Trying hypnosis

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Basically, I was looking for ways to feel more like my theriotype, and I found this hypnosis video.

It is a cat transformation hypnosis, but snow leopards are technically a type of big cat, so it worked for me.

The video is supposed to make you think you are a cat, but I didn't get a full mental shift. Instead, I got a lot of instincts, thought more feline-like, and got a lot of shifts. It also made it hard to walk on two legs, and made it hard to speak human-stuff. Like, it took a lot of effort to say stuff without the sentence eventually breaking into some sort of meow.

I give it a 10/10. It was a very interesting experience, and helped me connect with my snow leopard theriotype. However, the effects last about an hour, according to the video, and it lasted around 40 minutes for me, so the duration is kind of long. I do not recommend doing this at school, before any formal event, public speaking, just any event requiring a lot of human-ness.

Imma try it again next time I get the chance :)

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