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I'm having a lot of urges to bite stuff lately (e.g. biting my blanket) I think it's because of the upcoming full moon. An online friend also said they were getting really energetic, and they think it's because of the full moon too! So, yeah.

(I found out that you can chew gum instead of biting random items to satisfy the urge, so if you have these urges and don't have chewelry, like me, you can try that too!)

I think the biting thing is mainly from my cross fox side, because I snow leopards don't really bite anything for fun but their tails.

Anyway, speaking of my cross fox side, I had another memory. I hunted a rabbit and ate it. It's not much, but a memory is still a memory :)

I run through the forest, through the night,

My feet weren't feet, they were paws,

Fox, snow leopard, and dragon in one,

Stuck in the body of a human,

As I run til first light.


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