part - 7

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Next morning Rahul woke up and saw Sourav hugging him from his waist tightly buring his face in his neck his breath ticking on his skin and eyes shut looking so handsome in early morning,

Rahul's thought

Mister Sourav Ganguly no one gives you rights to look so fucking hot sexy in this early morning do you want me to get heart attack.

Sourav felt someone was staring at him and he opened his eyes and his eyes directly met with Rahul's eyes they both got lost in eachother eyes seeing pure love and affection for eachother sourav kissed his forehead and said ,

Sourav:- I am hot I know stop staring at me

Rahul got embarrassed and looked away and said ,

Rahul:- I was not looking at you

Sourav:- I know I know

Rahul:- get fresh up and let's see cheeku is good or not

Sourav immediately got up from bed and said,

Sourav:- ayy ayy captain

Rahul smiled at his childish antic behaviour.

Sourav went to get fresh up and Rahul took out their clothes that they both goone wear today sourav came out of washroom and saw Rahul arranging their bed he went towards him and handed him towel,

Sourav:- dry my hairs jem

Rahul give him a glare and made him sit then took towel and started to dry his hairs ,

After that he went to washroom and sourav got call from management about team squad so he went to talk with them in balcony still in his trousers as he didn't wore his tshirt his chest exposed half naked looking hot as always.

Rahul came out of washroom wearing shorts and white tshirt that shorts reach his mind thighs exposing the white milky legs and thighs,

Sourav came inside the room and saw Rahul standing infornt of dressing table and drying his hairs then he looked towards his legs and frown thinking on one can see them expect him he went closed to him and stand near him ,

Rahul noticed his presence and said ,

Rahul :- what happened

Sourav looked at Rahul's prefect figure and thought how can he be so beautiful he is able to fail any girl with this body .

He grab his waist from back and said huskily in his ears ,

Sourav:- why you are wearing shorts

Rahul's breath hitched with this closeness and he shut his eyes close tightly sourav tighten his hold demanding for answer so Rahul somehow managed to say ,

Rahul:- i......I was ...fee..ling wearing it ....ummm

He moaned as sourav kissed his earlobe,
Rahul felt his body going weak as sourav was teasing him he was also shirtless so Rahul's back was tightly collide with his chest rahul bite his lips he can feel Sourav's hot breathing on his ears and neck .

Sourav made him turned towards him and face him he scnaced Rahul from top to bottom and said ,

Sourav:- jem

Rahul looked at him and hmmed,

Sourav:- why you are so beautiful

Rahul felt shy and looked down ,

Sourav:- you drive me crazy Rahul Dravid you don't know how I am controlling myself to not eat you I want to ruin your beauty I want to see you moaning mess why the hell you always looked so hot I just want to cahe you in a tower and just be the only person who can see you ,i just want to fuck the hell out of you ,

Rahul felt embarrassed and his cheeks buring hearing his unholy thoughts about himself he felt super shy and didn't said anything,

Sourav:- don't be shy my babe that day will come soon then you will not only blush but he will scream my name ,

He said and kissed near his lips but not in lips ,

Rahul didn't met his eyes sourav quickly wore his tshirt and they took grab their Phones and went towards their team ,

They saw everyone sitting on dinning table waiting for them and no one failed to notice Rahul's red face ,

Virat:- bhai are you okey why your face turned red are you having fever,

Virat asked worriedly ,

Hardik :- bhai let's go to doctor if you are not feeling well,

Rohit:- dada why you are standing their let's take bhai to hospital,

Rahul:- yes let's go

All the kids said looking at Rahul all of them get concern about Rahul's health,

Anil:- kids let jem speak

VVS:- yes baccho atleast let him tell us what happened

The ever sanr persons speak not loosing their mind ,

Rahul:- are nothing happened and I am okey it's just because of the hot day I guess don't worry,and cheeku we should worry about you not about me ,

Virat gave him a embarrassed smile and said,.

Virat :- soi 😁😁

Sourav:- how are you baccha

Virat:- I am totally fine dada

He said giving them his special gummy smile and then everyone started to eat ,

Please ignore my grammatical mistakes....

Hope you all like it 🥰🥰

And sorry for late updating from now on i will update in two days .

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