guy right now. Not at all !

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