part - 3

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When Rahul woke up next morning he saw sourav sleeping like a baby he kissed his forehead and went to Washroom.

Get fresh up and just after he came back from washroom sourav woke up and give him smile which Rahul replied with another smile

Sourav get up and went to fresh up after they both were done they went to eat breakfast with team .

They sat on table and eating peacefully and just then mahi told Rahul to take a bite of his toast according to him the Toast is so delicious and he will like it .

And ofcourse Rahul took a bite and sourav was looking at him some crumble piece were in side of Rahul's lips which sourav cleaned and eat that licking his fingers.

Sachin:- why you eat that if you want toast you can eat their are many .

Sourav:- I don't want to eat toast and second the taste this crumble piece are giving the toast can't give .

Yuvi :- ofcourse because it have Rahul's bhai's lips taste that's why,am I right.

Rahul blushed after hearing this and he just looked at his food didn't spare any glance towards anyone else,

Sourav:- this taste is nothing infront of his juicey lips but for now it's okey.

Virat :- you are shameless dada

Virat said innocently looking at him to which Rahul give him a toothy smile and Virat returned that smile with his cute bubbly smile.

After that they went to practice but whole day rahul was with kids and to be honest sourav really don't like when anyone touch rahul Ge can't help but feel jealousy.

Their supporting staff sidharth was talking with Rahul and Rahul was smiling so much to him .

Even Sidharth was touching Rahul and Rahul didn't mind that after that for some day this goes like this .

And the big problem was people were clicking their photos and spreading on social media saying they look cute together and spreading rumours of them dating eachother and sourav didn't like it .

He was fuming in anger and when he saw sidharth with rahul .

They were in corridor talking with eachother and some one passed by them and he was carrying something heavy because of that sidharth hold Rahul by waist and aside him from their path Rahul was standing in middle and he didn't notice them coming.

But this was it sourav didn't like it he went to them and he took Rahul from sidharth and hold his waist tightly and hugged him even kissed his cheeks Rahul was surprised by this but then again he didn't react much as it's so common for them to do this .

Sidharth took a step back and he give them awarded smile and sourav give him smirk of victory and then grab Rahul's hamd and took him to their room.

He closed the door and started to walk towards Rahul and Rahul already sensed something is wrong Sourav was coming closer and Rahul was going back he hit his back to the walk .

And Sourav come closer to him and caged him between his arms and then he said ,

Sourav:- listen Rahul Dravid you are only mine no one have any rights to look at you no one have rights to touch you I will rip of their skin if they touched you and it will not be good for you too if you let them even touch a strand of your hairs you have to face consequences baby .

He said huskily near Rahul's ears who closed his tightly feeling the warm breath on his ears .

Sourav:- answer I want answer babe

Rahul felt so weak infront of sourav his voice was dominating Rahul so much that he even closed his eyes tightly feeling nervous.

Sourav:- i said I want answer

Rahul don't know what to do so he just said ,

Rahul :- yes

Sourav:- good boy

He crase his cheeks and then give him a kiss on his jaw and then near his lips not on lips but half lips and half skin beside lips .

Hold Rahul by his waist creasing it and when he knew that Rahul was going to give up he moved back and told him to sleep,

Rahul pouted and went to sleep and sourav joined him and he was adoring his big baby and hugged him from back Rahul smiled and closed his eyes feeling warmth of sourav.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Requested the plot by whispsofdevil3 you wish is my commennd queen 👑.

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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