Part - 10

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After that in morning both of them went to mandir for praying spend time with team members and then took their flight to Paris for enjoying their time together.

When they landed in Paris Rahul was looking here and their he was feeling so happy that he and Sourav got time together after a long time .and also the place was really beautiful.

They were going to their hotel by cab and Rahul was looking outside whole time and sourav looking at Rahul as he was looking really beautiful eyes closed the wind flowing through his hairs enhancing his facial features in that dim light.

They reached their hotel and took their room keys Rahul was staring at Sourav who was talking with one of the staff to lead them to their room and the staff did what sourav told her to do .

After coming to their room Rahul went to open the door of balcony from their they can see Eiffel tower he looked at that a huge smile on his face sourav was looking at him feeling satisfied that he chose this place knowing Rahul's love for Paris and he knows that Rahul always wanted to come here atleast once so he just fulfilled his wish .

He came to balcony and back hugged Rahul who closed his eyes and put his head on sourav's shoulder and muttered a small thanks for this .

Sourav didn't said anything he was just fond by his Rahul's beauty come on this guys is the most beautiful person for sourav.

He knows just Rahul Dravid can Drive sourav ganguly crazy by his one.look that innocent pair of eyes always give him a look that says don't leave me and Sourav will die but going away from Rahul he can't thought about that in his death bed too .

Rahul turned away his hands on sourav's neck and Sourav's hand on Rahul's waist without wasting any time Rahul kissed sourav they shared their kiss near the Eiffel tower the love city everything seems so beautiful and unreal but it's real and making Rahul his is everything sourav wants to do and achive.

They broke the kiss and looked at eachother's eyes they eyes holding so many emotions Rahul joined their forehead and muttered I love you .

Sourav smile at his cute behaviour and closed his eyes saying not more than me .

Rahul smiled at this and then sourav took Rahul on bed in bridal style and made him lay their get on top of him kissed him and went to take shower Rahul blushed feeling so shy so happy.

He hide his face in pillow and was smiling ear to ear .

Soon Sourav came and Rahul ran to washroom getting fresh up came back and slept with sourav hugging him tightly..

Next day they both had breakfast in a very authentic cafe of Paris which was very aesthetic and beautiful the aure of that cafe seems very peaceful and the food was also very tasty Rahul has left after eating the cake and Saurav smile like this he smirked then gently took his hands to Rahul's lips wipping the cack which was in side of his lips eating it .

They enjoyed their day travelling from here to there they found a very old  library and went there Rahul was always a fan of reading so he wants to read something and the both and the both sit in library start reading books the themselves did in notice that the time is really late and they have to go back it was almost 11:00 p.m. they went to a restaurant had a very romantic dinner then when back to their hotel and got fresh up that night the talk and talk until late at night enjoying each others company feeling warmth  of each other a mutual understanding was between them indicating that they both need this holiday spending time with your love ones always give you peace of mind this was Rahul's thought and that is 100% true .
They did notice when they fall asleep.

( Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰🥰.

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