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Ack! I didn't update yesterday!

I tried reality shifting today, and I think I'm getting closer. I had floaty feelings and I could've sworn the world looked warped for a second. I also saw visions of fairies, which was weird.

Bad news is, my mom knows about Therians, and I don't think she's positive about them. 

I was just chilling downstairs today, when I heard my mom watching a video (she turns her volume quite high up, and the location of her computer kind of makes it so that anyone in the house can hear what she's watching) and here's what I heard:

My daughter is a Therian she identifies as a hawk. She wears masks and tails, and she has a YouTube channel where she just hops around like a hawk.

I didn't quite catch what came next, but I think it was a reaction video, and it most likely said something like "Why would she identify as a hawk? This generation is disgusting! Blah blah blah!" and anti-Therian stuff like that. I'm a little scared because my mom knows about Therians, and that means she might know about the theta-delta, so if I ever wear it, she'll be suspicious.

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