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I haven't updated in a while, so welcome back!

Slight vent ahead, skip to after the line to skip the vent

I've been getting a lot of social gender dysphoria lately. Like, sometimes I feel like people are treating me and my brother differently. It isn't necessarily discrimination, it's more like "Girls are more 'Blah blah blah', like you, (Insert deadname) when you were three months old, "blah blah'" and "Boys are more 'Blah blah blah' like your brother, 'blah'"






I wish people can just not care about my gender and treat me normally. Why do people have to have gender stereotypes?


Anyway, I heard my parents talking about people identifying as animals today. Here's what I heard:

Mom: People are identifying as animals now. They're called "furries" or something

Dad: What freaks! What is wrong with this generation?

Mom: IKR?

*Me listening to their conversation upstairs while facepalming cause furries don't identify as animals and we aren't freaks*

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