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So, I'm really shifty today.

I've had phantom ears and phantom wings for the whole day, and I have phantom tail shifts too. It feels kind of funny, because the tail just switches from snow leopard tail to cross fox tail :P

Speaking of my fox side, I think I was in human care for a while. At first, I was kept as a pet, but I guess it was illegal, so I was taken to a wildlife rescue center, before I was released into the wild.

Also, I think the humans named me Patch or something like that, so that's going to be my theriotype's name!

Update: I was listening to subliminals, when I had a strong phantom shift! I swear I saw a fox tail! (That's called a shadow shift, it's like a phantom shift but you can see it.)

Cue the outro!

I run through the forest, through the night,

My feet weren't feet, they were paws,

Fox, snow leopard, and dragon in one,

Stuck in a body of a human,

As I run til first light.


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