part -8

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They were having breakfast just then sourav said,

Sourav:- guys actually I want to tell you something

Everyone looked at him with curiosity even Rahul looked at him with a questing look like what you want to say that u don't know, sourav give him small smile.

Anil:- okey so tell us dada what are you waiting for

Sourav snirred at this type of tease but said,

Sourav:- well I am going to London for some days vacation as we are having break but we can't go to our house because of some reason that BCCI didn't told us .

Sachin:- you are going alone

Sourav:- no I am going with rahul

Rahul looked at him with shocked expression like what the bomb he dropped on him .

Sachin smirked and said ,

Sachin:- you want to spend some alone time with him hmmm i guess we don't have any problem right guys

Everyone shared a knowing glance and said yes while laughing Rahul was red from head to toe he felt everyone staring at him and he don't like being centre of attention.

Rahul was biting his lips and not eating his breakfast sourav put his hand on Rahul's thighs and Rahul looked at him sourav give him resurring smile and Rahul again started to eat but sourav had different plans .

He started to crase his thighs as Rahul didn't change his shorts and he was still wearing them Sourav's hands were cold that were sending sensation in his body he was feeling so hot .

Sourav took his hands inside Rahul's shorts and crase his inner thighs Rahul bite his lips feeling like he will lose himself any moment.

He tried to stop sourav but couldn't as sourav was not letting him do that a small main escaped his mouth and he looked down embarrassedly no one heard that as they were busy chatting with eachother and Rahul was very greatful for that.

Sourav was eating and carsing Rahul's inner thighs just then Sachin asked him,

Sachin:- when are you going to London

Sourav:- tomorrow evening

He said with a rare calm expression Rahul was sweating because of Sourav's constant teasing he was pinching his thighs,

Rahul pleaded him with his eyes but sourav was not in mood to stop Virat noticed that Rahul is sweating alot so he said ,

Virat:- bhai what happened why are you sweating this much you are okey na

First time in his life he hated that Virat always notice small things about his team members but he reapiled knowing his consern about him ,

Rahul:- actually it's so hot today baccha that's why

Yuvi noticed what sourav is doing inside the dinning table as he was sitting beside dada and mahi was sitting infront of him beside him Virat and then rohit .

Yuvi:- cheeks baccha you don't worry about this bhai will feel better in his room you eat baccha you are not good you also had headache and not feeling well last night

That was enough to bring everyone's attention from Rahul to Virat as he is baby of group although now they have younger members than Virat but the love care consern for Virat is always same.

Virat pouted as he very hardly diverted everyone's attention from him and now again every one was looking at him keeping cheak that he is eating properly.

On other hand Rahul sighned in relif yuvi said to dada

Yuvi:- dada don't do this here go and do whatever you want in your room we have kids Here

He wishpered and that was clearly heard by sourav who blushed hearing this and hmm.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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