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Ok, so I think my Yuffie Kisaragi fictiotype is confirmed.

Along with the countless visions and dreams, I just feel comfortable with calling her "me"

(I intentionally put her in the party just so I can get ✨ Euphoria ✨ from playing the game today, even though my brother wanted to swap her for Cait Sith)

Also, I have decided that I feel the most comfortable with fae/faer pronouns. I am OK with they/them, and tolerate she/her, but I prefer if you call me by fae/faer.

But I want to know if fae/faer is cultural appropriation. I'm not sure because even though faes are a part of Celtic religion, it came from a different source than the fae in Celtic mythology. And, I am not using them with the intent of having a "Fairie-like" pronoun, I just like the sound it makes, how it sounds almost like they/them but not quite similar.

I don't want to accidentally offend anyone, so I'm asking for your opinion. Is it offensive to use fae/faer?

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