Are you even human ?

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"I am Pavel's brother. We are blood related"

These words of New echoed in my mind as I stood there looking at him. He was Pavel's brother ? I ran to my room.

Emotions overflowing in my body , this was a bit too much for me to handle. Was I safe here ? Was I safe with the brother of someone that tormented me ? I didn't know.

But I couldn't just ignore everything New had done for me so far.

I will protect you

Those words echoed in my mind. He meant it , he really did , he was willing to do anything to save me.

Hours later when my tears had begun to stop I was realising the reality.

"Why are you so fixiated in protecting me ? I am of nowhere use to you "

"Because I couldn't protect other people I cared for and cause ..., no one bothered to protect me "

It was crystal clear. He had suffered as well. He knew Pavel was cruel. He knew what it was like to be tormented by him. This whole situation just made me hate Pavel more. Out of all the people in the world he didn't even love his brother properly. I got out of my room to speak with New , but he was already fast asleep. He looked like he cried as well, a lot.

I got back to my room. My head was spinning as well cause of all the tears so I made my way to the bed and slept as soon as I hit the bed. I must have been really tired cause I woke up pretty late.

I guess I was missing college today.

I walked to New's room , he wasn't there. Probably went to college and didn't want to disturb me. I decided to make breakfast , that seemed like a good thing to do. I cooked up some pasta and sat by myself and ate. Then I took a shower and decided to get some cleaning done in the house.

That's when the bell rang.

I went to the door and opened as my eyes widened. I tried to shut it almost immediately but the person on the other side pushed the door back making me stumble a bit as well.

"Pavel ", I said in a light whisper as he looked at me just as shocked.

I looked beside him , Tay was there.

"So you told him eventually , not really surprised , but you have to stop cornering New into having sex with you ", I said while looking at Tay.

Tay seemed to be taken aback about what I said. He nervously looked at Pavel as he looked back at him.

"What is he talking about ?", Pavel said.

"I don't know ", Tay replied.

"Did you have sex with my brother ?", Pavel asked Tay.

Tay just gulped as he looked.

"Yah , you know I have liked him for quite some time but you never let me see him. I found out he was hiding Pooh from you so I thought maybe -", Tay said while stuttering.

"So you thought you could blackmail him into sleeping with you", Pavel groaned as he held Tay by the collar. Tay raised his hands in defense.

"I am sorry nah , I just wanted your brother to look in my direction for once , but you wouldn't let me , I had no choice", Tay said as Pavel punched him.

When an opportunity strikes ~
The idiom echoed in my mind.

The door was wide open , he was busy fighting with Tay. I rushed out , Pavel must have killer reflexes cause he chased after me right in a split second. I was no match for his speed as he caught me right before I could get out of the house. He shut the door as he banged my body on it.

"Ahh ", I whinced in pain.

I looked at him. He was holding me by my shoulders basically pasting me on the door.

"I am not done with you ", Pavel said as he looked me dead in the eye.

"But I am done with you ", I said as I struggled but it was of no use.

"I don't get it , i never hit you or was mean to you. I was nice to you then why ? Why do you act like  I ruined your life or something", Pavel said in rage.

I stopped struggling as I looked at him, not glaring anymore , just a pitiful stare.

"I don't want to be with you. You can't take care of anyone , you can't even love your brother , I am just a stranger ", I said as he banged his hand on the door right next to me. I flinched slightly as I looked at him ,

" Did he tell you as well ? How I beat him up with a rock. God damn it , I swear I only did it once , I was upset and he was being annoying. I won't do that to you Pooh", he said but I couldn't hear anything past the fact that he hit New with a rock.

"Are you even human ?", I couldn't help but say as I was still in shock.

"I am never leaving with you , I am not that Pooh that was sold by people that don't give a damn about me to a ruthless mafia. I am a kid that does good in college , has a bright future and has people that would help him", I said.

"Who will help you when they are against me?", Pavel said in a rather mocking tone.

"New will, he swore to protect me ", I said proudly. He didn't like the sound of that at all.

"You think that New can stand up against me", He asked.

"He won't be alone , I'll be there with him", I said as he scoffed.

He held me by the scalp of my hair and pulled me to the center of the living room before throwing me to the ground. He turned towards Tay and said ,

"Fine, I'll let you date my brother , but first find him and bring him here ."

"What are you gonna do ?", Tay asked worried.

"I won't hurt him , I just need to confirm something ", Pavel said as Tay nodded and left.

The second the door shut , Pavel held onto me again as he threw me to the sofa and took off my clothes. I resisted.

"I won't put it in , just checking your loyalty", he said as he puts in three fingers in my hole.

I moaned loudly as he fingers me faster and faster. It gave me a Deja Vu of when I was stuck with him. Not nice times at all.
He pulled out his fingers as I got a bit of relief.

"Well at least you didn't sleep with him. You aren't dating are you ?", he asked as he puts back my pants and wipes his hand with the wet wipes on the table.

"He might be your brother but he is nothing like you. He cares for people and wants to live an honest and good life. He wants to make sure you can't torment innocent people ", I said.

"I'll admit it , I haven't been the best to him. I have slept with one of his friends that ended up suiciding cause of the shock. When I failed at one of my missions he tried to cheer me up but I got annoyed and beat him up with a rock. One time when he went out with his friends and came back late I locked him in the basement for two days cause I was mad my men weren't doing their work properly. I have taken out my anger on him when I shouldn't have. I am aware of my shortcomings but you changed me Pooh. I really changed because of you", he said as I just blankly stared at him.

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