More information on my Moon raven side

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Note: all of this is temporary, and will change when I get more information.

So, I found out more about my moon raven side:

-I was the guardian of a small village in a pine forest.

-there were other moon-related birds. I remembered a pure white bird with frost blue eyes. I think it represented the full moon. It only had two wings, though.

-each of us represented a different moon phase.

-I was probably the waxing crescent moon, the kind where there was only a sliver of moonlight. Since I wasn't completely black and had a sliver of purplish-blue.

-The birds may have been exclusively female, since the moon represented female energy, or they may have been genderless.

-I probably lived on another plane, or my kind was especially stealthy, since there are no records of moon birds.

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