My aerokinesis

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So, I said I had some aerokinesis, so I'm going to say more about it.

It all started when one day, when I was ten, I realized I could will the wind to start and stop. I told my mom, but she dismissed me. So I stopped practicing. That is, until I recently became interested in magick and witchcraft. I found out about wind spells and aerokinesis, and decided to practice it again.

I think this has something to do with my moon raven side, and I think my crest feathers are what give me this power. I felt something at the back of my head contract and relax when I used my power. 

However, my aerokinesis isn't anything too powerful. I can only summon winds outdoors, and I got a headache when I used it too much. Hopefully that will improve with more practice. 

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